The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 802 807 Taoist Que! 3 more

Chapter 802 807 Taoist Que! 3 more

The appearance of Yelu Kunlun made Yelu Zheng, the head of the Yelu family, immediately become respectful. Seeing that the ancestor wanted to blame him, Yelu Zheng nodded hurriedly: "What the ancestor taught is that I lacked consideration."

Yelu Kunlun just glanced at Yeluzheng, didn't say much, and immediately looked at Patriarch Dong, and said with a smile: "Patriarch Dong's bold guess is somewhat reasonable, perhaps, Patriarch Dong's guess may be the truth I can't say for sure."

"The younger generation is just guessing, and there is no conclusive evidence. As for whether it is really the same person, I am not sure." The master Dong said.

"Hehe, Patriarch Xiao Dong, you can think of the same person. Based on this alone, not everyone can do it." Yelu Kunlun praised Patriarch Dong, and then said: "It just so happens that you are here, Patriarch Xiaodong. We can verify whether it is the same person who shot us."

"Oh?" Patriarch Dong's expression flickered upon hearing this.

Yelu Kunlun said to Yelu Zheng, "Go and invite Taoist Que here."

If others dared to order Yeluzheng like that, he would have slapped him long ago, but it was his ancestor Yelu Kunlun who ordered him, so Yeluzheng naturally has no temper, so he can only obediently invite Taoist Que.

Hearing the words Que Taoist, Patriarch Dong showed a three-pointed look of surprise. Is the Que Taoist that Yelv Kunluo said is the Que Taoist who is known as the number one magician in the cultivation world?

Patriarch Dong couldn't help but be surprised, because this Que Taoist was very unusual. At the beginning, he wanted to ask the other party to find the murderer who killed his Dong family members, but he failed to invite Que Taoist. Even when he mentioned the old ancestor Dong Yu, the other party still Did not give face.

Unexpectedly, Yelu Kunlun invited this person over.

Taoist Que knows how to do magic tricks, and he can gain insight into the secrets of heaven, which is quite powerful. It stands to reason that such a person would give some face to a strong man in the Mahayana realm, but Taoist Que would not. He is very respected.

"Although this Taoist Que has a bad temper and doesn't easily sell other people's face, he still has strength." Patriarch Dong was very impressed with Taoist Que. He didn't see it, and because of this, he was quite sulking.

Now that Taoist Que is about to appear, he wants to see if this person is as powerful as in the legend.

Patriarch Dong has never met Taoist Que, and he doesn't know whether his method of finding people is better than Bian Shen.

But presumably the reputation should be worthy of the name, otherwise Yelu Kunlun would not have invited him here with his temper.

In an instant, Taoist Que came in front of several people. Patriarch Dong noticed that Taoist Que was wearing a black and white Taoist robe, with two boys behind him, which seemed to be a bit of a recluse.

"Brother Kunlun." Taoist Que greeted Yelu Kunlun, but he ignored the others.

This is normal, after all, Taoist Que has been famous in the cultivation world for many years, and his status is there, so that he can take the initiative to say hello, he has to be a big shot.

"Fellow Daoist Que, I invite you here because I want Taoist Que to calculate for me whether the murderer who killed my Yelu tribe is still on the battlefield of Shura."

"So that's how it is. Well, at the request of Fellow Daoist Kunlun, I, Daoist Que, will help you find him even if it hurts your lifespan." Taoist Que said humanely.

"Fellow Daoist Que said that, Kunlun, I feel ashamed. Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Que. I, Yelu Kunlun, have accumulated some experience over the years. Once this person is identified, I will help Taoist Que to increase all the lost lifespan." Yelu Kunlun said.

Patriarch Dong's heart was shaken upon hearing these words, does Yelu Kunlun still have a fetish to increase lifespan?

There are only two ways to increase lifespan. One is to increase the realm. Every time one breaks through a realm, one's own lifespan will change. Apart from this method, the other is to absorb rare treasures, such as the fruit from the ten thousand-year spirit peach tree. Spirit peach, it is said that eating one can increase the life span of a hundred years, and there are also natural and earth treasures such as emperor ginseng and ten thousand year ganoderma, which can increase life expectancy.

But this kind of thing is extremely rare, and if someone got it, it is not in a hurry to use it, so it is not easy to give it away.

Yelu Kunlun really did a great job in finding the murderer, no wonder Taoist Que was invited here, Patriarch Dong thought to himself.

"Fellow Daoist Que, I still have something I want to ask Taoist Que to help me with." Yelu Kunlun said.

"Brother Kunlun, please tell me."

"This is Patriarch Dong. Patriarch Dong has a son who was killed by someone. The murderer is still at large. I want to ask Taoist Que to help me find out whether this person is the same murderer who killed my clan."

Taoist Que was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, checking one is also checking, and checking two is also checking, then I will spend more effort."

"It's hard work, Fellow Daoist Que, please!" Yelu Kunlun said politely.

The head of the Dong family did not speak the whole time. Now that he is looking for the murderer with the help of the Yelu family, he is too happy and there is no need to pay any price. Why not do it.

After Daoist Que agreed, he began to search for people. He erased a few broken bones from his sleeve. These bones looked old. I don’t know what kind of bones they are, but it’s not unusual for them to be used to find people. The bones of living things.

Afterwards, several bones were thrown into the air by Taoist Que. While he was chanting the mantra silently, he saw the bones start to move.

As the bones moved, unintelligible words were left in the void after the movement.

After more and more mysterious words appeared, they finally turned into an article. Taoist Que bit his finger and shot blood towards the chapter in the void. In the next second, all these words flew towards Taoist Que, Taoist Que He opened his mouth and ate it all in one bite.

After waiting for a moment to eat, Taoist Que suddenly said, "I found him."


Ding Ning felt that his body was blown by the wind, as if his blood and flesh had been blown away. He almost had no feeling for his body.

What kind of wind is this, why is it so weird.

And that's not to mention, when he was blown by the wind, he felt that the power in his body began to faintly become stagnant, not as smooth as before.

The sense of crisis in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, which he had never felt before, even when facing the sky fire and cold water, he didn't feel this way, so he could only say that this wind was not an ordinary wind.

One really shouldn't be too proud.

Just now, he thought that the strength of this strange beast was only average, but he didn't expect that the world's report came so quickly, and it put him in a life-and-death crisis in an instant.

No, he can't let the wind blow down, otherwise, his body will be blown into bones by the wind little by little, and finally, blown into nothingness.

Even if his physical body is comparable to the ancient gods and demons, it is not safe. After all, he is not a real ancient gods and demons. Even if the ancient gods and demons are so powerful, they still have not completely declined.

He Ding Ning can't be too confident.

Still think of a way to stop the strange beast from blowing, the wind hurts his head.

(End of this chapter)

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