The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 785 No. 7903 God Demon Trial Field! 1 more

Chapter 785 790 No. 1 Trial Field of Gods and Demons! [-] more

With a flash of light, Ding Ning's figure appeared in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field.

He didn't stay in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field. Although Jiang Taichao was threatening, he had no enmity with him, and he didn't bother to do the sneak attack, so he went directly to the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field. Crossed the golden gate of heaven and entered here.

Ding Ning was very curious about the test in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, because the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field left a deep impression on him. The stone man is too scary. The body training method, even the Immortal Body, failed to obtain any benefits, and finally relied on tricks to win.

Some victories are unarmed, but there is no way to do it. If you don't use the stone key, you don't know how long it will take you to pass the level.

He didn't have too much time to waste in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field. Once other people entered the God and Demon Trial Field, with the help of the elders, he might catch up quickly. In that case, his advantage would be will be greatly reduced.

What's more, all the monks who enter here have the help of sect brothers and elders, even Jiang Taichao. That is to say, he would rather rely on the stone key to pass the level.

Luck is also a kind of strength, who makes others have no stone keys.

Looking around, he didn't find any living objects within the range visible to the naked eye, but this will not make Ding Ning careless. Even stones can become a kind of tempering, no one knows, there will be What strange creature appears.

Holding the stone key in his hand, Ding Ning is always ready to dodge away in an instant.

In this way, while being vigilant, he moved forward slowly.

After walking for a while, Ding Ning couldn't find any breath of life, and the surroundings were extremely quiet, as if he had come to an empty world.

It is unrealistic to say that there is nothing in the No. [-] Trial Field of Gods and Demons.

Ding Ning didn't take it easy, on the contrary, he became more vigilant, because the calmer the sea, the stronger the presence might be.

As we continued to move forward, new things finally began to appear in front of our eyes.

And this thing is not unfamiliar, it is bones, a lot of bones.

A huge white bone appeared in front of the eyes, or fell to the ground, most of which was buried in the yellow sand, or remained standing, with no flesh and blood, only bones, like a giant that would not fall, standing there upright.

The number of white bones became more and more as Ding Ning advanced.

Not long after, he saw a huge bone mountain.

No, to be more precise, it should be a sea of ​​bones, because the bones in front no longer appeared one by one, but in piles, all piled together, many, many, blocking the way. But wherever you can see, there are piles of bones.

Watching this scene, Ding Ning couldn't help but gasped.

If the owners of these bones were to live, how many lives would it take? Now they are all piled up here, and it is impossible to imagine the scene where all the owners of the bones come back to life.

This place is like a slaughtered battlefield, only bones are left.

Ding Ning has seen the scene of evil demon cultivators killing people and piled them up into a mountain of bones, but no matter in his previous life or this life, there is no such shock as the sea of ​​bones before him. This is the most bone corpse he has ever seen.

In addition to the white bones, it is still the white bones. Could it be that the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field is related to the white bones?
Ding Ning was thinking in his heart, the next second, his heart skipped a beat and his eyes flickered.

When he saw those bones standing up from the ocean of bones, Ding Ning wanted to curse at himself like a crow, and do whatever he wants.

In the past, it was enough for stones to become spirits and become opponents. Now these bone corpses, which are as numerous as stars, are all alive. How can he break through? Could it be that he smashed all these bones by himself?

Even if Bai Gu didn't fight back, let him kill one by one, he would be exhausted.

Ding Ning felt a numbness in his scalp, and more and more dead bones had come to life, standing up from the sea of ​​bones.

Looking around, in an instant, Ding Ning was surrounded by white bone corpses.

Ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand!

Ding Ning couldn't help but want to scold his mother, is this how the ancient gods and demons tempered young gods and demons?Is it too perverted?

If Ding Ning hadn't held the key to leave, he would have thought of giving up.

No matter what, he had to try the strength of these skeleton army first.

It's not in his character to retreat without a fight.

Before, he had strengthened his Dao heart, and cleared everything that stood in his way, but now, how could he back down.


Ding Ning took the initiative to charge forward, his physical body was more than ten times stronger than before he entered the inheritance land of the gods and demons, and he was almost comparable to the ancient gods and demons.

Swing your arms and punch.

A simple attack released an incomparably terrifying power of the physical body. This punch was completely punched out of the energy of the physical body, not the power of the dantian, but the degree of power was not weaker than the power of the dantian, or even stronger.

Ding Ning reckoned that with his current physical strength, he would not be at a disadvantage even if he fought against a monk in the Compatible Dao Realm.

It will even be stronger. Of course, as to whether it is as guessed, it still needs to be verified by fighting with a real strong Daoist.

Now that there are no opponents in the Dao realm, Ding Ning can only use these bones to verify.

Bang bang bang!
A punch landed on one of the tall white skeletons.

The first bone was shattered in an instant, and the two bone corpses standing behind it were also affected and fell backwards.

Ding Ning's expression flickered, and he felt more at ease. Although the number of bones was a little larger, they weren't that powerful.

It's good if he can win, as long as he can fight, he has a chance to pass the level.


Ding Ning and the bone army fought together, only to see countless bone corpses pounced on it, from a distance, Ding Ning seemed to be trapped in the sea of ​​bone corpses, unable to get out.

There are as many bones as ants, one after another, not afraid of death, as if their mission is to drown the intruders.

Ding Ning moved his fists in rotation, like a god of killing, his fists were all in front, back, left, and right. At this time, Ding Ning seemed to have countless arms, turning his surroundings into targets for his attacks.

He didn't even need to open his eyes, as long as he bombarded his surroundings all the time, he would definitely be able to hit a bone corpse.

As more and more bone corpses climbed up and rushed over, the sea of ​​bones began to decrease, gradually revealing the bone corpses underneath. These bone corpses had already changed color, and the time seemed to be longer.

And just behind this sea of ​​bones, there is a throne of bones made of skeletons.

All I saw was a golden skull wearing a golden crown sitting on the throne of bones.

(End of this chapter)

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