The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 790 795 It's hard to tell the winner! 2 more

Chapter 790 795 It's hard to tell the winner! 2 more

Ten thousand bones piercing the heart is a bone formed by condensing the power of the golden corpse itself. Using the bone as an attack weapon, it has the taste of returning to the ancestor of ten thousand swords.

The countless bone arrows rained down, and Ding Ning had nowhere to hide. In fact, Ding Ning did not dodge at that time. He stood in the bone arrow rain without any movement, and let the bone arrows fall on him. The bone arrow shot at Ding Ning's body, making a crisp sound, as if what hit was not the body, but a wall.

More and more bone arrows piled up around Ding Ning, and finally submerged Ding Ning, and the golden bones stopped attacking.

Its attack can attack a large area, or it can be concentrated on one point, and it can control the battlefield as it pleases.

The golden corpse didn't believe that Ding Ning could still be intact under its 'thousand bones piercing the heart'.

If that was the case, Ding Ning would not be a weak human race, but a descendant of gods and demons.

Ding Ning quickly gave the answer.

From the pile of bone and arrows that was piled up on the ground and almost piled up into a mountain, there was a sudden bang, and it was seen that the place was emptied all of a sudden, and the bone arrows were swept far away, and Ding Ning's figure appeared again.

not dead?

Seeing that Ding Ning didn't appear to be injured at all, the golden corpse was startled again. It pierced the heart with thousands of bones and concentrated on one point, but failed to kill Ding Ning. Is his physical strength comparable to that of gods and demons?


"How can the physical strength of the human race be comparable to that of gods and demons? He has just used a special defensive weapon." The golden bone does not believe that Ding Ning's physical body is so strong, because it means that its advantages will disappear in front of Ding Ning .

Its attack couldn't hurt Ding Ning, so there would be no one in No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field to stop Ding Ning's footsteps.

He hasn't used his full strength yet, this human race will definitely be defeated by it.

Ding Ning resisted its ultimate move several times, forcing the golden bone to increase its strength again and again, and now, the golden bone that has been forced has to use all its strength. Now it wants to kill Ding Ning, it needs to use ten layers of strength.

That being the case...

The two golden arms of the golden corpse pulled out the chest, and then pulled out the two ribs. Immediately, the two ribs joined together and turned into a weapon with very sharp ends.

"This is the hardest bone in my body. If you die by its hands, it is not in vain for you to come here."

"Now, I will send you on your way."

The golden corpse said something coldly, and its two legs ran wildly, rushing towards Ding Ning.

"Hehe, you always wanted to kill me, but you couldn't kill me every time. This time, you will still fail." Ding Ning sarcastically went up to him with his bare hands.

clang clang...

The ribs merged into one, and turned into two sharp bone spur weapons, which was like a spear to Ding Ning, and was like a long spear in the golden corpse's hands.

Every time he stabs, even if he misses Ding Ning, it will leave a terrifying power, and the void is forced to move.

Ding Ning dodged left and right, and then counterattacked with his fists. The two of them punched each other with a bone spur.

The golden corpse is the strongest in the No. [-] Trial Field of Gods and Demons. It is stronger than the blockers Ding Ning met before. If he had met him earlier, it would be difficult for Ding Ning to get any benefits even if he had a stone key to help him.

But it's different now, Ding Ning has fused a new method, the Vajra God Demon Body, once activated, the body is almost the same as the ancient God Demon body, it is ridiculously powerful.

This prevented the golden corpse from beheading Ding Ning quickly, and the two fell into a stalemate.


The golden gate is tens of feet tall, like a gate leading to the heavens, making people stand in front and look up involuntarily.

After dozens of fierce battles, Jiang Taichao and his group of people who came to the door finally cleared the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field as a whole, and came to the gate to enter the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field.

But this did not bring much joy to everyone. On the contrary, the air was very quiet, and there was a sense of sadness in the air.

The Taishangmen disciples present all bowed their heads, looking downcast. There was no other reason. In order to get here, they lost a master who was in the Dao realm.

A strong man in the Dao realm, just lost in this trial field of gods and demons.

This is just the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Ground, and there are still many difficulties to overcome. Can they really pass all of them?
Even as a disciple of the top ten sects, he couldn't help but lose his courage at this moment.

"Cheer up all of you. After Uncle Wu Ming and Uncle Wu Tian regain their strength, we will enter the higher-level God and Demon Trial Field. Don't look like eggplants beaten by Shuang. You are so worthy of death!" Uncle Wu Hua?"

Jiang Taichao's voice rang in the ears of the Taishangmen's disciples. Jiang Taichao didn't expect that they would lose a master uncle. This was a combat power in the Dao realm, and they fell like this.

Damn magic cultivator!
It's all those damn demon cultivators.

If it wasn't for the continuous appearance of demon cultivators, Uncle Wu Hua would not have been seriously injured, let alone lost his life after being attacked by someone.

"It's all my fault. If Uncle Wu Hua didn't protect me, Uncle Wu Hua wouldn't have died." A young boy with red eyes blamed himself very much, thinking that Uncle Wu Hua's death had something to do with him.

"And me, that demon cultivator, who originally wanted to kill me, but Martial Uncle Wu Hua saved me and blocked that demon cultivator's killing move for me." Another disciple also said with red eyes.

"Don't even talk about it. The real purpose of those despicable demon cultivators is not to kill you, but to use you as a bait to expose Master Wuhua's flaws so that he can take the opportunity to attack. Don't blame yourself." Jiang Taichao said.

"Senior brother Jiang, you don't need to persuade us, the death of Uncle Wu Hua is obviously related to us."

Jiang Taichao saw the persuasion of several children and refused to listen, and said directly: "Instead of blaming yourself and guilt, you can't live a good life, find out the person who released our news, if my news is known by others, how can you provoke me like this one after another?" There are too many demon cultivators, leading to enemies everywhere." Jiang Taichao said.

"Senior brother Jiang, what do you mean to say that the real culprit is the one who spread our location and made up that we got rewards for clearing the customs too?" Some disciples looked at Jiang Taichao seriously.

Jiang Taichao nodded, and said with confidence: "Yes, it is the guy who released the news behind his back, he is the culprit, if it weren't for him, how could we be targeted, so we must live , and find that guy, kill him with your own hands, so that you can comfort Uncle Wu Hua's spirit in heaven."

"Yes, find that guy and kill him."

"I swear that I will find you, a shameless person who hides behind his back and calculates."

The disciples of Taishangmen showed their killing intent one by one, and all of them focused their anger on the person who released their news.

Didn't they know that at this time, the person they want to find is fighting fiercely with the strongest king in the No. [-] trial field of gods and demons, and the winner is hard to tell!
(End of this chapter)

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