The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 784 789 Rock Solid! 2 more

Chapter 784 789 Rock Solid! 2 more

Because of a piece of news, the situation in No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field surged.

Jiang Taichao and other people who are too close to the door have already encountered several forces. If they hadn't had three strong men at the Dao level, they would have been defeated by others.

Even so, they also feel the pressure.

After all, what they are facing now is the covetous eyes of all forces.

"How did they know? Could it be that there is an inner ghost in my door?" Someone in the group complained that they had hidden their positions several times, but they could still be found, which was really puzzling.

Jiang Taichao couldn't figure this out, if there was no ghost inside, how could he explain what happened before.

All of a sudden, the group of people began to suspect each other, and their hearts were a little unstable.

External pressure is nothing, if the internal ghost is not eliminated, it will be a disaster after all.

It's a pity that the three powerful Daoists couldn't use their special methods, so they could conduct soul exploration, but now they can only supervise each other.

Didn't they know that the one who exposed their news was not an insider at all, but Ding Ning who had the key to walk freely in the land where gods and demons passed on.

Ding Ning used the stone key to track a group of people, and then took the opportunity to spread the word. Naturally, it was quite easy, and attracted many righteous forces to target them.

In fact, the monks of the righteous way can say that although everyone fights, they will not be too ruthless. Anyway, Taishangmen is also a top ten sect, and no one can compete. The top [-] forces have to be weighed. After the demon inheritance is over, Taishangmen will take the initiative to find faults and take revenge, and the gains outweigh the losses, so anyone who dares to take action is the top ten forces.

The top ten forces are afraid of each other and fight each other, but it will not cause too much trouble.

The most troublesome thing for Jiang Taichao and others is the demonic monks. You must know that there are a large number of demonic monks in this No. [-] demonic trial field. There was no friction between the righteous and demonic monks before, because there were not enough interests. Now, the person spreading the news said that being too close to the door has gained many benefits. It is hard to say whether the monks of the sorcerer's way will remain in the state of not taking action.

Da Zongmen has a deep understanding of the ruthlessness of the demonic monks.

Just when Jiang Taichao and the others were thinking that the possibility of the magic monk making a move was not small, a magic monk finally hit them with an idea.

There were dozens of demonic monks, all of a sudden surrounded him.

A war broke out.

Ding Ning watched the fight from a distance, and it was naturally thanks to him that the monks of the magic path could find this place.

"Three He Dao Realm, I'm afraid they are too close to all the existences of He Dao Realm level." Ding Ning looked at the appearance of the three He Dao Realm masters making a move, and whispered lightly.

Taishangmen, as one of the top ten forces, possesses the top powerhouse of the Mahayana Realm, He Zhenren, and there must be several He Dao Realm below the Mahayana Realm. At this time, the three He Dao Realm entered this trial field of gods and demons, even if not all of them, The difference is almost the same, there are at most one or two Hedao Realm who did not come.

If these three powerful Daoists are lost in this trial field of gods and demons, it will definitely be a big loss for Tai Shangmen, and even hurt their muscles and bones.

In today's comprehension world, the top-level powerhouses basically check each other and maintain balance. The distinction between strength and weakness no longer depends on the top-level powerhouse, after all, everyone is similar.

On the contrary, who has the number of monks in the Dao realm under the Mahayana realm is the judge of strength.

With the strength of Ether's door-to-door, if three powerful Daoists can be sent into the place where gods and demons are inherited, then there must be at least one or two Daoists, or even three.

No big power will expose its full strength to people's noses. They all like to hide their clumsiness, and there are also hidden masters.

Ding Ning is not hostile to Taishangmen, but he is not fond of Taishangmen either. These top ten forces all shouted to eliminate demons and defend the way, and to support justice. In fact, they did many bad things behind their backs, and they could become top ten forces. .Which one didn't have blood on his hands.

"This Jiang Taichao is young, his true strength is almost as good as mine, and he has entered the Leaving Aperture Realm. Although it is in the early stage, if it is spread, it will be enough to shock the world."

The reason why Ding Ning entered the Out-of-Aperture Realm at a young age is because he has the experience of the previous life. He does not need a lot of accumulation and understanding. Unremarkable, suddenly one day began to shine and rise rapidly.

Could it be that this person, like him, was born again?Otherwise, how could the strength advance so quickly? It wasn't until Ding Ning saw Jiang Taichao fighting the evil king that he realized that this person was extraordinary.

He saw another existence in Jiang Taichao's body. It felt like there was another person living in Jiang Taichao's body. He had been following Jiang Taichao and others for the past two days, and he had been thinking about this problem. When the details are linked together, the more I feel that my guess may be right, otherwise, how to explain clearly why he can still survive after fighting against the evil king, this point, even the current him can't do it.

But Jiang Taichao did it. This can no longer be described as evildoer or pervert, because it seriously violates common sense.

Jiang Taichao must have a big secret.

For this reason, Ding Ning felt that if he could get rid of this person in advance, maybe there would be one less enemy in the future.

This was a subconscious feeling, he just simply felt that Jiang Taichao might become his formidable enemy.

Right now, the opponent is in the trial ground of gods and demons, which is the best time for him to kill the opponent, otherwise, it will be difficult to deal with in the future.

This feeling has not appeared for a long time, even if he sees the evil king again, he has never had such a feeling. This shows that the current Jiang Taichao is more threatening than the evil king.

It's just that Ding Ning is a little hesitant. Although he was a demon cultivator in his last life, he also has his own principles. If others don't provoke him, he doesn't bother to provoke others.

To put it simply, he has no reason to attack Jiang Taichao.

Ding Ning still doesn't know, Jiang Taichao has already hated him, if Jiang Taichao finds out that Ding Ning is the creator of the land of inheritance, he will definitely radiate killing intent immediately.

"En? It's over?" Ding Ning suddenly found out that the demon cultivators who had appeared before all fell to the ground at this time, and were killed by the people who came too close.

He was thinking about whether to use the advantage of the stone key to sneak attack Jiang Taichao and kill him.

In Ding Ning's heart, he thought over and over again.

After thinking for a long time, he looked at the stone key in his hand, and finally gave up the idea of ​​sneak attack.

"Forget it, I, Ding, have never been afraid in the last life, so how can I be afraid in this world, even if you become a strong enemy, so what, the obstacles in the way will always exist, as long as they are cleaned up, I would like to see Look, you will become my enemy, Ding!" Ding Ning did not make a move, no matter what secrets Jiang Taichao had, he was not interested, he only followed his own path.

If there is a big enemy on the road ahead, just kill it, if there is an obstacle on the road ahead, just clean it up.

He Ding Ning, fearless!

At this moment, Ding Ning's Dao heart became more and more firm as a rock!

(End of this chapter)

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