The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 799 The Geniuses of Nanzhan Buzhou! 804 more

Chapter 799 The Geniuses of Nanzhan Buzhou! 804 more

"Someone is robbing!"

On a flying ship driving in the galaxy, someone watched the thunder rolling in the distance, and suddenly let out an exclamation.

"What's all the fuss about crossing the robbery, everyone present, who hasn't seen the transitional robbery!" Some people didn't think so.

"That's right, that's right, Brother Yang is a little too surprised." Someone echoed.

However, the person who exclaimed didn't pay attention to the two of them. He stared straight ahead, his eyes emitted a faint golden light, and there seemed to be runes flowing on his eyeballs. This was using his divine eye to see .

In his opinion, crossing the catastrophe is indeed relatively common, but the catastrophe that destroys the sky and the earth in the distance is extraordinary. How can there be such a big movement for an ordinary monk to cross the catastrophe? The catastrophe is overwhelming Yes, this is the Hedao realm being promoted to the Mahayana realm.

These guys thought he was making a fuss, but they knew that the man in the distance was extraordinary, it was definitely a very high level of catastrophe.

Clairvoyant is known as a clairvoyant, but he can clearly see things thousands of miles away. At first, he just glanced at it casually. How could he have thought that someone was crossing the catastrophe in such a remote place.

And it's not an ordinary catastrophe.

Suspected to be a catastrophe in the Mahayana realm.

He has rarely seen such a large-scale catastrophe. In his memory, he has only once witnessed a huge catastrophe. He clearly remembers that the catastrophe that that person went through was a catastrophe in the Mahayana realm.

Now that person has long been one of the figures who stand at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, and is also a pivotal powerhouse in Nanzhan Buzhou.

Unexpectedly, now I am lucky enough to encounter another catastrophe of the same scale.

"As expected of Eastern Shenbu State, the most powerful continent in the entire comprehension world, we just came here to see the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, and we will meet the strong ones to overcome the calamity." The young man sighed, guessing in his heart, I don't know where it is A strong Daoist from the Eastern Shenbu Continent is attacking the Mahayana realm.

He has heard of many well-known powerhouses in the Dao Realm in Eastern Shenbu Continent, such as the Chiying from Taishangmen, the peak of the late stage of the Dao Realm, who is known as the person who has the most hope of stepping into the Mahayana realm, and the one from Snake Mountain Hong Wei, the same peak strength in the late stage of the Hedao realm, is almost the same as Chi Ying, and Mu Nanbei of the Mu family is one step away from the peak of the late stage of the Hedao realm.

All in all, in Eastern Shenbu Continent, there are more than [-] monks standing in the late stage of Hedao Realm. This is not counting some unobtrusive and magic monks. If all of them are counted, there will definitely be more many.

Yang Yun stood at the bow of the boat and didn't make a sound for a long time. Yang Yun stared at the distance fascinated, and other people on the boat became interested.

"Brother Yang, you just said that there are people crossing the catastrophe in the distance, and the momentum is unusual. What kind of monk is crossing the catastrophe?" The one who spoke was the Snow Lotus Saintess, one of the four most powerful people in Nanzhan Buzhou. One of the strongest sects, a core disciple of the Tianshan Sect, and a candidate for the next head of the Tianshan Sect, Xue Lian knows that Yang Yunxiu has clairvoyant eyes and can see things thousands of miles away, so she is not like other Like a person, he didn't take it seriously, but came over and asked seriously.

Although Yang Yun is a genius, he is only a casual cultivator, not as strong as the young men and women present. The Saintess Snow Lotus has a gentle attitude and is not overbearing at all. Yang Yun prefers to get along with such people. Answer: "This person may be attacking the Mahayana realm!"

As soon as Yang Yun said this, all the young men who were still talking about the inheritance of ancient gods and demons in Eastern Shenbu Continent stopped in an instant.

Is it such a coincidence?
They were just rushing to the Eastern Shenbu Continent, not far from the Eastern Shenbu Continent, and they met a strong man who hit the Mahayana realm?
This sentence has to make everyone pay attention, because the Mahayana realm is not an ordinary realm, but anyone who can step into the Mahayana realm is a genius among geniuses.

Without the talent of Taoism, it is impossible to reach this level.

Even if they are geniuses like them, they can't guarantee that they will be able to step into the Mahayana realm in the future. On the road of cultivation, the higher the realm, the more difficult it is to cultivate, otherwise, everyone will become immortals and attain the Tao.

The road to immortality is extremely difficult and extremely dangerous. Even if one does not get killed, one may die in the process of crossing the catastrophe.

So when I heard that someone was attacking the Mahayana realm, no one present could ignore it.

It is no exaggeration to say that anyone who has the courage to challenge this realm is a warrior.

"Is it really hitting the Mahayana realm?" Xie Hongyun, the genius of Binghuo Island, wanted to make sure. He couldn't help getting excited now. He would rather visit the place where the ancient gods and demons were inherited. The catastrophe of the Mahayana realm.

"Basically correct." Yang Yun said.

At this time, another young man stood up from his seat, walked over, and said: "In that case, let's go and watch this strong man cross the catastrophe first. After the catastrophe is over, we will continue to go to the gods." How about the land of the devil's inheritance?"

The young man who said this was named Meng Wudi, and he was a genius of the Hundred Beasts Sect.

"I agree with Brother Meng. Any treasure that appears in the Eastern God Buzhou cannot be captured by other Buzhou. This rule has been maintained, so we go early and late, it's the same. It's not to see this senior. The process of surviving the catastrophe can also provide us with some experience in surviving the catastrophe in the future." Qiu Li of the Qi Sect said.

Several people present looked at each other, wanting to hear other people's opinions. Seeing that no one refused, they heard Meng Wudi say hello. Afterwards, the airship slightly adjusted its direction, speeded up, and headed towards the Heavenly Tribulation area thousands of miles away. go ahead.


The place where Yelu's family is stationed.

Patriarch Dong's visit was greeted by Patriarch Yelu himself, and the two had been talking for a while.

When Patriarch Dong said that the person they were looking for might be the same person, Patriarch Yelu was taken aback for a moment, and then listened to Patriarch Dong's analysis.

After a long while, the Yelu family head said: "Although what the Dong family said sounds reasonable, I think you are overthinking the Dong family. My Yelu family and the Dong family did not offend anyone at the same time. How could there be such a coincidence?" Moreover, he dared to offend our two forces at the same time, doesn't he want to live?"

"In this matter, I think Patriarch Yelu should speak with Senior Yelu. Maybe Senior Yelu has the same opinion as me." Seeing that Patriarch Yelu didn't think he was alone, Patriarch Dong insisted.

"I won't bother Patriarch Dong about this matter, I will tell my ancestors about it." Patriarch Yelu said on his lips, but he didn't have any intention of conveying the message in his heart. To him, this was completely nonsense. How could it be possible that the people they were looking for were all the same person? That would be too coincidental. Besides, he could be sure that his Yelu family and the Dong family had no common enemy.

Just when Patriarch Yelu was about to send Patriarch Dong away, a voice suddenly sounded in the air, and the next second, Patriarch Yelu's expression changed, and he hurriedly showed respect.

The ancestor Yelu Kunlun has come.

Yelu Kunlun appeared out of thin air, and said: "What Little Patriarch Dong said is somewhat possible, Yeluzheng, why don't you seriously think about what Patriarch Xiao Dong said."

Patriarch Dong also had a respectful expression on his face. The young Patriarch Dong took one bite at a time, but Patriarch Dong didn't feel any displeasure in his heart, because the other party was on the same level as the ancestor Dong Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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