The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 803 808 Kill 3 Calamity Beasts! 1 more

Chapter 803 808 Kill the Three Disaster Beasts! 1 more

The three disaster beasts can spit water, fire and wind. Water is cold water, fire is heavenly fire, and wind eats away the bones.

Facing cold water and fire from the sky, Ding Ning could hit him with his fists, but it was not easy to block the bone-eating wind with his fists.

Because bone erosion wind is different from cold water and sky fire, it is invisible.

A punch went up, but it just hit the air, and the wind still existed.

Ding Ning felt very bad about being blown by the bone-eroding wind. For a long time, even if his physical body was extremely strong, he couldn't bear it.

So he could only focus on blocking the source of the bone-eroding wind, which was the three disaster beasts themselves. As long as he killed the three disaster beasts, this weird evil wind would no longer exist.

Ding Ning strode forward, his figure flickering from time to time, and between his steps, he barely avoided the bone-eroding wind blowing from the mouth of the three disaster beasts.

He is approaching the three disaster beasts, as long as he is close, he believes that with his strength, he can still destroy the three disaster beasts.

Although the way of heaven does not allow monks to be promoted to a higher level, so it brings down the catastrophe, but if everything is left behind, the way of heaven will also leave a trace of life.

He Ding Ning only needs to kill the three calamity beasts, and the catastrophe of the Dao realm can be regarded as completely over.

Ding Ning didn't know that, in fact, he didn't need to kill the three disaster beasts at all, as long as he resisted its attack, after resisting for a while, the three disaster beasts would naturally dissipate.

The bone-eroding wind from the mouth of the three disaster beasts is constantly blowing, it can sense that Ding Ning is approaching, and it will pose a threat to it. At the same time, it is also a little angry, because it represents the catastrophe. If you dare to fight it, you just passively bear its attack. After a while, it will leave without interest.

But today, the human being in front of him tried to kill him, and the three disaster beasts were very angry.

The consequence of anger is that the attack power spewed out of its mouth increases rapidly.

At first, Ding Ning was able to avoid the bone-eroding wind, but when the Three Disaster Beasts spewed out water, fire and wind from their mouths, covering their surroundings with these three kinds of energy, he couldn't dodge it.

Because he has nowhere to hide, the area covered by the catastrophe is filled with these three kinds of energy.

In Ding Ning's view, the power of a single energy, such as sky fire and cold water, was not terrible, but after the fusion of the three kinds of power, the power suddenly increased.

The sense of danger in Ding Ning's heart increased again, and this stroke was even more severe.

And the closer he was to the position of the Three Disaster Beasts, the stronger the fusion power he was enduring.

The void is filled with three kinds of fusion power, which looks gorgeous and colorful, but the degree of danger is astonishing, but all monks with weak physical strength will melt in an instant, and only a freak like Ding Ning can be in it, but even so , Ding Ning is not feeling well either.

Yang Yun and others, who had been ten miles away from the Heavenly Tribulation area, discovered that the Heavenly Tribulation area ahead had undergone new changes. At the same time, a terrifying aura was also spreading in all directions.

This breath forced the people on the flying boat to push the flying boat back.

After hastily retreating a certain distance again, the airship stopped after the aura no longer filled the eyes, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and all of them felt lingering fear, it was just the aftermath of the catastrophe, which almost wiped them out, if not for their fast speed , it is really possible to be instantly obliterated by that breath.

"What happened there?" Qiu Li asked.

"I feel that the senior of Dujie seems to have angered the three disaster beasts. Didn't the Snow Lotus Saintess just say that? Once the three disaster beasts are angry, it is very terrifying. You can combine the three attacks of wind, fire and water to become a stronger one." Attack, I feel that this has already happened." Xie Hongyun said.

"If this is the case, this senior is probably going to be in danger. When the three disaster beasts get angry, there will be endless catastrophes. What is this senior thinking? Why did he anger the three disaster beasts?" Meng Wudi couldn't help but feel a little regretful. , a peerless genius who was about to stand at the top of the cultivation world, but because he angered the three disaster beasts, he died in the catastrophe, and his death was really aggrieved.

Ding Ning didn't know that his attempt to kill the Three Disaster Beasts aroused the anger of the Three Disaster Beasts, which caused Yang Yun and others to sigh for him. He was already very close to the Three Disaster Beasts.

But Ding Ning still wanted to be closer, because in this way, he would cause more damage to the three disaster beasts.

However, the Three Disaster Beasts didn't give him this chance, forcing Ding Ning to make an early move.


Ding Ning rushed up suddenly, like a hurricane sweeping across the universe.

The three disaster beasts stared at Ding Ning with a pair of small eyes, no matter how fast Ding Ning was, it could see very accurately, and then the three kinds of power in its mouth swept over at once.

Ding Ning and these three combined forces were about to collide with each other. At the critical moment, Ding Ning suddenly turned to the side of his body and barely dodged it. Then, with a tiger pounce, he finally rushed to the front of the three disaster beasts and picked him up. fist.

Ding Ning's fist didn't land on the body of the Three Disaster Beasts. Instead, he was swept by an attack, and Ding Ning's body was blown away.

The Three Disaster Beasts stared at Ding Ning who was knocked into the air indifferently. Behind it, there was a long tail that was slowly curling up.

Only then did Ding Ning notice that the Three Calamities Beast had a tail that tasted good, and its attack speed was not slower than him at all.

After finally rushing to the front of the three disaster beasts, ready to kill the opponent, the result was swept away by the tail of the three disaster beasts. Is this the end?


Seeing Ding Ning who was still flying backwards, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

The Three Calamity Beasts didn't know how Ding Ning could still laugh. Just as it was wondering, a voice suddenly sounded from the top of the Three Calamity Beasts: "Fortunately, I have both hands ready."

The Three Calamities Beast raised its head, and it suddenly discovered that there was an extra Ding Ning in front of it. Wasn't Ding Ning blown away by it just now?

Ding Ning smiled slightly: "The person you knocked into the air is just a fake, and I am the true self now."

After finishing speaking, Ding Ning slammed his fist directly on the head of the Three Calamity Beasts, without spraying out the three kinds of energy of water, fire and wind.

As Ding Ning's full-force punch fell, countless cracks appeared on the body of the Three Disaster Beasts, and then, a wail came out from its mouth, and the bodies of the Three Disaster Beasts began to disintegrate, turning into pieces of energy, returning world.

"It's finally done." Seeing this scene, Ding Ning felt relieved for a while.

If not, he made a puppet fake in advance to deceive the other party, it would be really difficult for him to come close.

It turned out that when Ding Ning was thinking about killing the three disaster beasts, he had a way to kill them in his mind.

At this time, Yang Yun and others who were paying attention to Du Jie suddenly realized that after a wail, Tian Jie began to dissipate, and they were all stunned.

Are you saying that the robbery was successful?
What's the matter with the whining sound?

(End of this chapter)

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