The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 780 785 Jiang Taichao's Resentment! 2 more

Chapter 780 785 Jiang Taichao's Resentment! 2 more

Some things, often you don't want to be like that, but it just happens to be like that.

Just like Jiang Taichao now, he doesn't want to believe that this stone mountain is also a stone man.

How terrifying is such a big stone man.

Jiang Taichao has no intention of fighting now, he just wants to leave here and defeat such a big man with only physical strength, what a joke.

Jiang Taichao finally found out that he has been really lucky recently. This kind of bad luck can be said to have started since he entered the Shura battlefield.

Originally, he entered the Shura battlefield to obtain a great opportunity to become the founder of the descendants of the gods and demons.

As a result, before he could open it, he was taken the lead by others. Moreover, he was targeted by a Mahayana demon cultivator for no reason, so the existence in his body had to take action. Existence has fallen into a deep sleep, making him only rely on himself to find opportunities.

And not long ago, when he accumulated [-] gods and demons, he thought he was teleporting to the location of the reward, but the teleportation was teleported, but the reward was not there, so he was happy for nothing.

Now that there are no rewards, let's enter the more advanced God and Demon Trial Field.

As a result, when he came in, he bumped into such a terrifying stone man.

Jiang Taichao is suffering in his heart, and this suffering cannot be shared with others.

The stone man in Yamagata stood up and looked down at Jiang Taichao condescendingly. Jiang Taichao knew that this guy was very difficult to deal with. He thought it would be difficult to defeat him alone, unless his disciples and elders who were too close to him also entered here.

Facing the stone man in Yamagata, Jiang Taichao's first thought was to retreat temporarily.

Fortunately, he is not far from the golden heavenly gate that enters this place, as long as he returns the same way.


The location of the entrance to the inheritance of gods and demons, in front of the golden gate of heaven.

There are ten top forces stationed here, as well as a group of powerful casual cultivators. It can be said that the strong here almost cover the top experts in the entire cultivation world.

Tai Shangmen is also among them.

As the number one powerhouse of Taishangmen, He Zhenren was smiling and quite relieved at this time. After all, his own genius had already cleared the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field for the first time, which was something that all other forces failed to do. things.

Just now, Immortal He received a message from his disciples who were in the God and Demon Trial Field, saying that Jiang Taichao had taken the lead in accumulating [-] God and Demon values, and cleared the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, and he should be collecting clearance rewards .

Many sects around, after hearing the news, all cast envious eyes, and some top experts in the Mahayana realm couldn't help but came to congratulate Master He.

Jiang Taichao gave He Zhenren a face. Although He Zhenren didn't say anything, he was happy in his heart.

Just ask other sects, which sect has done it.

"Chao'er has already taken the absolute lead in clearing the customs. Inheriting the ancient gods and demons, I will have one point more hope than other sects. As long as Chao'er can continue to lead step by step, this point of advantage It will continue to increase." Master Crane said to himself.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist He, it seems that the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, you have a great hope of coming too." He Xilai congratulated.

"Hehe, it's not over yet. It's too early to talk about it now." Master He said modestly, but in fact he took it for granted in his heart.

Thinking of the genius Jiang Taichao who came to him, he was also the number one genius in the cultivation world, and it was a natural thing to be the first to step into the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field.

Even if it is inherited from the ancient gods and demons, it is not too surprising.

Master Crane thought about it, and suddenly felt that he should make some preparations. If the inheritance of gods and demons was really obtained by Jiang Taichao, then he would be the target of public criticism if he came too close, and other sects might attack him too much.

He had to be fully prepared, and then, with a thought in his heart, he began to secretly transmit voices to several casual practitioners to reach an agreement in secret.

A few of the top ten powerhouses around felt a sense of urgency when Jiang Taichao entered the No. [-] proving ground for gods and demons. hand.

They began to give orders to their sect disciples, they must speed up the accumulation of gods and demons, and they should not give Jiang Taichao too much time to enter the No. [-] gods and demons trial field.

Whether it is the Dong family, the Mu family, or the other top ten forces, they have all accelerated their actions to accumulate god and demon values.

As a result, the No. [-] gods and demons' trial ground suddenly became tense, because they had to rush to kill the beasts, and they couldn't kill any of them if they were too slow.

As for those powerful wild beasts, ordinary people dare not provoke them, which made many forces fall into an embarrassing situation where there were no wild beasts to kill.

There is a battle among the major forces in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field. Although the outside of the inheritance site is quiet, there is already an undercurrent surging.

They are all racing against time, wanting to be the second to complete the accumulation of [-] gods and demons.

But the major forces don't know that what they envy is not a good thing for Jiang Taichao. First, he didn't get the reward, and second, he was chased by stone men and fled in embarrassment. It can be said that Jiang Taichao and Like everyone else, they didn't get any benefits at all in the trial ground of gods and demons.

But other forces don't think so. They all think that Jiang Taichao has the advantage and has the advantage of winning the inheritance of gods and demons.


A ray of light flashed, and a figure suddenly passed through the golden gate of heaven.

This person is none other than Jiang Taichao.

Finally escaped back.

Jiang Taichao turned his head to look at the Golden Tianmen, the stone man in Yamagata almost stopped in front of the Golden Tianmen, fortunately he was fast enough, otherwise, he would be in crisis.

The stone man in Yamagata was too strong, his physical strength was comparable to that of his dantian, and a single punch could create a crack ten feet wide in the ground.

too frightening.

The stone man in Yamagata cannot be dealt with by himself.

This is also the reason why Jiang Taichao insisted on escaping back to the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field. It is really because he is not the opponent of the Yamagata Stone Man.

But he didn't know that Ding Ning had cleared the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field. If Jiang Taichao knew, he would probably insist on fighting the Yamagata Stone Man.

Of course, it was due to luck that Ding Ning was able to clear the No. [-] Trial Field of Gods and Demons. If he didn't have the stone key, there was actually no chance of killing the giant stone man.

But the good thing is that he, Ding Ning, is the one who opened the inheritance of gods and demons. As a reward, he got the stone key.

Jiang Taichao rested for a while, looking at the sparkling water pool, he couldn't help hating the person who opened the inheritance of gods and demons even more in his heart. If it wasn't for that person, the rewards of this trial field of gods and demons must belong to him Ginger is too trendy.

Everything is caused by that guy.

"No matter who you are, I will definitely find you." Jiang Taichao attributed the reason why he retreated to the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field to Ding Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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