The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 788 Is 793 almost 1 point? 2 more

Chapter 788 Is 793 a little bit close? 2 more

The demon body, the glazed body, is a special state formed by the fusion of the two top body training methods of righteousness and demons, which can make the physical body stronger to a certain extent.

The whole body exudes a breath of both righteousness and evil, and the body is like glass, exuding a faint luster.

When the Immortal Body and the Demon Body Glazed Body are fused together, they are both methods that transcend 90.00% of the current world, and will become more powerful and upgraded to a stronger level.

Ding Ning fought with the golden corpse to the point of ignoring everything. Even though his body was exhausted and needed to replenish the energy of the lake in the gourd to recover, he didn't do it, and he was still in the state of fusion of the two methods.

"The root of all body refining methods is to abandon foreign objects and make oneself the strongest. It surpasses magical weapons, magic weapons, and even divine weapons. It is to push the body towards immortality."

"If the physical body is strong enough to ignore everything, it will be fearless of all dharmas. This is the ultimate goal of a body practitioner."

"The ancient gods and demons have a strong physical body and ignore the way of heaven, and even feed on the way of heaven. In terms of body training, the ancient gods and demons have reached a glorious height, which is unmatched by any race."

"But now, I continue to integrate the two powerful methods, which may not have reached the physical level of the ancient gods and demons."

"Then my new fusion method should be called Vajra God Demon Body!"

In Ding Ning's mind, the integration of the demon body, the glazed body, and the immortal body is getting higher and higher. Seeing that a new method is about to be formed, Ding Ning has given great expectations to this method, which can be compared with the physical body of ancient gods and demons. .

Vajra God Demon Body!
Ding Ning swept his hands, creating a layer of ripples. The ripples seemed to be light and fluttering, but in fact they were constantly weakening the attack of the golden corpse, so that when its attack landed in front of Ding Ning, only up a layer.

Ding Ning stretched out a palm, blocked the attack of the golden corpse, and then pushed forward.

All I saw was the golden bones flying upside down.

This was the first time that Ding Ning had knocked the golden corpse into the air. Although he did not cause any damage to the opponent, it was definitely not easy to knock the opponent into the air.

The vajra god and demon body gradually took shape, and it was continuously constructed in Ding Ning's mind, forming a new set of methods.

At the same time, Ding Ning's attack power was increasing all the time. Instead of retreating steadily, he began to stabilize his body, and began to make active attacks and counterattacks back.

Seeing this scene, the golden corpse felt a little unbelievable. It was obviously a weak human race, as if it had been enlightened in an instant, its strength had greatly increased, and this upward trend had not stopped.

"Hmph, I'd like to see how much your strength can increase." The golden bone still didn't take Ding Ning seriously. Its task was to train young gods and demons. As for the human race, it really didn't care.

In the consciousness of the golden corpse, the human race is the weakest race, and the reason why they can survive is that they are the playthings of the ancient gods and demons, otherwise, they would all have been beheaded long ago.

Even though the situation has changed, tens of thousands of years have passed, and the ancient times have become history, but in the mind of the golden corpse, the human race is still weak.

Ding Ning is not worthy of being tempered by it at all. For the human race Ding Ning who suddenly appeared, all it needs to do is shoot the opponent to death, and then wait for the real descendants of gods and demons to enter here.

Only the descendants of gods and demons can come to accept the inheritance of the ancient gods and demons. Once the life of all other races steps into it, they should die!

The golden corpse started to show its strength, and it had been fighting with Ding Ning for a long time. It didn't take it seriously before, but now it is going to start doing it seriously.

However, when the golden corpse got serious, it suddenly discovered that its one move, two moves, and three moves failed to kill in one hit, and then came the fourth move, fifth move, sixth move...

Hundreds of strokes have passed, but Ding Ning is still alive and well.

It didn't expect Ding Ning's strength to increase rapidly as its attack strengthened, so it really couldn't kill Ding Ning.

"A mere human race, how can his physical strength compare to mine!" The golden bone found that this human race's physical strength was a bit strong, and it wanted to kill it, but it couldn't kill it for a while.

"It seems that I can only use my full strength." Since half of the strength can't get rid of Ding Ning, then it can only use its full strength.

It turned out that the golden bone had been suppressing its own power. As the only king of the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, the golden bone was naturally very powerful.

As the golden skeleton began to release its strength, it no longer suppressed its own strength, only to see that its golden bones began to crack, and then from these cracks, golden fine sand flowed out, and these fine sands quickly condensed and became Golden bones, and immediately combined with the original bones.

The golden skeleton changed drastically in an instant, from its original two-meter-high body, it began to grow to a height of five meters, and its bones also became thicker.

There was even a pair of wings formed behind the golden bones, which were ten meters long and flapped continuously.

The golden corpse has returned to its true form, and it is its true self at this time.

The golden light flowed all over the body, as if made of gold, and the golden bone knife in his hand, shaped like the big knife held by Guan Yu, gave people a sense of overwhelming.

The current golden corpse is the king's form.

The strongest king of the No. [-] Proving Ground of Gods and Demons.

Ding Ning was immersed in perfecting the Vajra God Demon Body. Except for external attacks on him, he had an instinctive counter-reaction, basically in a state of shielding from the outside world.

"Little human race, I will send you on your way now." The golden skeleton flew in the air, with its wings flapping, and it picked up the golden bone knife in its hand, raised it on its shoulder, and shook its arm .

The bone knife turned into a golden light and shot out with a whoosh.


"There's a little more!"

"The two laws will soon be completely integrated, and my new law will soon be formed."

Ding Ning, who was trapped in a special state, was very excited because he knew that a set of methods that surpassed all physical methods in the world was about to be born.

He didn't dare to say that he was perfect in the past and present, but in the current world, in the entire cultivation world, he probably couldn't find a second method of body training that was more powerful than the method he fused.

The crisis suddenly came from the bottom of his heart, and Ding Ning felt it, but he didn't want to break this state now, because the distance from the complete fusion of the two methods is only a little bit away. Once he withdraws, it may be extremely difficult to integrate again.

The state of 'enlightenment' does not arise whenever he wants to. Ding Ning knew that entering enlightenment this time was purely due to the pressure brought by his opponent and his own luck, so he had to seize it.

"Even if I'm going to get injured, I have to complete the fusion of this method first." Ding Ning ignored the bone knife that was shot, and he was still immersed in his own world.

next second.

The bone knife is approaching.

Ding Ning raised his head, it was still a little bit close!
call out……

The blood splashed, forming blood flowers in the air, and then fell silently. Looking up from the ground, I saw a bone knife piercing through a body, and blood flowed along the wound.

(End of this chapter)

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