The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 792 797 Golden Blood! 2 more

Chapter 792 797 Golden Blood! 2 more

Accepting the lavender energy from the resurrected golden bones, Ding Ning didn't feel any changes at first, but he didn't care, let the body absorb it first, anyway, it's not wrong to absorb it all into the body.

Ding Ning has previous experience. Before beheading the stone man, he just robbed the energy of resurrecting the opponent, and then strengthened himself.

Now it's just doing the same thing, and it must be beneficial.

When Ding Ning felt that the lavender energy was becoming saturated in his body and was no longer integrated, he ran to an open space and sat cross-legged.

His body didn't move at all, which doesn't conform to science.

It doesn't make sense to absorb the resurrection power of the golden corpse. It won't help him. There have been two successful examples before. Isn't it practical in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field?
Just when Ding Ning was wondering, suddenly, he felt his body began to heat up from the inside out, just a kind of heat from the bones, and at the same time, his blood began to boil in his body like boiling hot water.

Was it caused by the lavender energy waves?
Ding Ning didn't have time to think about it, because in the next second, his body was on fire, and flames floated out of his body.

Ding Ning looked at the situation inside his body, and focused on the blood. He found that the flames floating out of his body were caused by the burning of blood.

All the blood in his body was burning, and Ding Ning looked like a burning man at this moment.

The situation was a little strange, but Ding Ning didn't panic, his face was very calm, he had experienced a lot of things, even if there was a sudden situation, he could still keep calm.

This is the result of hard work.

Ding Ning carefully observed his blood. He felt that the lavender power had changed the blood quite a bit.

Ding Ning found that the burning blood flowed out through the body, causing the blood in the body to decrease rapidly, and there was a feeling that the river was about to dry up.

He was thinking, if there was no blood in his body, would it be no different from that golden bone, and the flesh would not exist by then.

He didn't act rashly, and was prepared to wait and see what happened. According to his feeling, this kind of change should not be a bad thing.

Of course, even if he wanted to do something, he didn't know what to do.

Since you can't do anything, just wait and see.

In this way, Ding Ning watched the blood in his body turn into flames and leave his body. The blood became less and less, and the skin and flesh shriveled, clinging to the muscles and bones.

is about to disappear completely.

Ding Ning watched the last drop of blood leave his body, but he didn't feel any reluctance. Perhaps he firmly believed that this change would bring him greater benefits.

Without the blood, what changes would happen to his physical body?
Ding Ning looked at his current physical condition, waiting for the next change.

Sure enough, a new situation emerged.

Ding Ning saw that all the lavender energy he had absorbed before was now gathered on his spine. The spine, which is also a big dragon with a human body, is a very important bone.

After seeing these lavender energies merge into the spine, a viscous substance was produced from the spine.

Golden and sticky.

This is……

Although Ding Ning didn't touch it, he could feel a fragrance coming out of this thing, not the fragrance of perfume, but a special kind of fragrance, which is a kind of smell that human beings cannot create.

Soon, there were more and more of these golden viscous liquids. Ding Ning looked at them for a while, and he finally understood that this liquid might not be the blood recreated by his spine.

Golden blood!
Ding Ning was startled for a moment, then froze.

Golden blood, according to the records in ancient books, only the blood of ancient gods and demons is golden.

Is it possible...

Ding Ning had a bold guess in his mind.

He absorbed the resurrection energy several times, probably changing his body into the body of a god and demon, and this is the inheritance place of ancient gods and demons, so it is not impossible.

In other words, from now on, he is not a pure human race, but a god and demon. Although he is not a real ancient god and demon, his body is already very suitable for the flesh of an ancient god and demon.

Ding Ning's mood suddenly became complicated. He didn't have the idea of ​​becoming an ancient god and demon. He thought it was to strengthen his body, but now he was transformed into a god and demon body, which really made him dumbfounded. He didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy it is good.

However, Ding Ning is not a person who is entangled. He quickly accepted the changed physical body. With his vajra god and demon body combined with the body of this ancient god and demon, it is definitely the strongest physical body in history.

Ding Ning couldn't help but look forward to it.

The production of golden blood by the spine is very slow, and it will take some time for Ding Ning to reach the level equivalent to fresh blood before.

And he was also immersed in experiencing the golden blood.


No. [-] Proving Ground for Demons and Demons.

The golden gate of heaven suddenly opened, and several figures flew out of it, all panting.

These figures are none other than Jiang Taichao and his party who have just entered the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field not long ago.

Right now, Jiang Taichao and others are all ashamed and embarrassed.

Just like Jiang Taichao returned from the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field before.

Every disciple of the Taishangmen who came back alive still had a look of shock in their eyes.

Apparently, something terrible happened to them inside.

"too frightening!"

"too frightening!"

A disciple of Taishangmen murmured, looking at his expression, he was quite frightened.

In fact, he is not to blame for this, because the experience they experienced after entering the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field was really terrifying. The countless stone men and the mountain-like giants are not the scariest thing. , and a giant stone man bigger than a mountain.

It was like a stone world, and when they entered it, they were attacked by these stone men.

There were originally a group of about 40 people, but in less than a day, they lost seven or eight people. The next day they met the Yamagata Stone Man, which caused them even more losses. Wu Ming and Wu Tian were severely injured. Thinking that this is over, who would have thought that the stone man in the shape of the mountain would be resurrected again, and they were facing a stone man that was bigger than the mountain. He could only run back crazily.

Can't go forward, but those two stone men are scary enough, that kind of strength can't be defeated by relying on physical strength alone.

Taishangmen's disciples lost their fighting spirit and ran back frantically for their lives.

Now looking at the people who came back alive, there are less than ten.

The loss was disastrous.

"Damn it! There are two uncles here, so you can't pass through the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field?" Jiang Taichao was the most unwilling. He didn't expect that he would run away again.

Looking back at the huge golden gate of heaven, Jiang Taichao couldn't help but wonder, did the guy who opened the place of inheritance of gods and demons also enter the No. [-] trial field of gods and demons?Did he pass?

(End of this chapter)

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