The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 783 788 calculations! 1 more

Chapter 783 788 calculations! 1 more

"Brother Tai Chao, the two senior uncles have killed those five people."

"These five people are really cowardly. They dare to attack us too much. They are looking for death."

"Fortunately, senior brother is very lucky, so his life should not die."

In front of Jiang Taichao, several juniors kept talking, Jiang Taichao's face turned from white to red, and he recovered a lot of color. Just now, he had consumed a lot of strength and suffered some damage to his body. , but after taking the elixir, he has recovered a lot.

"Thank you two uncles." Jiang Taichao bowed to the two uncles. These are two powerful men in the Dao realm. In the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, they belong to the strongest combat power. Except for the beast king, they are hard to match. Besides, all other beasts can be killed.

"Tai Chao doesn't need to be too polite. These five people dare to attack you. I'm afraid they have been looking for it for a long time, and they happened to bump into you. It should be your fate. But now, this disaster has passed. Tai Chao Your future road will definitely be smooth sailing." One of the uncles who was in the Dao state said.

Jiang Taichao smiled, "Thank you uncle for your blessing." Then he changed his words and said, "I don't know the identities of those five people, can the two uncles find out?"

Wu Ming was dressed in a long robe, with slender eyebrows and a somewhat feminine aura, and said slowly: "These five people don't have anything on them, not even a magic weapon of space. A feeling of poor casual cultivation."

"I don't believe the five casual cultivators who have left the Aperture Realm." Jiang Taichao said.

Wu Ming nodded: "Although they hid it well, some methods couldn't be hidden from my eyes. Among the five people, one of them exposed every move and half of a method when he was dying."

"What method?" Jiang Taichao asked, for the pursuit of the five people, he was not going to let it go, and had to take revenge.

"That half move is exactly the method in the Wind Spirit Art!"

"Wind Spirit Jue?" Jiang Taichao frowned, thinking about the source of Feng Ling Jue in his mind, and after a few breaths, he suddenly remembered, "Snake Mountain!"

Uncle Wu Ming nodded: "That's right, the Feng Ling Jue came from Snake Mountain. These five people are very likely to be the masters of Snake Mountain."

"What a Snake Mountain, I, Jiang Taichao, remember your hatred." Jiang Taichao said coldly.

After figuring out the identities of the five people, the topic of the group shifted from the identities of the five people to Jiang Taichao, and another Wu Tianshi uncle who was in the Dao state said, "Taichao, didn't you pass the No. [-] God Demon Test?" Is it the training ground? If you don’t go to the higher-level gods and demons’ training ground, why did you come back?”

Speaking of this, Jiang Taichao couldn't help but feel depressed. He didn't say much, he just said that the reward for customs clearance has already been taken first, and he can't pass the higher-level gods and demons' trial field alone, and he needs a sect to pass. s help.

After listening to Jiang Taichao's description, Wu Ming and Wu Tian, ​​the two masters of the Dao Realm, were a little surprised. They didn't expect someone to be earlier than Jiang Taichao. In this way, the person who opened the land of inheritance of gods and demons has the advantage , surpassing everyone, and it is suspected that if you clear the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field early, the advantage will be further increased.

"This matter is of great importance. It's too tidal. I need more information to report back to the sect. Please tell me in detail."

Just half a quarter of an hour later, the news spread out of the Golden Tianmen, and entered the ears of the Supreme Master He Zhenren of the Supreme Sect.

After Master Crane heard the news, he was silent for a while, and then ordered to find the person who opened the land of inheritance of gods and demons.

This news is only known to them too. If they can find the opener and snatch everything he got, then everything can be saved. There is a great possibility that he will get the inheritance of gods and demons.

Taishangmen suddenly sent more disciples of the sect into the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field just to find Ding Ning. The other forces did not know the intention behind Taishangmen's move. It was broken in the refinery.

In fact, with the joint efforts of the three Uncles of the Dao Realm, they are constantly advancing, step by step into the depths of the wasteland.

They had to arrive at the water pool before all the forces, and then enter the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field.

Jiang Taichao told the news about the stone man in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Ground, and also exposed the existence of Ding Ning, not for anything else, just to vent his anger. He wanted to open it. With his own strength, it might be difficult If you find Ding Ning, use the power of the sect to search for it. That's why he said that the one who benefits the most is the one who opens the land of inheritance of gods and demons.

And this news, all other sects do not know.

Some of the people who came to the door went straight to the depths of the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, and some wandered around, trying their luck to find Ding Ning.

Other forces returned the act of being too close to their own sect, which aroused the speculation of some big figures.

The Mu family, Snake Mountain, and Yelu family are all wondering what Taishangmen is doing, but there is a sudden news from nowhere that Jiang Taichao has received a customs clearance reward and is currently heading to the No. Off rewards.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a commotion.

It is no secret that Jiang Taichao cleared the No. [-] Trial Field of Gods and Demons. It is almost known to everyone, but what rewards Jiang Taichao got is unknown to everyone. Now that Jiang Taichao is still in the No. [-] Trial Field of Gods and Demons, some people moved I thought about whether I could snatch it from him.

The news came out, which surprised Taishangmen very much, because they thought they had done a good job of keeping the secrecy, how could such news come out, and the news was very accurate, even Jiang Taichao and the three together said Uncle Jing's location was clearly stated, which made Tai Shangmen feel puzzled.

Could it be that there is an inner ghost?

But it shouldn't be, the disciples of Taishangmen don't say that they are extremely loyal, but if they want to say that they betray the sect, the possibility of betraying the sect is very slim.

Even Jiang Taichao himself was surprised, how could he be exposed so well.

Now that everyone knows about it all at once, wouldn't they have become public enemies?

"Speed ​​up, we must arrive at the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field before other forces unite against us." Uncle Wu Ming said.


"Go forward at full speed, and kill all the beasts blocking the road."

The people who came to the door began to speed up, and not long after they left, a person jumped out of the air out of thin air. This person was none other than Ding Ning who was watching Jiang Taichao go away.

Ding Ning already knew about Jiang Taichao's customs clearance. When he saw that the other party was confused because of the pool of water, Ding Ning couldn't help but snickered.

He even followed Jiang Taichao into the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, but Jiang Taichao escaped quickly. Ding Ning thought that the existence in Jiang Taichao's body would appear, but it didn't.

Because of Jiang Taichao's battle with the evil king, Ding Ning's attention was attracted, and he paid more attention to it. As he followed secretly, he found that Jiang Taichao seemed to know a lot about this place where gods and demons are inherited.

Such people are threatening.

Therefore, Ding Ning made a living plan and spread the news of Jiang Taichao's reward and his location, with the purpose of dealing with Jiang Taichao.

(End of this chapter)

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