The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 787 792 Fighting spirits! 1 more

Chapter 787 792 Fighting spirits! 1 more

Although the tone of the golden corpse is arrogant, its strength is indeed formidable.

If Ding Ning hadn't cleared the No. [-] and No. [-] God and Demon Trial Fields, making his body's strength skyrocket several times, he really wouldn't be the opponent of this golden corpse.

Even so, the opponent was still in a mess all of a sudden, Ding Ning was able to resist it with the two methods of fusing the magic body, the glass body and the immortal body.

Ding Ning backed back again and again after being attacked by the golden bones. The opponent's attack was too fierce. Every punch was as heavy as Mount Tai. Strictly speaking, it was heavier than a mountain. Ding Ning felt that even if he hit a star, he could punch blow up.

The strength of the golden corpse is much stronger than those of the white bone corpses, even the giant stone man in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Ground is not as terrible as its power.

Moreover, the opponent's body was only two heads taller than Ding Ning's, and his speed would not be hindered at all, and he was quite flexible. Ding Ning had no advantage in speed at all.

"An ant is an ant. Even if your physical body can fight me, you are still an ant. You will be trampled under my feet after all." The golden corpse said coldly, quite cold, if it had eyes, it must be contempt at this time all eyes.

Ding Ning didn't want to argue with the other party. In the world of cultivators, everything is based on strength. The hard fist is the last word, and the words must be listened to.

As soon as his gaze moved, Ding Ning disappeared suddenly, making the golden bone's attack in vain. It suddenly let out a light snort. With its strength, it failed to hit Ding Ning. This is what surprised the golden bone.

call out!
Ding Ning's attack suddenly appeared behind the golden corpse. He couldn't deal with the golden corpse with his own strength, so he naturally had to use other methods to attack, and the stone key was undoubtedly the best tool. He defeated the giant stone man with the stone key. Now that the old trick is repeated, it may not be impossible to pass the level again.

Just when Ding Ning's fist was about to land on the spine of the golden bone, suddenly, the foot of the golden bone moved, causing Ding Ning's fist to fall directly through the chest of the golden bone, without hitting any bone.

Ding Ning was startled suddenly. He didn't expect that the first blow would miss. You must know that with the stone key, he can appear in an instant, and sneak attack is also a matter of an instant. However, at such a speed, the golden bone can block his attack. Somewhat unbelievable.

Ding Ning disappeared again. He didn't give the golden bone a chance to fight back. He disappeared in an instant, and then appeared on top of it again, attacking from top to bottom.


The golden skeleton suddenly raised its head and looked at Ding Ning. Ding Ning was surprised again. He didn't understand how the other party knew he would appear here.

You know, his teleportation did not leak the slightest breath, because he shuttled back and forth in the space.

But the golden corpse was able to see his movements in advance.

Ding Ning continued to hold the stone key and tried several times, but failed every time. The stone key was useless in front of the golden corpse. The other party seemed to be able to predict the future, knowing where he would appear.

After several failed attacks, Ding Ning realized that this golden corpse is difficult to deal with. Since the fight until now, he has not found any advantage in the golden corpse, and he has not found any weakness in the golden corpse. Apart from being a mess of strength, the opponent has no flaws exposed.

This is not easy to do.

Ding Ning withdrew tens of meters, absorbed some of the water pool energy stored in the gourd, and immediately replenished all the consumption just now.

Looking at Ding Ning's eyes, the golden bone said lightly: "Do you think you can defeat me by mastering the key to travel to the land where gods and demons inherit? Why don't you tell me that I am invincible, even young gods and demons are still invincible against me , not to mention you are a human race."

Ding Ning's heart sank at the words of the golden corpse. The other party knew that the stone key could travel through the trial field of gods and demons. No wonder the other party was not surprised that he disappeared and reappeared in an instant, and he was able to catch his sneak attack. Key knows it all.

In this way, the advantage of the stone key can be said to be gone, especially in the face of the golden skeleton, it is not very effective, the other party can see through his actions.

In this case, how should he win.

Ding Ning felt that the golden corpse was not easy to defeat. He was afraid that he would waste a lot of time here to defeat the golden corpse.

"Why don't you continue to attack? Didn't you just tell me to show me how powerful your human race is? Is it just so capable? Or do you mean that your human race likes to talk big?"

The golden corpse sneered, mocking the human race every sentence, embarrassing Ding Ning.

Ding Ning didn't say anything. He really felt that he had nowhere to go. Even if he knew that the other party was mocking him, he couldn't do anything about it, because the other party had the capital to say such things.

But it is impossible for Ding Ning to just give up.

Ding Ning was quickly thinking of a way in his mind, how to break the current situation.

No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, a guy as strong as the golden corpse, unless he doesn't want to get the inheritance of God and Demon, otherwise, he must defeat the opponent in order to pass the level and get the power to resurrect the opponent.

"No matter how difficult the road is, it is also made by people. There is no road in the world. If there are many people who walk, there will be a road. Now I want to blaze a road. Since the ancient gods and demons can do things, I Why can't it be done?" Ding Ning thought of the ancient gods and demons who put the golden bones here to train their juniors, and Ding Ning thought that he was no worse than the ancient gods and demons, and he could still pass the level.

Ding Ning's Dao heart was as firm as a rock, and he was not shaken in the slightest because the opponent's strength blocked his way forward.

He believes that any obstacle can be overcome.

Where there is a will, things come true!

Ding Ning's eyes released the fighting spirit, and he rushed forward instantly. It doesn't matter if the opponent is strong, and how can he know that he can't do it if he doesn't fight to the death.

Ding Ning never believed that the weak will definitely lose to the strong. There is no absolute thing in the world. As long as the method is used correctly, everything is possible.

The two figures collided on the ground, then separated, and then collided again.

The energy fluctuations that spread out formed a huge storm, sweeping everything around.

They also fought from the earth to the sky.

Flying into the sky in the place where the gods and demons passed on, if they were seen by other monks, they would definitely be surprised, because as we all know, flying is forbidden in the place where the gods and demons pass on.

But now, Ding Ning and the golden bones flew up, because their physical bodies were too strong, too powerful to be bound by the rules.

All rules can be broken.

The two fought from south to north, and from east to west. It can be said that they fought from fist to flesh, and their moves were fatal. No one knew how many moves they had already attacked each other.

The more Ding Ning fought, the brighter his eyes became. The degree of fusion between the demon body glass body and the immortal body became higher and higher. Facing the pressure of the golden corpse, he had a feeling that when he defeated the opponent, the two sets of methods would be the same. It will be completely integrated, and at that time, it will be the moment when he clears the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field.

Let's fight!

Ding Ning's fighting spirit surged out, even though the clothes on his body were torn, even though his body was full of injuries, he was still full of fighting spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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