The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 779 Doom! 784 more

Chapter 779 Doom! 784 more

To be honest, Jiang Taichao is a bit confused now.

He felt like jumping into a puddle, with no rewarding discovery other than a bath.

What about customs clearance rewards?
Jiang Taichao was a little confused, this pool of water is just ordinary pool water, well, it has no purpose other than bathing.

Jiang Taichao was a little unwilling to accept the reality. He dived directly into the pool, but still didn't find anything. He jumped ashore, and he explored the surroundings back and forth, but he still didn't find any rewards.

Feelings pass the first level of the inheritance of gods and demons, and there is no reward.

Were all ancient gods and demons so poor?
Making such a big battle is nothing more than thunder and rain.

Jiang Taichao was so depressed, it was like a punch in the air, which made people uncomfortable.

Jiang Taichao was a little unwilling to enter the next trial field of gods and demons like this. He didn't even have a reward. He arrived here first and arrived here later. What's the difference? What's the value of gods and demons?

When Jiang Taichao was accusing the ancient gods and demons in his heart, he suddenly remembered a person, the one who was one step ahead of him and started the inheritance of gods and demons.

Will that person take away the rewards of this No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field?

The more Jiang Taichao thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. Ever since he entered the place where the gods and demons passed on, he had never found the shadow of the opener. The reason why he had never met him was that the other party arrived here one step ahead of everyone else and took it away. rewarded.

It's entirely possible.

After all, the opener has a head start that no one else has, and it is possible to obtain extra rewards.

"It must be him, he must have taken it away."

Jiang Taichao said with cold eyes, he managed to accumulate [-] gods and demons, but in the end, he got nothing, and he was happy for nothing.

Since that person took the rewards here, he must have entered a higher level of God and Demon Trial Field.

Jiang Taichao looked at the huge golden gate of heaven and rushed over immediately.

The light flashed.

Jiang Taichao looked forward again, already changing a space.

Each trial field of gods and demons is a separate space, such as Chao Jiang Taichao entered a higher level from No. [-] trial field of gods and demons.

Looking around, Jiang Taichao didn't see the existence of wild beasts, but there were quite a lot of stones.

Jiang Taichao didn't care, he walked straight forward, and when he stepped into an area full of stones, suddenly, all the stones floated in the air, and then turned into a stream of light and shot towards Jiang Taichao.

Jiang Taichao didn't expect that the stone would jump up by himself, but he didn't care about being surprised, and immediately counterattacked.

Bang bang bang!
Stone by stone was crushed.

After a while, Jiang Taichao didn't have a whole stone around him, and all of them were crushed into powder.

Jiang Taichao continued to walk forward on his own. When he walked about 2000 meters, he saw a stone pillar standing in front of him that was as tall as a person.

And there are quite a few of them, at a glance, at least there must be stone pillars.

Jiang Taichao subconsciously had a dangerous feeling in his heart, but he didn't find any enemy's breath, could it be a stone?

Just as he was guessing in his mind, all those stone pillars suddenly moved, and he saw the stone pillar rising from the ground. It had limbs, just like a human being, with sound limbs.

This is the stone man.

It was the same as what Ding Ning had encountered before, except that now Ding Ning had broken through the No. [-] Proving Ground for Gods and Demons.

But Jiang Taichao was seeing him for the first time, but as a disciple of a great sect, Jiang Taichao was well-informed. Although it was the first time seeing the stone man, he would not be so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked.

He immediately made a fighting posture, and when the first stone man rushed over, Jiang Taichao waved his fists and collided with the stone man.

Boom boom boom...

There was a constant rumbling sound on the ground, and only a group of stone men surrounded Jiang Taichao and started a group fight.

Although Jiang Taichao is the number one genius in the cultivation world, his cultivation of the physical body is not that strong. He has always relied on the power of his dantian, so he can't enter the place where the dantian is suppressed, such as the place where the gods and demons inherit. Show your true strength.

This caused Jiang Taichao to be in the trial field of gods and demons, and he had no advantage.

Previously, in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, when looking for wild beasts, he relied on the Taishangmen's disciples to complete the field. After beating the wild beasts to the point of death, he would then kill them.

But now it's different, he spent [-] gods and demons in exchange for a chance to pass the level, and only sent him over. Right now, he's the only one dealing with these stone men, so he's naturally stretched.

These stone people are different from those wild beasts. The stone people have super strong resistance to blows. Without using the power of the dantian, they can't kill the stone people with a single punch.

Moreover, there were too many of these stone men, and Jiang Taichao felt as if he was no match for four hands.

No, he can't continue to be besieged.

Jiang Taichao was about to tear a hole and rush out here.

Therefore, Jiang Taichao chose a direction, and immediately cast it. He quickly rushed to the left, and then rotated his fists, constantly opening the way.

The stone men were knocked into the air by Jiang Taichao.

Not to mention, Jiang Taichao is still very powerful when he explodes with all his strength.

He gradually rushed out of the siege of the stone men and ran to a wilderness.

The Stone People's Congress kept chasing after him.

Jiang Taichao can only run wildly. Unlike Ding Ning, he has a stone key. If he lacks strength, he can go back to the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field without worrying about safety. But Jiang Taichao can't do it. The army of stone men is handsome.

In this way, Jiang Taichao ran for an unknown amount of time. Finally, he could not see the stone man chasing him. It seemed that the stone man would give up his target after running out of a certain range.

Jiang Taichao leaned exhaustedly at the foot of a rocky mountain, panting heavily.

"It would be fine if that existence didn't fall into a deep sleep. How could I be chased by these stinky stones?" Jiang Taichao felt a little ashamed. Fortunately, the scene of him fleeing in embarrassment was not seen by outsiders. Otherwise, he would be the first in the cultivation world. The name of a genius in one day will definitely become a talking point and a joke in his mouth.

The current Jiang Taichao very much hopes that the existence in his body will wake up soon, so that he will have a backbone and know how to break into this place where gods and demons are inherited.

But he also knew that if the existence in the body did not recover to a certain capacity, it would definitely not wake up.

It was useless for him to worry.

Right now, he can only rely on himself.

"Even if I'm the only one, how can we make peace? I, Jiang Taichao, will definitely make it to the end of this trial ground of gods and demons. No one can stop me." Jiang Taichao is full of fighting spirit.

But before he finished speaking for a few seconds, he suddenly noticed that the mountain behind him moved!

Yes, the mountain moved, making him unable to rely on it.

He turned his head slowly, only then did he notice that the mountain he was leaning against was also made of stone, and a possibility suddenly came to his mind.

It would be too scary to say that this stone mountain is also a stone man.

(End of this chapter)

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