The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 868 873 Ding Ning VS Tyrant! 1 more

Chapter 868 873 Ding Ning VS Tyrant! 1 more

The two figures, like two bolts of lightning, crashed into each other.

Then there was a berserk attack, both sides were bombarded with fists and feet.

Both of them have very strong physical bodies, so they naturally disdain to use any methods. They just fight with their bodies. They firmly believe that all methods can be broken with physical strength.

The tyrant has honed his body to the point where it is like a magic weapon. Even some magical weapons cannot hurt him.

In this regard, the tyrant is quite confident.

In the blood world, he thinks that there are very few people who can match him physically, even Qin Jun and Xie Jun are inferior to him in this respect.

In order to achieve physical invincibility, the tyrant has spent too much energy on this, collecting various methods of tempering the physical body, and even going to the realm of self-cultivation to obtain some body training methods at the risk of danger, all just to strengthen his own body.

Now, in terms of physical strength, the tyrant feels that he is no worse than those who specialize in physical training.

A strong physical body is the basis for his tyrant to gain a foothold in the Heavenly Demon Sect.

However, as he and Ding Ning continued to compete physically, the tyrant discovered that the physical strength of the young man in front of him was not weaker than him at all.

This shocked the tyrant.

How can a young monk's physical body be so strong, and judging by Ding Ning's combat experience, it is not obscure at all, and he is full of experience. It is reasonable to say that such a young man has long been famous and well-known in the blood world. , but he searched all the geniuses in the blood world in his mind, but there was no one like Ding Ning.

Could it be a strong man who just joined the WTO?
But why would he target himself for no reason?

"Your physical body is strong, comparable to mine, but I don't believe that your strength can also compete with mine." The tyrant said, the muscles on his body suddenly swelled up, all the muscles became bigger, and his whole body became bigger , the clothes on his body were propped up, and some places were even burst open.

Along with the physical changes, the aura on the tyrant's body also became more manic and terrifying.

An invisible momentum radiated to the surroundings following the change of the physical body.

This is the powerful oppression caused by the release of power, and it is the crushing at the level of life.

Although Ding Ning has the strength to fight across borders, he is still in the Dao realm and has not entered the Mahayana realm. Compared with the tyrant, his life level is lower than that of the tyrant. Now the tyrant is releasing his power again. The power is also released automatically.

Ding Ning's feet were pressed by this momentum and sank into the ground, but Ding Ning's body was still straight and never bent.

This is due to the strength of Ding Ning's physical body, which can help him face stronger oppression.

"You dare to attack me at the Dao realm, no matter what your purpose is, you have to pay the price for it today." The tyrant has seen through Ding Ning's realm, Ding Ning is not a real Mahayana realm, but a Daoist Being able to fight against him for so long is entirely due to his physical strength.

This is what the tyrant has to admit.

In fact, in the bottom of the tyrant's heart, Ding Ning's physical strength is still recognized. Even if he is in the Hedao realm, his physical strength is not as strong as Ding Ning's physical strength. Now he is only because he is higher in the realm than Ding Ning, so he can slightly overwhelm him. Ding Ning is ahead, if Ding Ning is also at the Mahayana level, it is hard to say who is stronger or weaker.

His advantage is that his strength is stronger than Ding Ning's, and his experience is stronger than Ding Ning's.

"Big Star Fist!" The tyrant suddenly punched.

The punch is like a mountain, it seems to overwhelm the sea, the power of a punch is boundless.

Mighty and mighty, roll and roll.

Ding Ning was expressionless and serious. He had never seen this punch from the tyrant, even if the tyrant fought the hell demon wolf, he didn't use it. It was actually used on him at this time.

Are you serious?

Or do you want a quick fix?
Ding Ning sneered from the bottom of his heart, he paused his arms, then turned his palms into fists, and clenched his arms tightly, keeping his arms and shoulders on a level line, only to hear a bang, the clothes on Ding Ning's shoulders were broken into pieces, and at the same time His arm suddenly pushed forward.

Fist into no wind.

Can't see any prestige, plain and simple.

Immediately, they saw Ding Ning's punch, and the fist of the tyrant that contained mountains and seas.

The two punches didn't collide with one punch, but the power contained in the punches collided in one place.


Two thunders sounded, and a white crack appeared between the two of them across the sky and the earth.

That was the scene where the void was shattered, and the collision of the two attacks created a crack in the sky and the earth.

The demon cultivators far away from this battlefield all looked here at the same time, witnessing this astonishing rift in the sky.

Was there a fight there?

What a terrible collision.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of demon cultivators followed this amazing scene.

Can't blow Ding Ning away?

The tyrant frowned. His big star fist just now was enough to deal with a Mahayana monk of the same level, but he failed to knock a monk of the Dao level into the air.

Is it because his fist is not powerful enough?


But the opponent is also very strong.

The tyrant's eyes flickered. He had to take Ding Ning seriously. A person who was one level lower than him could fight him to such an extent.

This man is simply against the sky.

It would be too stupid for the tyrant not to realize how terrible Ding Ning is at this time. How can anyone in the Hedao realm be able to fight against a strong man in the Mahayana realm like this.

Ding Ning is definitely the first.

Even Qin Jun could not have such a record in the Hedao Realm.

Ding Ning's level of danger in the heart of the tyrant has skyrocketed.

The tyrant clenched his fists, and even the big star fist could not hurt Ding Ning, so he had to use a stronger attack.

I have to use my cards.

The tyrant never thought that his trump card, the strongest method, would one day be used on a monk of the Dao realm.

It's okay to not use it now, if he doesn't deal with you sooner, he will be in danger.

The tyrant is very aware of his own situation, and when he fights with the Hell Demon Wolf, he gives outsiders the feeling that he is the tyrant who killed the Hell Demon Wolf without any injuries. In fact, he was injured, and it was not light, so the reason why he didn't see any injuries That's because the damage done to him by the demon wolf of hell is not on the flesh, but on the soul.

It can be said that his tyrant's soul is currently in a damaged state, and in this state, he still has to fight a young man who can cross the border.

Originally, he thought that using [-]% to [-]% of his strength would be enough to deal with the young demon cultivator in front of him, but the result became more and more astonishing as he fought.

It won't do him any good if it continues, and they will make such a big noise when they fight, it will soon attract other people to come.

If there is another Mahayana realm spying on him secretly and attacking him, his tyrant will really be in danger.

"It's time to end."

The tyrant murmured, and at the same time, his aura rose again, and this time it was a crazy rise.

The tyrant is about to strike with all his might.

(End of this chapter)

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