The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 866 871 Oriole! 2 more

Chapter 866 871 Oriole! 2 more

Is it here?
The tyrant followed the induction of the blood killing curse and tracked here. Looking at the crater in front of him, he could still clearly feel the induction of the blood killing curse. And the murderer of the core disciple is inside.


The tyrant dodged and ran directly to the crater.

In the next second, the tyrant was already standing at the crater.

But before he could stand still, a gust of wind suddenly blew, and it seemed that there was a sharp knife hidden in the wind, which made his face ache.

The tyrant felt a little surprised by the sudden wind, and when he took a closer look, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.

Hell devil wolf!

As a powerful Mahayana realm tyrant, the tyrant naturally knew this kind of creature, and he had also seen the power of the hell demon wolf, but what he didn't expect was that the blood killing curse came from this hell demon wolf.

Is the devil wolf from hell the murderer?
The tyrant couldn't figure it out, there was no reason for the demon wolf from hell to go to the Heavenly Demon Sect to kill their people, because the two had no enmity or intersection.

Is there some misunderstanding in it?

The tyrant was thinking. Suddenly, two red lights covered him. The tyrant's eyes moved, and his body straightened a little. He looked at the hell wolf, who had awakened and was staring at him.

"The person who sneaked into our Heavenly Demon Sect and killed my Heavenly Demon Sect, but you?" the tyrant asked.

The Hell Demon Wolf was sleeping soundly, but suddenly found someone intruding into its territory, and even asked it, did this human come to find fault on purpose?


The Hell Demon Wolf responded with an attack.

The huge body suddenly jumped up, and the surrounding air was instantly crushed and exploded.

Its body appeared at the position where the tyrant had just stood, and the stones under it were crushed.

A swift blow, from the beginning to the end, is just a blink of an eye.

Didn't trample to death?
The hell demon wolf looked at another place, because the tyrant escaped its attack just now.

The tyrant was very angry. The hell demon wolf was very arrogant, so he shot directly. He didn't want to say more. Although he didn't understand why the hell demon wolf would kill him from the Heavenly Demon Sect, since the blood killing curse was on the hell demon wolf, then it There is nothing wrong with being a murderer.


The murderous intent from the tyrant surged out, directly sweeping across the entire mountaintop.

"Bastard, you are courting death yourself!"

With a roar, the tyrant stepped forward and punched the hell wolf in the air.

The Hell Demon Wolf sprang up again, spitting out the energy accumulated in its mouth towards the tyrant.


A burst of dazzling light collided, and the Hell Demon Wolf and the Tyrant both took a step back. The volcano under their feet shook a few times because of the attack of the two, and a large area of ​​rubble rolled down from the top of the mountain.

The Hell Demon Wolf let out a low growl, moved its limbs, and charged forward suddenly, like a bullfighting bull.


The tyrant snorted, and was not afraid of the power of the hell wolf. Nowadays, there is no one who can scare him, let alone a mere spirit beast, even if this spirit beast has good combat power, he The same will not be afraid.

It had been a long time since he had fought a battle with other strong men, and right now, his desire for a fight could just be fulfilled.


One person, one wolf, attacking frantically on this crater.

The entire volcano trembled as the two collided.

In the dark, Ding Ning saw all of this confrontation, especially the strength of the tyrant, he watched it more carefully.

It has to be said that since his fall, the strength of the tyrant has not rarely increased, especially his strong body, which gave Ding Ning the illusion that it could even be compared with his physical body.

The Hell Demon Wolf's thick fur is difficult to injure, but under the tyrant's terrifying fist, he just tore a hole in the Hell Demon Wolf's body.

"The strength of this guy's physical body has surpassed that of my previous life." Ding Ning stared at the figure of the tyrant and said to himself.

This sentence is already an admiration for the tyrant. If the tyrant knows that Ding Ning evaluates him like this, he will be very proud. Of course, Ding Ning's words also have a premise, that is, the physical strength of his previous life.

If compared with Ding Ning's current physical body, he believes that at the same level, his physical strength can still completely torment a tyrant. Even if there is a big difference between the two, Ding Ning will not be afraid of him.

Now Ding Ning's physical body is where Ding Ning is most confident. Once he enters the Mahayana realm, no one can compete with him physically.

After having a general understanding of the tyrant's strength in his heart, his confidence in beheading the tyrant has improved a lot.

With his current strength, it may be difficult to kill a tyrant in his prime, but if it is a tyrant after a battle with the devil wolf from hell, there is still a lot of hope.

The tyrant didn't know that there was a person staring at him secretly, ready to make a final attack. Now that he was angry with the demon wolf of hell, he was getting braver and braver as he fought, and he didn't consider the situation of being calculated by others.

After all, he thought that something like the Blood Killing Curse would not go wrong, but he never thought that it was actually transferred out by Ding Ning. As the creator of the Blood Killing Curse, no one knew more about the Blood Killing Curse than Ding Ning.

Ding Ning continued to peek in the dark, waiting for the moment when the battle between the tyrant and the hell wolf would end.

Now he just needs to watch quietly in the dark.

Time passed slowly, and the fight between the tyrant and the Hell Demon Wolf was not over yet. Although the Tyrant was stronger, the Hell Demon Wolf's ability to resist blows was too strong.

As expected of a creature like a wolf, no matter how seriously injured it was, its fighting power was still terrifying.

This is a protracted war. The tyrant is ready to fight a protracted war. Instead of helping the evil king get the corpse of the strong man, he is naturally more willing to fight this hell demon wolf. Moreover, the excuses are sufficient, and the evil king said no. what came out.

He came to avenge those who died for the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The great battle that erupted here in the crater has caused quite a stir, and some demon cultivators have already heard the news.

Just like when Ding Ning fought against the butcher before, all the demon cultivators who rushed over just watched from a distance and did not approach easily.

From the battle situation, a group of demon cultivators gathered guessed the identity and strength of the person who made the move.

Ding Ning frowned slightly. With these people around, he might be exposed if he attacked the tyrant later.

His eyes flickered for a moment, and Ding Ning decided that even if he was exposed, he would kill the tyrant here.

Anyway, sooner or later he will be exposed, and he will be targeted by the Demon Sect. It is only a matter of time. Since there is a chance to solve a traitor, so what if he is exposed.

As long as these three traitors are all beheaded, the rest of the Heavenly Demon Sect will not be able to threaten him at all.

His gaze fell back on the Tyrant and the Hell Demon Wolf. Now, he was waiting for the outcome of the battle between the two.

It would be even better if the hell demon wolf hurt the tyrant.

It would be easier for him to kill the tyrant rather than kill the tyrant.

I hope the Hell Demon Wolf can cause more damage to the Tyrant.

(End of this chapter)

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