The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 763 768 gathered in one hall! 1 more

Chapter 763 The 768 gathered together! 2 more

For several days in a row, people entered the Golden Heavenly Gate and gradually became familiar with the environment inside. Except for those who are strong in the Mahayana realm, monks from other realms can enter it to win the inheritance of gods and demons.

And as people's understanding of this place where gods and demons are inherited deepens, people suddenly discover that this place of gods and demons inheriting it is very likely to be the trial ground for gods and demons recorded in ancient books.

What is the proving ground of gods and demons? It is a unique space created by powerful ancient gods and demons in order to train their juniors in ancient times.

It's no wonder that monks in the Mahayana realm can't enter, because there are realm restrictions in the God and Demon Trial Field.

Generally speaking, the Gods and Demons Trial Ground has multiple spaces to train young Gods and Demons. According to people's speculation, the current wasteland should be the most elementary trial ground of the Gods and Demons Test Ground.

After passing through the wasteland, there must be a more advanced trial site for gods and demons.

It's just that no one is passing through the wilderness now, and it is really impossible to use the power of the dantian, which has caused too much hindrance to the monks.

As a result, many monks who entered it complained that this trial ground for gods and demons was too perverted, making them more beastly and hand-to-hand.

"I didn't expect that I, Li Xiaoliu, would be able to enter the trial field of ancient gods and demons in my lifetime. I think it was used to temper those young gods and demons back then." A person who came out of the trial field of gods and demons Sanxiu said very proudly.

"You should be thankful that you still survived. It is said that there were thousands of monks who died in the God and Demon Trial Field yesterday!" Another monk couldn't understand the self-satisfaction of casual cultivator Li Xiaoliu. Immediately hit the road.

Sure enough, when mentioning this, a trace of fear flashed in Li Xiaoliu's eyes. If he hadn't been lucky enough to meet another group of casual cultivators, he would have been buried in it too.

"Although it is the lowest level of the trial site for gods and demons, not everyone can break into it, especially the dantian is suppressed inside, and the power of dantian cannot be used. Everything can only rely on physical strength."

"Oh, if I knew it would happen, I would have honed my body well." A monk couldn't help complaining.

Afterwards, many people immediately joined in, because most of the monks never expected that one day they would simply rely on their physical strength to compete for opportunities.

In fact, the vast majority of monks don't pay much attention to the cultivation of the physical body. After all, if the power of the dantian is mobilized casually, it will have overwhelming power.

Besides, no matter how strong the physical body is, can it be stronger than the magic weapon?All you need is to forge a sharp magic weapon, even if your body is weak, you can still traverse the world of cultivation, okay?

This kind of thinking is generally the mainstream thinking of monks in the cultivation world today.

The monks don't pay much attention to the cultivation of the physical body, on the contrary, they prefer to study the strength of the method.

There are only a few people who like pure power and want to prove the Tao with their bodies, but such monks are very few after all, but it has to be said that now is indeed a great opportunity for these people with strong bodies.

Some forces have already begun to recruit monks who specialize in the physical body after learning that the power of the dantian is suppressed in the trial field of gods and demons.

Now monks who major in the physical body are more popular than monks in the realm of harmony. At first, people thought that monks in the realm of Mahayana could not enter the trial field of gods and demons, so the realm of harmony must be the strongest. That's not the case.

Some monks in the Dao state are not as powerful as a monk in the out-of-body state who majors in the physical body after being suppressed by the power of the dantian.

The monks who want to become Tao in the body and prove the Tao with strength have all become popular figures.

Whichever force they join, that force will have a higher chance of winning the inheritance of gods and demons, and the corresponding family only needs to pay enough chips.

Many monks who majored in physical body and strength hit it off with the top ten forces, and only a few of them did not want to cooperate with others and wanted to obtain the inheritance of gods and demons alone.

Seven days after the opening of the land of inheritance of ancient gods and demons, a dark crowd appeared in the Shura battlefield.

All orthodox monks trembled when they saw these people, there are so many demon monks.

After the inheritance of ancient gods and demons was opened, demon cultivators were finally attracted.

These days, righteous monks have been entering the trial field of gods and demons, but none of the demonic monks.

Many people are still wondering, are all monks of the magic way so high-sighted?There are ancient gods and demons who don't come here. Now it seems that this is not the case at all, but because the monks of the magic way organized and came to the golden gate together.

Right now, there is a kind of situation, the army is overwhelming, and the demon cultivators aggressively attack the righteous monks. Many monks are pissing on their buttocks, and they run away immediately, not daring to stay.

Fortunately, Yelu Kunlun, Dong Yu, He Xilai, He Zhenren and more than a dozen Mahayana powerhouses were stationed in front of the Golden Heavenly Gate. Otherwise, no orthodox monk would dare to stand still.

The demonic monks came together, judging by the number of people, it was so dense that it was impossible to count, at least in units of ten thousand.

The air became unprecedentedly quiet.

A few figures came out from the crowd, they were the strongest among the monks.

Top powerhouses such as Yelu Kunlun and He Zhenren exchanged glances with each other, and they all flew high into the sky.

The orthodox monks and the demon monks below were wary of each other, and everyone stared at each other, but they didn't fight.

In the past, when the monks of the righteous way saw the monks of the demonic way, they would immediately light up the banner of eliminating demons and defending the way. But today's situation is special. The monks of the demonic way seem to be dispatched by the whole army. I am afraid that there are not many demonic cultivators in the blood world. Alright.

Facing such an astonishing number of demon cultivators, even the arrogant defenders had no choice but to put on a show at this time.

Anyone who dares to speak out in public about how to eliminate demons and defend the way will probably be beaten to death by this group of demon cultivators in an instant.

The cultivators of the two ways of righteousness and evil are waiting quietly.

There was no energy fluctuation transmitted from the sky, and it seemed that the top powerhouses on both sides did not make a move and confronted each other.

After a while, Yelu Kunlun and others returned to the ground. After they returned to the ground, they cleared an area, and then several top-level demon cultivators appeared there, and the demon cultivators who had been waiting at the side moved away one after another past.

Seeing this moment, many righteous monks understood that it is inevitable for demon cultivators to enter the trial field of gods and demons. The top powerhouses have reached an agreement. field.

For the monks of the two parties, it seems that they not only have to experience the dangers in the trial ground of gods and demons, but also have to guard against sneak attacks from the other party.

On the ground, a figure killed a yak with his bare hands, literally smashing its head in half.

This fierce man is none other than Jiang Taichao.

Cracking his hands, the bull's head was torn in two. Jiang Taichao is no longer the spotless and handsome young man he was in the beginning. His clothes are now torn and bloodstained, which is the testimony of his journey along the way.


With a casual throw, the yak was thrown out.

But at this moment, Jiang Taichao suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something in the yak's head, so he walked over and fiddled with it twice, only to see a meniscus crystal appearing in his sight.

What is this?
Jiang Taichao's expression flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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