The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 786 791 Throne of Bones! 2 more

Chapter 786 791 Throne of Bones! 2 more

The skeleton corpses could not be killed endlessly, even Ding Ning didn't know how many skeleton corpses he had killed, but there were still countless skeleton corpses rushing up one after another.

Fortunately, after killing for so long, there is no bone corpse that can pose a threat to his life. It's just that the number is a bit higher, but it can still be handled after all.

Ding Ning and the corpse of the bone were caught in a battle, which continued.

After about a stick of incense, Ding Ning's figure suddenly disappeared in place.


Ding Ning returned to the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field. The reason why he retreated suddenly was because his strength was almost exhausted, and he needed to recover his physical strength.

As a reward for clearing the No. [-] Trial Field of Gods and Demons, there is also a pool of water. Ding Ning has already used the storage tool to collect all the pools of water. There should be a pool of water in front of him, but now there is only a pool of water. A large pit, surrounded by bare, looks inconspicuous.

Ding Ning couldn't recover his physical strength by soaking in the tan water. He took out the stored gourd and began to absorb the energy of the tan water.

It is somewhat difficult to wipe out all those bone corpses at once, and he needs to repeat it several times.

So after Ding Ning regained his strength, he stepped into the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field again, appearing in the previous position.

As soon as he appeared, the bones around him had already returned to the sea of ​​bones, as it was at the beginning. When Ding Ning appeared, these bone corpses had just come back to life.

Ding Ning found that the bone corpse he had killed before was healing little by little. Like the stone man in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Ground, it was not really dead, and there was a mysterious power to help it recover.

If the speed of his killing is not as fast as the resurrection of the bone corpse, doesn't that mean that he will never be able to pass the level?

Ding Ning frowned, but at this moment he had only a short time to think about it, because in the next moment, a large number of skeletal corpses would come up.

Ding Ning is going to keep killing this time. Anyway, he has the reward pool from the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field on his body, which can help him recover quickly.


Ding Ning began to kill and killed the bone corpse, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, if the bone corpse also had a soul, his blood god banner would be quickly improved.

It's a pity that these boneless corpses have no use value at all.

The continuous changes of fists and feet smashed all the bones and corpses in front of him. Gradually, Ding Ning entered a strange state.

In the meantime, the power of Ding Ning's punches and kicks began to become stronger and stronger. Before, one punch could kill four or five bone corpses at most, but now, since Ding Ning entered this strange state, his power suddenly increased. Killing nearly 30 boneless corpses, this increase in power is really scary, at least seven or eight times higher than the original.

puff puff puff...

But all the bone corpses that rushed forward turned into white powder, and it would take longer to condense into a bone corpse again, because the damage was too serious.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Ding Ning realized that his fists were beginning to fall through the air, he woke up from that strange state.


Ding Ning was surprised to find that there was no longer a standing bone corpse around him. Originally, there was a sea of ​​bones in front of him, but now they all turned into bone powder, and a lot of them dispersed when the wind blew.

If there is a tornado, it is estimated that it will be swept away, and this place will become completely empty.

"The fusion of the magic body glass body and the immortal body has taken another step forward." Ding Ning was happy in his heart. He did not expect that after the fusion of these two sets of methods, the power would become so powerful. This is only a part of the fusion. , will be even more terrifying.

Just now is enough to show how powerful the power is.

Just when Ding Ning was rejoicing about this, suddenly, his heart skipped a beat for no reason, and he suddenly felt that the crisis was coming again.

what's the situation?
He suddenly raised his head and swept around. After looking around for half a circle, he finally fixed on a certain position in front left.

There is also a corpse of bones!
No, why is the color of this white bone corpse golden?

Could it be that it is the most powerful existence among the bone corpses?

Ding Ning's mind, which had been relaxed just now, immediately concentrated again. This golden corpse gave him a dangerous aura.

It's up.

Ding Ning saw the golden skeleton stand up from the king chair made of skulls, and then walked towards him step by step with graceful steps.

Ding Ning did not act rashly. He stood in place, watching the opponent approaching continuously, and finally the golden skeleton stopped 30 meters in front of him.

"I didn't expect that the person who opened this inheritance of gods and demons would be the human race, the weakest race in the past, and now dare to get involved in the inheritance of gods and demons." The golden bone said lightly.

It has no skin and flesh, only a human figure made of golden metal bones, neither male nor female, and its voice cannot be judged, but from its words, it can be heard that this existence seems to have survived for a long time, and it knows a lot of ancient secrets pungent.

"The era of ancient gods and demons has passed, and now our human race dominates this world." Hearing the other party's tone of disdain for human race, Ding Ning felt uncomfortable for a while. Like gods and demons, they can be condescending and look down on all living beings. Even if there are living ancient gods and demons, they can't do it. This universe is no longer the era of ancient gods and demons.

It was the same with the mountain-shaped stone man I met in the No. [-] Proving Ground for Gods and Demons before. He was quite disdainful of the human race. Now that this bone without flesh and blood says the same, how can he not go back.

"The era of gods and demons will not end. One day, the gods and demons will return. The universe is still the universe of gods and demons, and the human race is just reptiles." The golden bone said lightly.

"You are a tool used as a whetstone for the ancient gods and demons. Where did you get so many words? You are not ashamed to be a tool of others, but proud of it. No matter what you were when you were alive, I think you are far worse than the human race. , I am used to being a slave of gods and demons." Ding Ning retorted fiercely.


In the bare eye sockets of the golden skeleton, two groups of light shot out, and it was angered by Ding Ning's words: "What an arrogant human race, I want you to know how powerful I am, dare to say that I am a tool, a slave, I It will make you regret saying this." The voice of the golden corpse released a strong murderous intent.

"Let's see who kills who." Ding Ning's strength has increased a lot, and he lacks an opponent. Since the opponent despises other races, he Ding Ning will let the opponent see how powerful the human race is.

A young strong man, a bone king, the two were instantly killed together.

The war broke out with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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