The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 863 868 Tyrant! 2 more

Chapter 863 868 Tyrant! 2 more

On a piece of open space in the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Many disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect gathered here, and the crowd was densely packed, with tens of thousands of demon cultivators.

Among them, their strengths ranged from high to low, and they all stood quietly in place at this moment.

In front of the crowd, stood a figure.

A tall man who looked like a giant.

All the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect are familiar with this person, because this is one of the three demon kings of the Heavenly Demon Sect, the tyrant.

The tyrant was wearing a thin coat, and he could vaguely see the strong muscles behind the clothes. These muscles were like horned dragons, giving off a brave and invincible aura.

The tyrant stood here alone, he didn't speak, and no one dared to speak. This was the tyrant's own aura, and it was also his coercion over the years.

"How many people died?"

The tyrant asked lightly.

At this time, a middle-aged demon cultivator in a black robe stepped forward. He is the head of the eighteen elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect, Elder Fu Mo.

"Back to Lord Tyrant, five elders, twelve deacons, and 39 core disciples died tonight, a total of 56 people." Elder Fu Mo said.

Did five elders die alone?

This news made the tyrant frowned, and the other people present were also shocked.

If one wants to become an elder, it is a mandatory requirement to step into the Dao of Harmony, and now he has lost five elders of the Dao of Harmony, which is not a small loss.

What is even more shocking is, who can quietly kill five elders at the Dao level.

How powerful is the person who makes the shot.

Now that five elders have been lost at once, the vacant elders will not be filled in a short while.

"What trace does this person leave behind?"

"This person does things cleanly. From the wounds of those who died, nothing can be seen, but one thing is certain, the deaths of these people were all pierced through the eyebrows by a single blow, and their souls died instantly." Elder Fu Mo said.

"It was my fault that I failed to catch this person, and please punish the Lord Tyrant."

In the last sentence, Elder Fu Mo put all the responsibility for the murderer's escape on himself.

"Lord Tyrant, and us, we arrested this person together with Elder Fu Mo. We failed to catch this person. It was also our dereliction of duty. Elder Fu Mo cannot be blamed entirely." Elder Mo also fell down and took the initiative to plead guilty.

"We were wrong too."

Then, other elders also stepped forward and stood up.

The tyrant didn't make a sound, his silence made it unclear what he was thinking. If you want to say that the person most feared by the disciples of the Demon Sect is not Qin Jun, nor the evil lord, but the tyrant in front of him, because the tyrant's character is impermanent, sometimes good and sometimes bad , Sometimes, when he speaks with a smile, with nice words, he can kill a killer in the next second, and his face changes so fast that it is completely unpredictable.

"Get up, I don't blame you if you didn't catch anyone. This person is so powerful, even if he stands in front of you, you may not be his opponent." The tyrant was surprisingly not angry. He waved his hand and half knelt on the ground. Several elders were all dragged up by a force.

Even so, the elders are still fearful, although they are only one level lower than the Demon Lord, but they are elders, they all obey the orders of the three Demon Lords, without the suzerain, the three Demon Lords are the highest ruling of the Heavenly Demon Sect People, no one dares to disobey the orders of the three Lord Demon Lords.

"Lord Tyrant, do you know the identity of this person?" Hearing the tyrant's eloquent talk, an elder asked.

"I don't care what this person's identity is, but since he dares to break into our Heavenly Demon Sect to kill people, there is only one ending for him, and that is death."

'"This person has already been cursed by my killing blood. No matter where he hides, I can find him, so I will leave this person to me. It just so happens that I haven't moved my muscles and bones for a long time."

A smile flashed in the tyrant's eyes. There was a blood killing curse following this person. For him, Ding Ning couldn't escape at all.

After everyone heard the words "Blood Killing Curse", they all understood that this is the most powerful method used by the Heavenly Demon Sect to find enemies. The method created by the founder of the Heavenly Demon Sect requires the consumption of essence and blood. Today, there are only three demon kings Yes, no one else.

"With the Blood Killing Curse, this person can't escape. Fortunately, Lord Tyrant, you acted. Otherwise, if we want to find this murderer, it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack." Elder Fu Mo said.

"It's up to me to find this person. In order to avoid being infiltrated silently by this person again, I will open a large formation, and everyone will not enter or leave." The tyrant said.


Naturally, the crowd dared not have any doubts about the tyrant's arrangement. At this moment, a figure suddenly galloped from behind the crowd.

"I have seen the tyrant." The man saluted the tyrant.

"Why is it you? Didn't you go out with Master Xiejun to find the elixir for healing? Why did you come back suddenly by yourself?" The tyrant vaguely felt that something big had happened.

"Let me tell you, Lord Tyrant, while Lord Xiejun was out, we found a secret place, which contained the corpses of several ancient strong men. Now Lord Xiejun wants to collect the corpses of these strong men, but unexpectedly got trapped in it."

"Master Xiejun asked me to come back, and asked the two Lord Demon Lords to help him. Mr. Xiejun said that the place will be exposed soon, and there will definitely be more demon cultivators who want to seize the body of the strong man."

"Okay, I see." The tyrant nodded. This sudden news made him a little upset. The evil king made a mess again. Of course he knew what the evil king was thinking. He must want to sacrifice the corpses of those strong men. Alchemist.

And from this point of view, the corpse of the strong man that the evil king found was not one, but several, and the corpses that could make the evil king take risks with his own body must not be the corpses of ordinary strong men.

"If this guy takes all these corpses to sacrifice to the magic weapon, wouldn't my strength be surpassed by him?"

"It's fine for Qin Jun to be on top of me. If he also runs on top of me, wouldn't I become the third son of the Heavenly Demon Sect?"

The tyrant doesn't want to help the evil king, because he doesn't want the evil king to become stronger than him. The reason why the evil king is weaker than him these years is that he doesn't have strong materials to sacrifice his magic weapon. He knows that the evil king has always wanted to sacrifice eight Now there are seven blood-faced banners. If the evil king gets these corpses, it is really possible to refine eight blood-faced banners. Although they are in the same group, the tyrant does not want the evil king to be stronger than him.

Being strong by others means that you have to rely on others.

The tyrant naturally understood this truth.

"Lord Tyrant, when will you go? Lord Xiejun is waiting for your help." said the young demon cultivator.

The tyrant narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "What should I do, do I have to listen to your orders? Naturally, I won't watch if the evil king has something to do, but now, someone has sneaked into our Tianmo sect and killed more than [-] members of my Tianmo sect. I must bring this person to justice, how about this, Elder Fumo, I will help you to handle the matter of helping the evil king."

"But my lord, this..." When the young demon cultivator heard that it was not the tyrant who went there in person, he immediately fell into trouble.

"Do you have any objection to my decision?" The tyrant's tone suddenly changed, very cold, the young Moxiu trembled all over, no matter how dare he have any objection, he nodded hurriedly: "It's all up to your arrangement, my lord."

Only then did the tyrant dissipate the icy breath, and said lightly: "Hurry up and lead the way for the elders."

"Yes." The young Moxiu shrank his neck like a quail, and immediately did so.

(End of this chapter)

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