The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 864 869 Enemy's road is narrow! 3 more

Chapter 864 869 Enemy's road is narrow! 3 more

In the edge area of ​​the blood world star field, a figure suddenly landed on a broken star.

This person is none other than Jiang Taichao who wanted to be the first to find Ding Ning.

Jiang Taichao has been here for three days, and there is no news about Ding Ning, but he has met many demon cultivators.

Fortunately, Jiang Taichao is not weak, but all the demon cultivators he met became ghosts in his hands, and they were all beheaded by him.

Jiang Taichao is quite helpless in his aimless search at the moment. He can't enter the blood world to find Ding Ning. Now he can only try his luck here, hoping that Ding Ning is hiding on the edge of the blood world.

As for how to kill Ding Ning after finding Ding Ning, Jiang Taichao has already conceived it in his mind many times, thinking that there is nothing wrong with it.

Now it was just a matter of finding Ding Ning.

After a short pause, Jiang Taichao was about to change direction and continue searching, when the existence in his body suddenly spoke.

"Go east, there is a chance there."

Jiang Taichao felt a little stunned by the existence in his body, and suddenly such a sentence came out.

Chance?When I came to the edge of the blood world, I ran into a chance.

Jiang Taichao was overjoyed, and immediately rushed to the east, and at the same time asked about the existence of the Qu body, about this opportunity.

He knew that the existence in his body was extremely mysterious and terrifyingly powerful, but he could feel even the chance, which was a bit against the sky.

However, he has no doubts about what the existence in the body said. It was the existence in the body that told him about the previous inheritance of gods and demons. Unfortunately, he was one step too late and was taken first. Now that there is another opportunity, Jiang Taichao doesn't want to miss it again.

"How does this opportunity compare with the inheritance of gods and demons?" Jiang Taichao asked.

"Of course it can't compare to the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, but it will be of great help to you." The existence in the body said.

Jiang Taichao was a little disappointed. Sure enough, not all chances can be compared with the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, but the existence in the body is said to be of great help to him, and I believe it is not a mortal thing.

"I smell the aura of the strong man's cave being opened. As long as you hurry up, the other party will not take away the most precious things inside."

When Jiang Taichao heard this, he immediately accelerated his pace and reached the fastest speed. He didn't want to be preempted a second time.

This time, he wants to snatch other people's opportunities.

After a stick of incense.

Jiang Taichao came to a group of stars, and the opportunity of the existence in the body was here, but he didn't see any opportunity.

"If you observe carefully, there are stars that are different from other stars, and the opportunity is there."

After being reminded by the existence in the body, Jiang Taichao's spiritual sense scanned the stars one by one. At first, he didn't find any special stars. After scanning four times in a row, he found that there was a star that was a little different.

"This star looks no different from other stars from the outside, but if you observe carefully, you will find that it is absorbing the surrounding energy."

"This is a living star." Jiang Taichao's heart skipped a beat.

What does a living star mean? It means that there is a star core in this star, and as time goes by, this living star can continue to grow, and eventually it can grow into a huge star, just like the realm of cultivation, all made by A small star grows up.

The biggest example is the Kunlun star. It is said that part of the reason why Yelu Kunlun was able to enter the Mahayana realm was that he was the first to discover that the Kunlun star was a living star, and then integrated his will into the star. The robbery was successful.

Only then did Jiang Taichao understand the opportunity that existed in his body, perhaps it was this star core.

Forget about it, the existence in the body said that someone first discovered this place, and it is possible to integrate the will into this star core before him.

"Let's go in and talk about it. If I can kill this person, it won't be too late for me to merge my will slowly." Jiang Taichao made a small plan in his heart, and then quickly flew to this star.

The star is not big, with a diameter of about fifty miles. Among the stars, it can be regarded as the kind of infant level, and it belongs to the newborn star.

A newborn star is hidden in a sea of ​​withered stars, and it is really difficult for people to notice it. If the existence in his body hadn't reminded him, Jiang Taichao wouldn't have been able to find it.

In fact, this star is too inconspicuous in this group of stars. Even if it comes here by chance, it may not be able to find it, and it will only be regarded as a dead star.

"Where is that guy?" Jiang Taichao kept looking around, only to find that there was no one there.

Spiritual thoughts continued to spread and probed continuously. Except for him, there was indeed no one on this star.

But the existence in the body will not deceive him.

"That's right, the center of the earth!"

Jiang Taichao suddenly remembered that if the other party is not on the star, then it may be inside the star, and the other party must be below the surface.

"It turned out to be here." Jiang Taichao had just explored, and indeed found a crack on the surface, which was only one person wide.

His figure flashed and rushed over immediately.

Twenty miles underground, a figure was constantly being attacked by fire dragons, and he didn't stop, resisting.

Xiejun did not expect that at such a short distance from the star core, there was actually a cave of ancient human monks hidden. What surprised him most was that there were still four corpses preserved in this cave. If it is not destroyed for ten thousand years, its strength in life must be very terrifying, because the evil king knows that even a Mahayana realm cannot remain indestructible for ten thousand years after death.

It means that the strength of these four corpses was at least above the Mahayana realm. What does that mean? It may be the corpse of a strong man in the Transcending Tribulation Realm, or even the corpse of a legendary immortal.

Thinking of this, Xie Jun's heart became extremely hot, even if he paid all the price, he would get these four corpses, because as long as these four corpses were sacrificed to the blood-refining god banner, it is very possible to consecrate the eighth face. , he will forge a divine weapon with his own hands. With the eight-faced blood god banner, he can fight against all opponents in the blood world.

It is not impossible to become the strongest in the blood world.

Xie Jun's heart was moved, he was about to collect the four corpses immediately, but before he got too close, a formation was triggered by him, and immediately, the formation was activated, trapping him in it immediately.

So there was this scene in front of me.

This formation uses the star core as the energy source, even if Xie Jun has the strength of the Mahayana realm, he could not break through it, so he asked his subordinates who followed him to return to the Demon Sect to find helpers.

Jiang Taichao didn't know that Xie Jun was trapped in the formation, he was coming down from the surface, and his body kept falling.

But as he continued to go deep into the center of the earth, Jiang Taichao discovered why there was an inexplicable fog in front of him, and what was the situation.

He didn't expect so much, he couldn't wake up the existence in his body for anything, so go ask the other party.

Jiang Taichao continued to descend, not taking the fog seriously.

Until he suddenly felt his body lighten, and a huge suction force sucked him over.


Jiang Taichao felt that he had hit the hard stone.

After a while, he stood up.

And as he got up, he found a figure not far from him, staring at him.

The eyes of the two immediately met.

When the two saw each other's faces, they both froze for a moment.

Jiang Taichao did not expect that the first person to find this place was the evil king.

And Xie Jun also did not expect that Jiang Taichao would fall from the sky.

Right now, the two opponents who have had a battle, now meet again.

Can't help but sigh that Enjiai Road is narrow!
(End of this chapter)

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