The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 794 Deception! 799 more

Chapter 794 Deception! 799 more

After stepping through the golden gate of heaven, Ding Ning stepped into the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field.

Ding Ning has no idea what kind of strong person will be in this fourth level.

As soon as he entered the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field, Ding Ning felt that he had stepped into the Milky Way, as if he had left the Shura battlefield.

Is this the No. [-] Proving Ground for Gods and Demons?

Ding Ning looked around in amazement, because the starry sky was indeed in front of him.

It shouldn't be, how could the inheritance of ancient gods and demons be randomly arranged in the galaxy, there must be something wrong.

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

Suddenly, a vicissitudes of life sounded, and Ding Ning suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, because he found that this voice sounded from behind him, but he did not feel at all that there was already a person standing behind him.

Ding Ning didn't move. The owner of this voice walked slowly from behind Ding Ning to the front of Ding Ning, and the vicissitudes of life sounded again: "What you see is real, this place is indeed a cosmic galaxy, it's just that it has nothing to do with you. There is a slight difference between the universe and galaxies that we usually see..." Speaking of this, the man's tone paused, as if he was waiting for Ding Ning to ask the question 'what's the difference'

Ding Ning did not disappoint him, and said respectfully: "Dare to ask senior, what is the difference?"

One could quietly appear beside him without him noticing at all. From this alone, Ding Ning knew that he was not his opponent, otherwise he would not have been able to notice that the other party was attacking him.

Such an existence is definitely very powerful, and being able to be in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field is enough to show that it is extraordinary.

It is not an exaggeration to call him a senior. Of course, there is also the reason why Ding Ning is afraid of this person, and he dare not act rashly.

"Hehe, what's the difference..." The man turned around, with an old face, looking at Ding Ning, as if to say, you are very good.

Finally, the old man gave the answer.

"The difference is that the galaxy you have seen before is a galaxy in the universe, but the galaxy in front of you is snatched from the universe. It is a separate galaxy." The old man said in surprise.

Ding Ning was taken aback when he heard the old man's words, what about the whole galaxy, and the galaxy alone.

However, he quickly understood what the old man meant, that is to say, the galaxy he saw in front of him was separated from the universe, or it could be said to be snatched from a galaxy universe.

"My clan of ancient gods and demons is very powerful, isn't it shocking?" The old man suddenly turned around and smiled at Ding Ning.

Ding Ning's heart was shaken again. This old man called him a clan of ancient gods and demons. Could it be that he is a living ancient gods and demons?

"Senior is the real ancient god?" Ding Ning asked.

"Yes, and no." The old man looked at Ding Ning with a half-smile, and Ding Ning was confused.

As if knowing that Ding Ning didn't understand, the old man said: "A long, long time ago, I was indeed a member of the ancient gods and demons. However, although the ancient gods and demons are strong and long-lived, they are not immortal, but now I can do it." Immortal."

Ding Ning's heart was shaken. Could the old man in front of him be an immortal being?
He couldn't help but be shocked, because being able to live forever represents a state, a state beyond the state of all monks, and people who have reached this state can't find a few in the entire history of the cultivation world. Most of the records are only a few words, which makes it difficult to find its style.

But now, someone told him that he was an immortal, how could Ding Ning remain indifferent.

Ding Ning's gaze kept flickering as he looked at the old man's bones and immortal demeanor. Suddenly, he dodged and rushed at the old man. In the afterimage, the old man himself had appeared ten meters away, watching him.

"You dare to attack me?" The old man raised his eyebrows, looking very unhappy.

Ding Ning said indifferently: "You are a weapon spirit, you pretend to be a master in front of me, do you really think you can fool me?"

"What weapon spirit? What are you talking about?" the old man said angrily, his beard blowing up.

"Hehe, don't pretend anymore. You are the spirit of the land of gods and demons. If you pretend to be a master, fool other people, and try to deceive my eyes, you are doomed to be disappointed." Ding Ning watched with determination. said the old man.

"How did you find out?" the old man asked.

"Hehe, are you admitting it in disguise?" Ding Ning smiled.

The old man was surprised for a moment, and then shouted: "You lied to me?"

"Hehe, I was just guessing just now, but now that you say that, I am even more sure that you are a weapon spirit."

"You..." The old man didn't expect that Ding Ning was just cheating it just now, and it thought Ding Ning had guessed right, but it was just verifying his guess.

"The human race is indeed the most cunning." The old man said angrily, the beards on both sides of his mouth were directly bent on both sides, as if blown by the wind.

"You know the human race well." Ding Ning didn't make any excuses. The human race is indeed cunning, otherwise the world would have been at peace long ago, and there wouldn't be any top ten forces, top hundred forces, fighting, etc., all because of the human race itself. There are bad roots, so there will be more intrigues and mutual calculations in the world.

"Hmph, the master has long asserted that if this universe is no longer dominated by gods and demons, then the human race must be the one who dominates this universe. In this universe, the human race should be the protagonist." The old man said.

Ding Ning did not expect the ancient gods and demons to have such a precise judgment on the human race. Indeed, after the ancient times passed, the human race became the protagonist of the two worlds.

"That's right." Ding Ning nodded.

"I don't want to talk about this, but I want to talk about how you found out that I am an artifact spirit of the inheritance of gods and demons? I am very curious about this." The old man said.

Ding Ning smiled and said slowly, "Actually, it's not difficult. First, when I opened this land of inheritance of gods and demons, two things were delivered directly to me." Ding Ning said, handing over the stone key and the record god. The magic value crystal was taken out.

"From that moment on, I have been suspecting that there is a force leading the way behind and dominating the entire land of inheritance of gods and demons."

"Based on this alone? It's a bit too arbitrary." The old man signaled Ding Ning to continue.

"Besides, I beheaded the demon cultivators in the No. [-] and No. [-] God and Demon Trial Fields, and a special energy fell and revived them. I believe that this power is not a natural law, but someone did it on purpose. Especially It’s because after I absorbed a certain amount of resurrection energy, those energies actually avoided me, if it’s a law, it’s a bit too naughty, do you think the law is naughty?”

"Is there any more?" the old man asked curiously.

"Third, when I step here, I can quietly appear by my side, but I don't feel it, or my strength is many times stronger than mine, but this is the No. A powerful existence, this is unreasonable, but such a thing happened, it shows that there is a problem with your existence."

"Afterwards I asked you if you were an ancient god and demon, and you said yes and no, and you said that the ancient god and demon could not be immortal, but you did it, which further verified my conjecture that you are a weapon spirit, Only the Artifact Spirit can get rid of the shackles of life and survive forever."

"The reason why you exposed yourself is actually because you exposed yourself."

"The above is my judgment. In addition, I lied to you just now, and your look and tone show that I guessed it right. After listening to it, you are satisfied." Ding Ning smiled slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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