The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 867 Face the tyrant! 872 more

Chapter 867 Face the tyrant! 872 more

A burst of smoke and dust rolled up, but all the demon cultivators who were watching the battle under the volcano were all rushed out by this huge impact.

They didn't understand why they came down the mountain all of a sudden, even though they were fighting on the volcano.

cough cough...

Many people were coughing continuously due to the dust, holding their noses and looking towards the source of the impact just now.

A tall figure gradually appeared in everyone's sight and became clear.

The people around were all watching quietly, wondering who this standing figure was.

The aftermath of the battle has created such a big realm, at least he must be a strong person at the level of the Dao realm.


Everyone finally saw this figure clearly, with its terrifying muscles and tall figure, it was not a tyrant but also a human being.


"One of the three Demon Lords of the Heavenly Demon Sect."

Someone recognized the identity of the tyrant for the first time, and showed a look of shock, but all the strong people at the Mahayana level are legendary existences, and they are not visible at ordinary times. I did not expect that I and others just witnessed a The picture of the tyrant fighting with people.

The tyrant stood there, obviously, he was the victor, and who was the strong being who was pinned down by the tyrant?
Everyone's eyes moved down, and a three-meter-long body covered in gray fur came into people's sight.

This is……

A powerful spirit beast.

At the beginning, no one recognized the identity of the Hell Demon Wolf, until someone realized that the spirit beast looked like a wolf, and no one connected it with the Hell Demon Wolf.

"It's really a Hell Demon Wolf. No wonder it has been able to fight the tyrant for so long. This is an adult Hell Demon Wolf." After learning that it was a Hell Demon Wolf, the crowd exclaimed.

The hell devil wolf still has a bad name in the blood world. It is not an exaggeration for an adult hell devil wolf to be as powerful as a Mahayana demon cultivator, just like the monk in front of him who is not as strong as a Mahayana realm , When you meet a hell devil wolf, you can only be reduced to its stuttering.

"It was said that the devil wolf from hell is active around here, so it should be this one."

"Hundreds of demon cultivators have already been brutally murdered by it, and the tyrant beheaded it here, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

Demon cultivators in the blood world have no good feelings for the cruel hell wolf. Now that they are killed by the tyrant, many people applaud for it. After all, no one wants to meet this hell wolf. Otherwise, 90.00% of them will be unable to escape. of.

After the tyrant beheaded the hell demon wolf, he just glanced at the audience in front of him lightly, and then in front of everyone, he cramped the hell demon wolf to the bone. In order to kill this hell demon wolf, his tyrant was also received It was not a small injury, and various parts of the Hell Demon Wolf's body were taken, which is suitable for helping him heal his injuries.

Furthermore, the Hell Demon Wolf is now his trophy, so naturally he will not leave the Hell Demon Wolf's body to others.

After collecting all the parts of the Hell Demon Wolf into the storage ring, the tyrant was about to leave.

That's the end of the matter.

When the tyrant was about to return to the Heavenly Demon Sect, suddenly, his heart skipped a beat for no reason, and he turned around abruptly.

huh huh.

There was a layer of ripples in the air, and nothing could be seen, but something did flash through the air, and the speed was so fast that it disappeared without a trace.

The tyrant punched violently, blocking the invisible attack with his fist.


A column of blood shot out from the tyrant's shoulder, his fist failed to block the invisible attack, the tyrant was hit, and his shoulder was bleeding profusely.

what happened?
The people around were stunned when they saw that the tyrant was suddenly injured.

Did someone take action against the tyrant?
"Where to go!"

Immediately afterwards, the tyrant's voice sounded in everyone's hearts, and the next second, the tyrant rose from the ground and rushed to the sky suddenly.

People looked at it immediately, and saw a vague shadow turning away in mid-air, and the person who just made the move should be this person.

The tyrant's face was ugly, his arm was injured by a sharp weapon, and it was pierced directly.

He didn't expect that he couldn't block this attack. He was in the Mahayana realm, how could ordinary people hurt him.

What surprised him the most was why this person shot at him, and the timing was so good. He was completely relaxed for a moment just now, and never thought that someone would suddenly attack him.

Who is this person?

Is it a coincidence, or premeditated?

These tyrants are not clear, he must catch this person, a person who can injure him in an instant, if he has been hiding in the dark and watching him, even if he is in Mahayana, he is still in danger.

Most importantly, he wanted to know who this person was. In his memory, he didn't have any enemies.

He couldn't think of who was going to attack him, since he couldn't think of it, he should catch him.

The tyrant quickly chased after him.

The one who made the sudden attack was naturally Ding Ning. He wounded the tyrant with his true essence sword, and left immediately after hitting the blow.

This was Ding Ning's countermeasure. He didn't want to expose his confrontation with the tyrant to the public, so he deliberately brought the tyrant over.

The two of them, one in front of the other, crossed a million miles in an instant. When they entered an even more desolate no-man's land, Ding Ning stopped moving and turned around to stop.


The tyrant then came to Ding Ning.

When he saw Ding Ning, he was stunned for a moment, because the tyrant found out that he didn't know Ding Ning at all, he was a complete stranger.

What surprised him the most was that he found that Ding Ning was quite young, such a young demon cultivator, his strength could hurt himself.

What is the purpose of the other party?
Why did he do this?
The tyrant was quite puzzled because he knew nothing about Ding Ning.

"who are you?"

The tyrant asked, he really didn't know why he was attacked by Ding Ning.

"A debt collector." Ding Ning said.

This day has finally come. Since Ding Ning was reborn, he has cultivated his mind until now, and finally began to face the traitor back then.

Looking at the tyrant in front of him, Ding Ning thought he would be extremely angry, but he found that he was not, on the contrary, he was extremely calm.

Debt collectors?
The tyrant didn't know what Ding Ning meant. When did he become a debtor?

"Who the hell are you?" the tyrant asked repeatedly, because Ding Ning's answer, to him, was like no answer.

"I said, I'm here to collect debts from you."

"Being mysterious, since you don't tell the truth, I'll beat you until you speak obediently." The tyrant saw that Ding Ning was not telling the truth, so he stopped asking. As long as he caught Ding Ning, he didn't let him search for anything he wanted to know at that time.

No matter who Ding Ning is or what his status is, if he dares to attack him, the tyrant will not be kind.

Ding Ning made him bleed, and he let Ding Ning die.

(End of this chapter)

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