The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 800 805 Double Tribulations! 1 more

Chapter 800 805 Double Tribulations! 1 more

The flying ship docked ten miles away from the Heavenly Tribulation area, and they didn't dare to get too close. First, they were afraid of being affected by the Heavenly Tribulation. Second, they didn't want to be noticed by those who crossed the catastrophe. They regarded them as enemies, otherwise they would attract a Heavenly Tribulation. , they are in danger.

Yang Yun, Saintess Xuelian, Xie Hongyun and others all stood at the bow of the boat, staring ahead.

Now, seeing the Heavenly Tribulation up close is far more shocking than watching it before.

"This catastrophe, why do I feel that it is more terrifying than being promoted to the Mahayana realm? I remember that when our ancestors entered the Mahayana realm, it was not as big as the catastrophe that this senior in front of us went through." Qiu Li said, as a Nan One of the four sects of Zhanbuzhou, Qizong certainly does not lack Mahayana realm.

Xie Hongyun of Binghuo Island also had a serious face, and echoed: "I don't look like it, but if it is said that it is a catastrophe beyond the Mahayana realm, I think the momentum is a bit smaller. After all, the tribulation realm is the highest. The realm has reached, and the momentum is far beyond the Mahayana realm."

"Regardless of whether it is the Tribulation Transcending Realm or the Mahayana Realm, this person's strength cannot be compared with ours. If this person succeeds in crossing the Tribulation Realm, there will be another strong person in Eastern Shenbu Continent."

"Although there are more monks in Dongshenbuzhou than our Nanzhanbuzhou monks, they don't have the existence of crossing the catastrophe. We have a living fossil strongman in Nanzhanbuzhou. As long as this strongman is there, Dongshenbuzhou will Don’t dare to be presumptuous.”

The few geniuses talked about the relationship between the most powerful people and even the relationship between the two continents from the catastrophe in front of them, and they all analyzed it clearly.

Although it is possible that Dongshenbuzhou may have another strong man, the few people can still remain calm, because they have confidence, and Nanzhanbuzhou has the existence of crossing the tribulation state.

While several people were discussing, suddenly, the catastrophe in front of them changed again. If the previous catastrophe was shocking enough, the next change is jaw-dropping.

From the black cloud, a huge figure appeared, as if it was a strange beast from the ancient times, flashed past the crowd, and then fell into the thunder.

The catastrophe became rain, countless, densely packed, covering that area, and it was impossible to see the people who survived the catastrophe.

But the shadow of that giant beast was clearly seen by several people.

"Heavenly tribulation accompanied by alien beasts, this is the most terrifying thunder calamity!"

"I've heard that only those who can withstand the attack of this alien beast can successfully cross the catastrophe. The strong men in Nanzhan Buzhou have not seen any alien beasts before."

"It can only be said that this person's talent is terrifying, even to the point of jealousy, that's why he sent down the beast. As long as this person can survive, he will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of the cultivation world." Yang Yundao .

He thinks that his talent is not bad, but when he sees the thunder catastrophe in front of him, he knows the gap between himself and others. Seeing that the catastrophe of other people is different from that of ordinary people, when he crosses the catastrophe of Mahayana, he will also It will never be as powerful as this person.

"The ancestors said that if someone is accompanied by strange beasts when they cross the catastrophe, this person has a great hope of entering the realm of crossing the catastrophe." The maiden Snow Lotus said, and her words made the people present even more respectful of the catastrophe. people, surprised.

They felt that this person must be an amazingly talented person in the Eastern Shenbu Continent, but they didn't know which senior in the Dao realm, if possible, they would be willing to take the initiative to visit.

Ding Ninggen, who was crossing the catastrophe, had no intention of paying attention to Yang Yun and the others at this time. In his eyes, Yang Yun and the others did not pose a threat to him, and they were not hiding their heads and showing their tails, but just wanted to watch the catastrophe from a distance. That's all, he doesn't mind.

As long as it's not someone who has a bad heart for him.

Ding Ning was no longer distracted, and quickly withdrew his attention, concentrating on surviving the tribulation.

Since the beginning of the Heavenly Tribulation, Ding Ning has been enduring the bombardment of the Heavenly Tribulation, but his physical body is too strong, which makes Ding Ning a bit dull, feeling that the power of the Heavenly Tribulation is too weak, and it is a bit easy to cross the Tribulation.

So Ding Ning suddenly thought, anyway, crossing the heavenly tribulation of the righteous way is also crossing, it would be better to pass through the evil way of heavenly tribulation, so he opened up the breath of the two ways at the same time, and crossed the tribulation together.

So the catastrophe boiled.

Crossing the double catastrophe together, in the history of the cultivation world, no one has ever heard of it, let alone seen it, and only then did the alien beast Heavenly Tribulation appear that shocked Yang Yun and others.

Amidst the thunder, Ding Ning had already ignored those snake-like lightning bolts, and they continued to drill into his body. His physical body, not to mention immortal, was already comparable to the physical body of ancient gods and demons. It was so strong that he didn't care about Lei Jie at all.

The only thing Ding Ning needs to pay attention to is the strange beast that suddenly appeared in front of him.

As soon as this strange beast appeared, Ding Ning's expression flickered, a little surprised, he had never heard of the strange beast appearing in the Heavenly Tribulation, but in his last life, when he was promoted to the Mahayana realm, he didn't have this kind of treatment. It's a little smaller, it's not as scary, let alone the appearance of strange beasts.

"Has my talent reached the level where Heaven is jealous?" Ding Ning couldn't help laughing, feeling a little complacent in his heart. After all, being able to make Heaven jealous is not something anyone can do, even in his last life, Can't do it either.

"It seems that in this life, I, Ding Ning, are destined to break through the shackles that I did not break through in the previous life, and enter the realm of crossing the catastrophe." Ding Ning knew that with the appearance of strange beasts, there was only the possibility of crossing the catastrophe.And he was envied by Heaven, which should be related to his physical body entering a new level, which is comparable to the ancient gods and demons, and he can ignore the thunder calamity.

Because this means that Ding Ning is a super potential stock that may jump out of the Heavenly Dao and become detached. Tiandao naturally kills such a character in advance if he can.

But Heavenly Dao will not attack for no reason, only when the monks are promoted, they will attack, leaving a chance for the monks.

"I don't know if I can kill you with my physical strength alone." Ding Ning said slowly, looking at the strange beast that gave him a ferocious look.

If his words fell into the ears of Yang Yun and other geniuses who came all the way from Nanzhan Buzhou, they would definitely be stunned, because in their view, to face a strange beast, they only need to resist its attack and get out of its hands. After a while, it will be fine, and what Ding Ning meant, he doesn't want to be a punching bag, he wants to be a boxer.

And the strange beast is the sandbag in his eyes.

This idea is really bold enough.

Of course, Ding Ning is a bold person with high skills, because his physical body ignores the power of the catastrophe, which gave Ding Ning a strong self-confidence. His physical body is so strong, why should he be afraid.

Since the strange beast appeared, he would kill the strange beast. He still didn't know what would happen if the strange beast in the catastrophe was killed.

In order to reveal this secret, he has to try hard!

(End of this chapter)

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