The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 791 796 clearance! 1 more

Chapter 791 796 clearance! 1 more

In the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field.

The confrontation between Ding Ning and the golden corpse has lasted for a long time. The two have been fighting without rest.

However, Ding Ning has an advantage, he can use the water pool energy stored in the gourd to replenish it at all times, while the golden bones are always consuming energy.

Under the ebb and flow, the balance of victory began to tilt towards Ding Ning.

Ding Ning's new method has been completed, the vajra god demon body is not inferior to the strength of the ancient god and demon body when he was young. The golden bone has already experienced this point. After discovering that Ding Ning's physical body is unprecedentedly powerful, it has been unable to believe it. How could Ding Ning cultivate his physical body? to such an extent.

But the fact is in front of his eyes, the weak human race in its eyes is so strong that it does not have an advantage with its strength, and even gradually enters a disadvantage.

After all, Ding Ning became more and more courageous as he fought, and he became more and more proficient in using the power after the skyrocketing. In the consciousness of the golden corpse, Ding Ning was a young man with too much combat experience, as if he had gone through thousands of battles. Experience, also failed to discuss any benefits.

Ding Ning's attack and defense have become more than capable. He has now completely mastered the power of the physical body, and he has perfectly used the Vajra God and Demon Body.

For other monks, even if they have also cultivated the Vajra God Demon Body, they may not be as powerful as Ding Ning, because Ding Ning has the experience of the previous life, and once he masters it, he will quickly enter the state.

Bang bang bang!
Ding Ning's fists hit the palms of the golden bones one after another. He could feel that the golden bones were showing a tendency to decline. With the pool of water stored in the gourd, he could always keep alive and well. It was only a matter of time before he defeated the golden bones. .

"You will be my last opponent in the Leaving Aperture Realm, and I will step on your corpse and enter the Harmonious Dao Realm!"

Ding Ning stood in the air, his voice echoed all around.

This time, the golden bone didn't taunt Ding Ning any more. The human race it despised was defeating it bit by bit. The golden bone only had shame in its heart, and saying anything was superfluous.

The golden skeleton suddenly hugged his legs, closed his body, and flew towards Ding Ning like a ball.

Ding Ning was knocked far away all of a sudden, the speed of the golden skeleton was unprecedented, faster than lightning, so he couldn't react for a while.

Instead of being surprised, Ding Ning was overjoyed, because he knew that he had pushed the golden corpse into a hurry, otherwise, according to the golden corpse's personality, it would be impossible to use such an attack method.

"Hehe, look down on me, the human race. Now, in order to defeat me, don't you make yourself like a ball? Is this the strongest ultimate move? It's really surprising!" Ding Ning laughed.

The golden bone taunted him before, but now he just happened to be able to taunt back, making the golden bone angry.

"Human boy, don't be complacent, it's not certain who will have the last laugh." The golden bone snorted coldly.

"Yes, but you must not be the last one to laugh." Ding Ning said confidently.

The next moment, the two killed each other again.

Their attacks are not fancy, and their moves are simple and direct, all of which are pure power.

Ding Ning was punched, and the golden bone didn't feel well either. Ding Ning was cracked in one arm, and as the two collided, more and more cracks appeared on the golden bone.

When these cracks reach a certain level, the golden corpse will turn into slag, and then it will be completely defeated.

Ding Ning knew that the more cracks on the golden corpse, the sooner this battle would end, and his attacks became stronger and faster.

It was like a violent storm, falling down in an instant.

The ground is full of devastation, and there are countless pits and pits left over from the fight between the two. The white bones that were smashed into pieces by Ding Ning before are still slowly being resurrected, but the speed is a bit slow. It is estimated that the two fought against each other. After the end, they can all be resurrected, but at that time, Ding Ning has already cleared the level.

After three whole sticks of incense passed, the battle between the two finally came to an end.

The golden skeleton stands on the ground, it is the king of this land, any corpse life form obeys it, and now it will fall.

On the body of the golden corpse, countless cracks can be seen, big and small, deep and shallow.

Not to mention that, one arm of the golden skeleton can still be seen, which has been broken. These injuries were all caused by Ding Ning.

"The human race you despise has defeated you now, I didn't expect it." Ding Ning said lightly.

"You are the first human race to defeat me, and also the first human being to step into the trial field No. [-] of the inheritance of gods and demons. I admit that you are different from those weak human races. You are a strong man." The first golden bone It was the first time he recognized Ding Ning's strength, and after being able to fight against it for so long, in the consciousness of the golden corpse, he had already recognized Ding Ning's strength.

"Hehe, since that's the case, I won't take the last blow, you can dissipate it yourself." Ding Ning said.

The golden skeleton froze for a moment, and said lightly: "Even if I fall, I will be resurrected in a short time. As long as I am in this land, I will be immortal."

"Then believe it or not, once you are resurrected, I will kill you once." Ding Ning suddenly said truthfully.

"Haha, then I'm looking forward to it. After living for so long, I have forgotten the feeling of death. I should thank you for letting me experience death again after tens of thousands of years." With a bang, all the golden bones shattered, like a stone hitting a vase, and instantly shattered to the ground.

Ding Ning stared at the broken bones on the floor of the golden corpse, slightly lost in thought.

This is the longest battle he has entered into the God and Demon Trial Field. It has to be said that the golden corpse is indeed very strong. If he hadn't obtained the inheritance of the Immortal Taoist, I am afraid that he really stopped here .

Who would have thought that he, Ding Ning, would fuse the Immortal Immortal Body Technique of the Immortal Daoist into another body training method to form a stronger method, and it was precisely because of this that he was able to overcome this hurdle.

Ding Ning raised his head slowly, he felt as if there was a hand of fate manipulating everyone's life in the invisible void, otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence.

"If there is a hand of fate, this hand of fate would be too boring. Hundreds of millions of monks, can it be manipulated?"

"However, one day, I will escape the hand of fate and become a manipulator of fate."

Ding Ning has an ambition that is higher than the sky. In this life, although his strength has not yet returned to the Mahayana realm, his chances are much better than in the previous life. He believes that in this life, he has the opportunity to touch the Dao.

Right now, as long as we move forward step by step, that day will not be too far away.

(End of this chapter)

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