The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 782 787 Time to run? 2 more

Chapter 782 787 Time to run? 2 more

When Jiang Taichao's physical aura showed the level of the Aperture Realm, the five people on the opposite side were taken aback.

They thought about what earth-shattering treasures Jiang Taichao would come up with, or some powerful methods, but they never thought that Jiang Taichao would be a hidden powerhouse who has left the body.

That is to say, Jiang Taichao is not inferior to them, even if there is a small difference in the state of leaving the body, but in the current situation of suppressing the power of the dantian, the difference is not much, after all, it is not as big as a big difference.

With the appearance of a genius, Jiang Taichao has been in the world of civilization and comprehension. Jiang Taichao's strength has always been well known.

To be able to cultivate strength to the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm in just over twenty years is already a monstrous evildoer.

But now, they discovered that the emotional Jiang Taichao was even more evil than they thought, and he had already quietly stepped into the Aperture Realm.

An out-of-body monk who is less than 30 years old!
It's too scary, what kind of talent is this? I'm afraid it's only in the ancient times that this age has such a cultivation level.

For nearly ten thousand years in the cultivation world, there has never been such a monstrous genius.

Unexpectedly, the Jiang Taichao in front of him is such an evildoer who is more outstanding than evildoers.

This is a perverted genius!

"What a terrible genius, with such a speed of cultivation, within a hundred years, wouldn't Taishangmen need to have one more Mahayana strongman, or even an existence beyond the Mahayana realm." One person stared at Jiang Taichao and sighed.

Jiang Taichao's strength really shocked everyone.

Jiang Taichao's true strength is known to almost no one except the head of the sect, and the outside world does not know that he stepped into the Leaving Aperture Realm. Otherwise, once this matter is exposed, it will definitely shake the entire cultivation world. At that time, I don't know how many people will He wanted to get rid of Jiang Taichao, and it was for this reason that Master He didn't want outsiders to know the news.

Now, in the situation where there is a deep sleep in the body, the power of the dantian is being face-saving again, and he has to face the siege from five experts in the out-of-body state. Jiang Taichao can't do it without exposing it.

The other party believes that Jiang Taichao has received the reward from the No. [-] God and Devil Trial Field, and will definitely deal with him to the end, and once he makes a move, he will not be afraid of retaliation too much. Obviously, he has prepared for the worst. If Jiang Taichao keeps hiding, he will only more dangerous.

Therefore, he chose to restore his physical body at the level of the Aperture Realm, so that he could withstand more attacks from the opponent. Otherwise, with the physical strength of the Nascent Soul Realm, he would not be able to compete with the opponent for a long time, and he was also tied.

In fact, Jiang Taichao could choose not to expose it, but he was simmering with anger in his heart. Since he entered the Asura battlefield, he had bid farewell to good luck. Bad things happened again and again, and he really wanted to vent his anger and get rid of the depression in his heart.

And the appearance of these five people just became an opportunity for him to be entangled to the end.

"I didn't expect you to be more genius than the world knows, but since I offended you today, I will never allow you to live. There is already a strong Mahayana in Taishangmen. If there is another monster like you If you are a genius, the balance of the cultivation world will be broken, so I think it is better for you to die." Among the five people, the leader in the middle said, and the bodies of the people on both sides trembled slightly, they had never thought about it before. If you want to kill Jiang Taichao, you just want to snatch the reward.

However, afterward, the trembling calmed down, and their killing intent poured out unreservedly.

It seemed that the five of them reached a unified opinion at once, and all of them were firm in their determination to kill Jiang Taichao.

Anyway, Jiang Taichao has been offended, so as to avoid being killed by such a monster-level genius, they can just kill Jiang Taichao directly here. In this way, the rewards Jiang Taichao gets will also be divided by them, and they can To make Taishangmen lose one strong man can kill two birds with one stone, so why not do it.

The five of them instantly showed their respective moves, and all greeted Jiang Taichao.

Since he has the upper hand, even if the opponent is a genius who is even more perverted than a monstrous genius, he must be killed.

Jiang Taichao immediately faced the siege of five people.

As soon as the five of them made a move, they surrounded Jiang Taichao to death. The five of them were far older than Jiang Taichao. They had rich experience in actual combat and had a superior number. coped.

After all, the opponent is not a monk of the same generation, but a strong man of the older generation.

Jiang Taichao is actually not good at fighting with physical strength, what he likes is the power of his dantian, which can shake the stars.

However, the suppression of the power of the dantian in this trial field of gods and demons made it impossible for him to exert his advantages. Moreover, he learned a lot of techniques from the one in his body. Once activated with the power of the dantian, it is very powerful. Can't use it right now.

The five people wanted to kill him, Jiang Taichao felt that if he continued, he might be really dangerous. Before his strength was exhausted, he had to find a way to find the person who was too close, or run to a place with more people. The opponent may not dare to kill.

Jiang Taichao didn't expect that he would have to enter the predicament of escaping for the second time so soon. Thinking of him, Jiang Taichao, the number one genius in the cultivation world, he has never been in such a mess.

The sound of fists colliding sounded, as if thunder had exploded on the ground.

Jiang Taichao fled and turned back to fight back. Naturally, the five of them pursued closely. They must not let Jiang Taichao leave alive, otherwise, the five of them would fall into a dangerous situation.

Once Taishangmen knows about this, they will never let it go, and they will face Taishangmen's pursuit.

You must know that Taishangmen has more than one powerhouse at the level of Hedao realm who entered the No. [-] trial field of gods and demons. Taishangmen attaches great importance to obtaining the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, and there are as many as three powerhouses at the level of Guanghe Dao realm. , How could they keep Jiang Taichao alive.


The murderous intent was raging, and they kept colliding in the area where the two parties were located. Jiang Taichao found that the five people attacked him like crazy.

He had to save himself, otherwise, once he was overwhelmed by the attacks of the five people, he would never get up easily again.

Jiang Taichao was like an antelope running in the mountains, constantly jumping and changing directions, but he escaped for more than [-] breaths in a row, but he still couldn't see other monks.

This made Jiang Taichao feel a lot of pressure. If he couldn't find someone who was too close to him, or someone from other forces, then there was only one possibility for him to end up, which was death.

He didn't want to go straight in one direction and gamble on his luck, because his luck was too bad.

So Jiang Taichao gave people a very slippery feeling, making it impossible to guess where he would flee.

Just as Jiang Taichao kept changing directions to escape, suddenly, he saw a team, and when he saw the members of this team, his eyes released a kind of light.

Could it be that time has come and gone?

Is Jiang Taichao's good luck finally coming?
Jiang Taichao didn't expect that he really bumped into Taishangmen's disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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