The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 798 Mischievous tool spirit! 803 more

Chapter 798 Mischievous tool spirit! 803 more

A thick layer of dark clouds gathered in the Milky Way, which is 10,000+ miles away from the realm of self-cultivation.

Under the dark clouds, there was a figure standing in the sky.

I saw this figure staring up at the dark clouds above his head, and immediately heard a rumbling sound, as if the sky was collapsing, and a bright lightning bolt crashed down, enveloping this figure.

bang bang...

The next moment, thousands of thunderbolts descended and turned into thunder pools, completely submerging the figure.


The entrance to the Land of God and Demon Inheritance.

Dong's residence.

"For nearly two months, there has been no news of that person. Could it be that he disappeared out of thin air?" Patriarch Dong has always been obsessed with finding Ding Ning, the murderer.

"Perhaps this person entered the trial field of gods and demons and died in an unknown place, and it is impossible." An old family said.

"This person is able to cut out the Aperture Realm, and he is definitely not weak. I have a feeling that he must not be dead, and it is very likely that he has become stronger in the trial field of gods and demons." Patriarch Dong said leisurely.

"Patriarch, is there a possibility that he has already left the Asura Battlefield, otherwise, we would not be able to find any news about him." Another elder family asked.

"Leaving?" Patriarch Dong frowned. He just wanted to say that such a situation could not exist, but when he thought that since the opening of the land of inheritance of gods and demons, his Dong family's guard over the Asura battlefield has been much weaker. Excluding this situation, after all, when the land of inheritance of gods and demons was first opened, his Dong family used a lot of force to enter it and guard the entrance and exit. If there is a weakness, it may not give the other party an opportunity.

"It seems that we need to pay attention to the place where the Shura battlefield is. Let the people who are looking for below expand the scope, no longer limited to the Shura battlefield, but look at the entire cultivation world."

Patriarch Dong gave an order, then suddenly remembered something, and said to the elders around him: "By the way, the person Yelu's family was looking for has not been found yet, right?"

"I haven't heard of it, and I should still be looking for it."

"What happened at Yelu's house first, followed by my Dong's house. Do you think it's possible that the same person did it?" Suddenly, Patriarch Dong threw out an astonishing guess.

This guess surprised all the elders present, but thinking about it deeply, it might not be impossible.

After all, the murderer who wiped out the branch of the Yelu family has never been caught.

"It seems that I should go to the place where the Yelu family is stationed, maybe I will gain something new." After the master Dong finished speaking, he changed his body and went immediately without wasting time.

The place where Yelu's family is stationed is not far from them, so it won't waste too much time.


More and more people have cleared the No. [-] Trial Field of Gods and Demons. The top ten forces all entered the No. [-] Trial Field of Gods and Demons, and some of the top [-] forces followed closely. There are nearly a thousand monks in the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field.

Of course, this number will continue to increase. After all, there are still a large number of people who have not cleared the customs.

Nearly half of the top ten forces were targeted by the Golem, which greatly reduced the pressure on the other forces, so they could watch the show from the sidelines.

"You said, did the top ten forces do something that angered people? Otherwise, how can you explain that the stone man targeted them so much?" Some melon-eaters couldn't help analyzing.

"I don't understand either. The inheritance of gods and demons is obviously from ancient times. The top ten forces did not exist at that time, and the place where the inheritance of gods and demons was not the way of heaven. How could it target a single force? There must be another reason, just We just don't know."

"I guess, the top ten forces must have offended the ancient gods and demons, so this place where the gods and demons inherit is unfriendly to them."

"It's not all the top ten forces that were targeted, just a few of them, maybe it has something to do with them entering the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field first, haha, fortunately we were a step late, otherwise, we will probably end up with them too , Tsk tsk, being targeted like this, even the top ten forces, can't bear it."

At this time, most of the people who stepped into the No. [-] God and Demon Trial Field became spectators. Only Taishangmen, Yelu's family, and Dong's family were the most hard-pressed. What Tong meant, whether it was a mountain-shaped stone man or a giant stone man, they would naturally obey orders and take care of these forces at will.

Qi Lingdaotong was sitting in the void, on a chair made of clouds, his legs were shaking constantly, and his big eyes were staring at the battlefield below.

"If the master sees that I have done so well, he will definitely reward me."

"Do you want them to face more intense attacks?" Qi Lingdaotong scratched his forehead, as if he was considering whether to make the stone man's attacks more violent. The following battle is still not lively enough.

Suddenly, Qi Ling Daotong's eyes turned, and he fell on those powerful monks who were relaxed and were eating melons.

"Seeing that you are so leisurely, then you should join in."

After Qi Lingdaotong finished speaking, there was a vibration from the ground. At this time, the Taishangmen, Dong family, Yelu family and other forces all felt the vibration from the ground. Afterwards, their eyes passed through each stone. People, look into the distance.

When they saw clearly the source of the vibration, they all felt their scalps go numb.

I couldn't help but burst into foul language.

Let no one live anymore, there are not enough stone men in front of them, and they have doubled again. Is this going to kill them all in the No. [-] God and Demon Proving Ground?
How did this come to win the inheritance, it was obviously running to seek death.

Taishangmen, Dong family, Yelu family and other forces were already depressed. Why did they keep targeting them and not other forces? They didn’t do anything, why were they targeted.

But they were depressed but couldn't tell others, and the land of the gods and demons would not respond at all.

Now that twice as many stone men have emerged, how can they not complain.

"There are so many stone men again, can they bear it?" Those melon-eating monks who stood aside didn't realize that the danger was coming towards them, and they were still worrying about Taishangmen and Yelu's family.

Soon, they could no longer relax, because the stone man who appeared this time came after them, and did not join the forces besieging Taishangmen and Yelu's family.

"Damn it, why are you attacking us? We are innocent." Many monks immediately panicked. They didn't expect that bad luck would suddenly befall them. Now they need to face the danger of the stone man.

Looking at the chaos on the ground, all the monks couldn't stay out of it, being attacked by stone men, Qi Ling Daotong showed a happy smile.

This is the result it wants.

(End of this chapter)

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