The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 793 798 Bullying! 3 more

Chapter 793 798 Bullying! 3 more

With a height of 1.7 meters [-], he is not considered tall, but he is definitely not short either.

Ding Ning's upper body was naked, revealing a well-proportioned tendon.

The skin is pale, not bronze, and it doesn't have the air of being exposed to the sun, a kind of regular exercise.

It's a very ordinary kind, but there is no extra fat.

But if someone would despise Ding Ning because of this, it would be a big mistake. His power can now destroy a medium-sized star with a length of hundreds of thousands of kilometers with one finger.

Many times more powerful than nuclear weapons.

Examining his own body, Ding Ning found that his body, on the surface, had not changed at all. The real change was under the skin, whether it was skin, muscles, bones, or blood, all had undergone special energy changes. Improvement, so that the physical body became what it is now.

If he didn't deliberately restrain his physical strength, anyone who approached would be suppressed by his physical strength. This is a kind of natural majesty.

Because to some extent, Ding Ning's life essence has been transformed to a higher level.

The golden blood was the last step to change his physical body, which made his physical body reach an unprecedented strength. Even if he didn't activate the Vajra God Demon Body, his physical body was unbelievably strong.

If someone said that he was a physical cultivator, no one would question him. With his physical strength, he was one of the best among the physical cultivators.

"My current physical body is absolutely comparable to that of monks in the realm of Hedao. The only difference is that my physical body is stronger than them. In this place where gods and demons are inherited, even in the realm of Hedao, I can still kill Kill." Ding Ning is quite confident in his heart. Based on his understanding of the power of monks in the Hedao realm in his previous life, his current physical strength can definitely compete with him, and he can even survive the attack of monks who are at the peak of the late stage of the Hedao realm. .

Of course, it was fighting in a place other than the place where the gods and demons inherited. Ding Ning could do this, but in the gods and demons' trial field, his strength was even more terrifying than that of the Dao realm.

After all, the power used by the monks in the Compassionate Realm here is only physical power, and they are not good at fighting with physical power. Facing Ding Ning, who has been cultivating his physical body, he will naturally get no benefit.

"The strongest person in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field has been defeated by me. Next, you can enter the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field." Ding Ning is now full of interest in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field. After entering the place where gods and demons inherit, his strength has been increasing. Even if it is not a breakthrough in the big realm, the growth of physical strength is also a good thing.

After all, the power of the physical body developed to the extreme is also quite terrifying. Take the ancient gods and demons as an example, which is enough to prove everything.

Even the power of the dantian should be eclipsed by the power of the physical body, otherwise, in ancient times, the human race would have dominated it long ago.

Ding Ning is eager to try the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field. Maybe after entering the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, his strength will increase again.

In the first three levels, except for the first level which is relatively common, the subsequent levels are more difficult than the last level. First, there are stone figures, mountain-shaped stone figures, and then white bones and golden bone creatures. In the proving ground, these creatures can be resurrected after being killed, which is very miraculous.

So what is the fourth level of tribulation?

What kind of creatures are blocking the way, Ding Ning is looking forward to it.

Just when Ding Ning was thinking about entering the higher-level trial field of gods and demons, he found that the golden bones were re-condensing, and they were about to be fully resurrected.

He didn't leave immediately, but stood still and watched the golden corpse complete its resurrection.

When the lavender radiance disappeared, the golden skeleton appeared in front of Ding Ning intact. It stared at Ding Ning. Although he had no naked eyes, Ding Ning could feel that the other party looked at him with complicated emotions.

The golden bone did not expect that one day he would lose to a human race, a young human race youth.

But defeat is defeat.

In this regard, it has to admit that Ding Ning is indeed stronger than it, so after the resurrection, it did not open its mouth to continue to mock Ding Ning.

"Don't want to say something?" Ding Ning spread out his hands, showing a look as if he had reunited with an old friend for many years.

The golden corpse was silent.

Ding Ning didn't intend to leave without making a sound, he continued, with a bit of a mean expression, "Why don't you just say something, I'm better than you?"

Golden corpse: "..."

"You don't speak, is it because you don't like this sentence? Well, let me change it." Ding Ning continued to say to himself: "You can say that you are the most powerful human monk I have ever seen, and I can accept that .”

The golden skeleton remained silent, saying why is this human being so talkative, even if he defeats it, there is no need to be so embarrassing.

"Why don't we fight again." Ding Ning suddenly put away his cynical smile, and suddenly became serious again. The change was as fast as lightning.

"Okay!" Surprisingly, the golden bone nodded in agreement.

If it doesn't agree, it thinks that Ding Ning will continue to talk non-stop.

So Ding Ning and the golden corpse fought again.

But this time the battle ended much faster than before. In less than half an hour, the golden corpse was beaten half to death by Ding Ning again, with many cracks appearing on its body.

"do not fight!"

The golden corpse waved its hand to stop the fight. It didn't want to fight any more. After Ding Ning defeated it once, it didn't need to fight anymore. It just didn't want to listen to Ding Ning's nagging. It was a last resort.

But after fighting Ding Ning again, it found that Ding Ning's strength had reached a new level. If he continued to fight, he would be killed in a short time.

"Why don't you fight anymore?" Ding Ning stopped attacking a little bit, feeling very uncomfortable, and abruptly retracted it, not allowing anyone to release it.

"You've already defeated me. It's pointless to keep fighting. You can enter a higher level of inheritance." The golden bone said.

"But I haven't played enough yet." Ding Ning said seriously.

"Then I won't fight anymore." The golden bone is ready to stay away from Ding Ning, you who have cleared all levels, if you don't hurry up to overcome the next level, what's the point of staying here to bully me.

Is it fun to bully honest people?

"It's not up to you to fight or not to fight, but to mine." Ding Ning didn't care what the golden bone thought, he still wanted to use the golden bone to test his strengthened body.

So in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, a strange scene appeared. The golden skeleton ran wildly in order to avoid Ding Ning's entanglement, and Ding Ning was chasing after him.

Those skeleton creatures who had just been resurrected were all stunned, saying, who are they, chasing their kings and chasing them around.

By the way, this human being is somewhat familiar.

Huh, it seems that this human being killed himself and all the bones and creatures around him.

It's this guy!

No wonder the king would run away from him, this human being is very fierce.

Many skeleton creatures felt a burst of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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