The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 762 767 God and Demon Trial Field! 1 more

Chapter 762 767 God and Demon Trial Field! 1 more

Ding Ning stood blankly at the pool filled with strong aura, and did not move for a long time.

After a while, he started laughing loudly.


Ding Ning found that this land of inheritance of gods and demons was definitely the greatest opportunity for him, and because he was the first to open the land of inheritance of gods and demons, he had advantages that others did not have.

In his hand was a crescent-shaped crystal, which was brought to him by a group of white awns after he opened the land of inheritance.

Ding Ning studied it for a while, directly dripping blood into it, and then a piece of information flooded into his mind.

To put it simply, this is a recorder, used to record the value of gods and demons.

Ding Ning saw that his own recorder had a number of gods and demons on it, and this number of gods and demons could be exchanged for the opportunity to be teleported to the end of the wasteland.

At the beginning, Ding Ning didn't plan to use the god-monster value, so it was uncertain when the god-monster value would be of great use.

But when he realized that the wilderness in front of him was a million miles long, and if he wanted to pass the first level, he had to go through this million miles, and within a million miles, there were countless dangers, and there were many of them. beast.

What shocked Ding Ning the most was that here, the power of the dantian cannot be used, only the power of the body can be used.

That is to say, if Ding Ning has accumulated [-] gods and demons and does not use them, he has to walk the million miles on foot. Although his physical body is strong, Ding Ning is quite confident, but when he thinks that it is a million miles , can't fly, can only walk, isn't that a joke?

Immediately, Ding Ning exchanged the opportunity to directly reach the end of the wasteland.

Just kidding, if you have this opportunity, don't arrive early, what are you doing.

This is the place where gods and demons inherit. Using [-] gods and demons is equivalent to overcoming all dangers and directly reaching the entrance of the second level.

And maybe, this first level has a lot of rewards left at the end.

He was the first to arrive, so naturally he was the first to get this reward.

Of course, there is one more point. Ding Ning knows that the opening of the inheritance place of ancient gods and demons has already alarmed all the monks in the cultivation world. It will not be long before these people will arrive here. At that time, he will go forward alone, and those big forces will become In groups, the speed must be faster than him.

Once the opponent reaches the last level first, then he will have no advantage as the opener of the land of inheritance of gods and demons.

Moreover, he is lonely, and there are many masters in other forces. Killing wild beasts can get the gods and demons. He must not kill as many as those forces.

After all, he, Ding Ning, only recovered to the out-of-the-body state. On the other hand, among those strong men in the cultivation world, there are far more than ten in the Mahayana state.

This is not considered a demon cultivator, who can guarantee that the demon cultivator will stand aside and not participate.

Before long, this place where gods and demons are inherited will become the most chaotic place, and also the most dangerous place.

As a person who lived a lifetime, Ding Ning considered things comprehensively. Instead of saving the gods and monsters, it would be better to use them to seize the opportunity.

Ding Ning still has the confidence to take the lead with just one step.

He now has the inheritance of the immortal Taoist, and the experience of the previous life, and he is the first person to start the inheritance, which can be said to have a lot of advantages. Under such conditions, if he can't lead others, he will be reborn in vain up.

In addition to the crescent moon crystal, Ding Ning had another thing in his hand, a stone key. This stone key looked very rough and ordinary, but only after Ding Ning also shed blood did he realize the usefulness of this thing.

Emotions are the key to enter this trial field of gods and demons. As long as you pay attention to power and think of the trial field of gods and demons in your heart, you can enter it.

Of course, there must be a corresponding scene in the mind, so that the corresponding location in the trial field of gods and demons will be reported, otherwise, it will be useless.

This is also one of the reasons why Ding Ning couldn't help being happy.

He believes that this treatment is not available to other latecomers.

Ding Ning stood looking at the water pool that looked like a fairy pool, and he jumped into it without saying a word.

Immediately, Ding Ning felt as if the pores all over his body were opened, and the power of this pool of water seeped into his skin, changing his body.

Soon, Ding Ning entered the state of cultivation. It is true that this pool of water is not an ordinary force. Even if his physical body has been frightened to a certain extent, it can continue to strengthen his body.

After an unknown amount of time, Ding Ning opened his eyes. He felt that his body was full of strength. Before, he had consumed a little energy because of practicing the method of indestructible Taoist, but after soaking in this pool, he immediately became alive and well.

Jumping out of the pool, Ding Ning looked at the pool of water that could change the body, thinking in his heart, if only he could carry it with him at any time.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a spatial artifact, otherwise, it should be easy to remove, but he doesn't have that kind of treasure, and neither does anyone else in the cultivation world.

"This pool of water should be the reward for this first level." Ding Ning secretly thought, he was equivalent to cheating to get here directly, otherwise, he would have killed all the way here, otherwise everyone would be exhausted, after all, he can only use his physical strength here.

And the existence of this pool of water is particularly important. Once you enter it and soak in it once, you will recover quickly. Moreover, using this pool of water to improve the urination of the body, even ordinary monks, soaking in it will also help you recover. Will be reborn.

You know, since Ding Ning was reborn, he practiced the top body training method in the cultivation world. Later, he merged the two body training methods of righteousness and magic into one to form a demon body and glazed body. After that, he inherited the immortal Taoist The mantle, after practicing immortality, the physical body is strong again.

Even after being tempered by various physical methods, this pool of water has helped him a lot, which is enough to show how powerful this pool of water is.

Otherwise, he, Ding Ning, would not have planned to move all of this pool of water away.

"Anyway, those people won't come here for a while. I won't move this pool of water."

After all, it is a distance of a million miles. Even if a monk in the Mahayana realm comes in, it is not a matter of a day or two to cross a million miles without being able to fly.

Ding Ning didn't know yet that monks in the Mahayana realm still couldn't enter the God and Demon Trial Field.

Ding Ning passed the first level without any effort, and the number of gods and demons in the meniscus crystal was also exhausted.

But Ding Ning didn't care, because if he wanted to be ahead of the others, the stats of God and Demon had to be exhausted.

The benefits of consuming the gods and demons are obvious, one is the pool of water, and the other is the opportunity to enter the next level.

Looking at the towering gate on the side of the pool, Ding Ning thought for a moment before stepping inside.

On the wasteland, Jiang Taichao searched hard for Ding Ning's trace, but unfortunately, no matter how fast he accelerated, he couldn't see any figure.

Don't you know that Ding Ning has already entered the No. 2 trial field, which is a higher level of the gods and demons trial field, at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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