The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 865 The 870 plan will never keep up with the changes! 1 more

Chapter 865 The 870 plan will never keep up with the changes! 1 more

The Cave Mansion of the Strong that the Evil Monarch issued near the Star Core has been around for quite some time and has a long history.

It really has to be traced back, almost back to ancient times.

Being able to build a cave at the location of the star core shows that the owner of the cave is very powerful. Although I don't know why there are four corpses in the cave, I don't know which of them belongs to the owner of the cave.

But there must be chances in this cave, ordinary chances, although Xie Jun despises them, these four corpses are of great use to him.

It's a pity that it is not easy to gain benefits in the strong man's cave.

This is why the evil king triggered the formation, trapping himself in it.

Means like this, in fact, all strong people will deploy around their cave to prevent some people from easily entering his cave, which can be regarded as a means of protection.

Yelu Kunlun and other Mahayana realm powerhouses were also trapped in a formation before, and it took a long time to get out, and there was nothing to gain.

Xie Jun is trapped in the formation that is suspected to be set by a strong man in the Transcending Tribulation Realm, and it is still based on the power of the star core, absorbing the power of the star core to maintain the formation, and it is really difficult for him to break through it alone. Disaster.

If there is another strong man of the same level as him, the two may join forces to break it.

Xie Jun thought that the people from his Heavenly Demon Sect would be the first to arrive. After all, ordinary people would not be able to find this place, but he never expected that the one who followed him here was that young man with extraordinary strength.

It was because of the injury suffered by that young man that he came out to look for the elixir to heal his wounds, so he found this place by accident.

And now, the person who hurt him also appeared here.

In fact, is it because friends don't get together?

Jiang Taichao was stunned for a moment, and immediately regained his clarity. Xie Jun was the first person to find this place, and things were unexpected.

Because in Jiang Taichao's heart, the evil king is not easy to kill, otherwise the existence in his body would not allow the other party to leave alive.

The most important thing is that Jiang Taichao is not an existence in his body, and he doesn't know whether the power accumulated by the existence in his body can cause harm to the evil king again, otherwise, he will be the one who is in danger.

He knew that if Xie Jun found that the existence in his body was not strong enough, he would definitely not let him go.

In Xie Jun's heart, Jiang Taichao has always been regarded as the murderer who killed his subordinates. Although Jiang Taichao didn't understand why the other party would kill him as soon as he saw him, he didn't think too much about it. Not surprisingly.

Neither of them knew that Ding Ning was the main reason for the fight when they first met. If Ding Ning hadn't vented his anger for Lu Feng, Lu Yao and others, and transferred the blood killing curse to Jiang Taichao, the evil king might not have shot.

So far, the blood killing curse is still in Jiang Taichao's body, even if the existence in that body has not been discovered.

Xie Jun felt the blood killing curse on Jiang Taichao, and couldn't help thinking of those subordinates who died in the Shura battlefield.

Those people were all cultivated by him himself, and they were all killed in the end.

The two looked at each other, each with killing intent.

In the next second, the two attacked each other at the same time.

One wanted revenge, and the other wanted to kill and seize the treasure.

Immediately, the formation became a battlefield for two people to fight against each other. In a small space, the two started a fierce confrontation.



A gigantic creature was sleeping soundly. From its mouth, as it breathed in and out, small wind vortices appeared one after another, and then flew to other places.

This is a hell demon wolf, living on a crater on the land of the blood world.

Some people say that the wind vortex formed by the breath of the devil wolf in hell will eventually form a huge tornado. This is the reason why there are often strong winds in the blood world, and it comes from the devil wolf in hell.

Even monks in the Mahayana realm don't want to provoke the horror of the hell wolf. Although the realm of this hell wolf is not high, its combat power is amazing, and even monks in the late Mahayana realm are troubled.

At night, this hell demon wolf fell into a deep sleep. It slept soundly, because it didn't feel that anyone dared to disturb it, but anyone who moved his mind became its meal.

Countless devil cultivators have been eaten by it. Hell Devil Wolf knows that he is already a giant crocodile in the blood world, and most of the people who try to make up his mind will be thankless.

However, it didn't know that someone was following it today.

Ding Ning approached the Hell Demon Wolf silently with the help of the God Demon Inheritance Tower. Under the control of Qi Ling Daotong, the sleeping Hell Demon Wolf really did not find the existence of the God Demon Inheritance Tower. In this way, Ding Ning came to the Hell Demon Wolf Then, in one ten-thousandth of a second, through the God Demon Inheritance Tower, the Blood Killing Curse was transferred to this hell demon wolf.

After doing all this, Ding Ning quietly left.

It wasn't until he was completely away from the crater that Ding Ning emerged from the Tower of Inheritance of Gods and Demons.

"Master, you are putting the blame on others, isn't it too unkind." Qi Lingdaotong expressed shame for Ding Ning's behavior just now.

Ding Ning said disapprovingly: "This is called borrowing strength to fight strength, how can it be to blame others."

"If it were the previous owner, he would never have done this."

"Then you haven't met me."

"Master, this is a bit despicable."

"In the world of monks, despicability is the passport of the despicable, and nobility is the epitaph of the noble."

Qi Lingdaotong scratched his head, puzzled.

Ding Ning didn't bother to explain, and directly put away the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, being mean to his opponent, Ding Ning didn't think it was mean at all.

Furthermore, in the world of monks, especially the world of blood, sometimes despicability can make a person live better.

Noble stuff doesn't fit here.

The tyrant used the Blood Killing Curse to track down the murderer. Naturally, Ding Ning would not allow him to catch up, so when the other party cast the Blood Killing Curse, he was thinking about where to transfer the Blood Killing Curse. Pit a tyrant.

That's why Ding Ning just ran to the hell demon wolf to transfer the blood killing curse.

Ding Ning felt that when the tyrant felt the blood-killing curse on the hell demon wolf, the expression on his face would be very exciting.

Does he use a praying mantis to catch cicadas and orioles behind him?
Ding Ning felt that his plan seemed to have to be changed.

Because he is hiding in the dark right now, waiting for the tyrant to fight with the devil wolf from hell, it is indeed a great opportunity for him to make a move, and it would be a pity to miss it.

After all, the plan couldn't keep up with the rapid changes. I originally planned to start with the evil lord first, but now I can only consider getting rid of the tyrant first.

Ding Ning is hiding near the volcano where the Hell Demon Wolf is, waiting for the tyrant to come.

The tyrant didn't keep Ding Ning waiting for a long time, and in less than a stick of incense, the tyrant really came.

Ding Ning narrowed his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and the show was about to start.

(End of this chapter)

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