The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 869 874 Death of the Tyrant! 2 more

Chapter 869 874 Death of the Tyrant! 2 more

The tyrant wanted to kill Ding Ning before anyone else came here.

Didn't he know that Ding Ning also had the same idea.

Both of them were ready to deal with each other, and each showed their current strongest strength.

Facing the tyrant's all-out attack, Ding Ning transferred the power in his dantian to his whole body, making the King Kong god and demon body reach the best condition.


The two fought again, and the tyrant's attack was ten times more violent than before, as if he had countless hands, attacking at the same time.

Buddha's hand!
At this moment, the tyrant's whole body was full of red evil light, with a solemn appearance, somewhat similar to the methods of Buddhism, but the tyrant's attack did not have that Buddha nature, but was full of demon nature.

Those hands all slapped Ding Ning, and each blow could smash a star, just like a cannon.

The power of the attack erupted by this move is equivalent to the full attack of two strong men in the late Mahayana stage.

It is quite difficult to double the combat power in an instant. At the level of Mahayana, after all, at this level, they are all dragons among men, and no one is much weaker than the other. Be the key to victory.

He didn't believe that Ding Ning would still be able to compete with him once the Ten Thousand Buddha's Hand came out.

bang bang bang...

The surrounding air was all blown up, forming a vacuum, and there were even some cracks in the void. Under the hands of the tyrant, it failed to heal again, but it intensified and seemed to expand.

The void that was torn apart was like a monster with its mouth wide open, filled with the breath of destruction.

This is the cosmic rift, and the wind blowing from the cosmic rift is quite sharp, not much worse than a top magic weapon.

Ding Ning frowned slightly. The tyrant created several cosmic rifts around him, so that the wind blowing in from the cosmic rifts would hurt him.

Facing the tyrant's attack, he can only block part of it, not all of it, which makes him more and more vulnerable. If he is allowed to continue, the tyrant will definitely create more cosmic cracks until these cosmic cracks reach After a certain number, it is very likely that the city will be connected. At that time, he may fall into the crack of the universe. In that case, he will leave this universe, and it will be difficult to come back.

The tyrant's strength has improved a lot. Before Ding Ning's fall, the tyrant's strength was not so strong, especially the ten thousand bergamot, which Ding Ning had never seen before.

Seeing Ding Ning struggle with his Ten Thousand Buddhas Hand, the tyrant finally showed a smile on his face.

He has already gained the upper hand, as long as he is willing, those cosmic rifts will join together to form a huge cosmic rift. At that time, as long as he blasts Ding Ning into it, Ding Ning will leave this universe and cannot return.

The environment outside the universe, not to mention the Harmonious Dao Realm, even the strong Mahayana Realm cannot stay in it for a long time.

"The overall situation has been decided, let's capture it with nothing, otherwise, I don't mind sending you out of the universe." The tyrant said.

Occupying a huge advantage, the tyrant is not in a hurry to send Ding Ning out of the universe, but wants to figure out why Ding Ning attacked him.

"Tell me who you are and why you are targeting me, and I can save your life."

"What if I don't tell you?" Ding Ning asked.

"Don't say it? Hehe... If you are looking for death, don't blame me. I will only give you five breaths. When the time is up, if you don't say it, you can taste what it is like to be outside the universe." The tyrant snorted. With a sound, the countdown began.

Ding Ning squinted his eyes and didn't intend to speak.

Right at this time, the time for five breaths was up, seeing that Ding Ning didn't speak, the tyrant simply didn't bother to pay attention to why Ding Ning was targeting him. Anyway, as long as Ding Ning died, even if Ding Ning had unavoidable difficulties, so what.

"go to hell."

Wan Buddha's hand slammed down again, only to see the dozens of gaps in the universe instantly connected together, like a monster's huge mouth, biting Ding Ning.

The tyrant watched Ding Ning being swallowed by the gap in the universe, and at the same time, he did not forget to help Ding Ning, bombarding him to death in the gap in the universe.

However, as soon as the tyrant's Wanfoshou hit him, Ding Ning suddenly disappeared from the sight.

The tyrant suddenly lost his target.

What about people?

The tyrant looked around, and Ding Ning's figure seemed to have never appeared, which made the tyrant suddenly stunned.

Did Ding Ning escape?

However, Ding Ning did not jump out of the range of his Wanfoshou attack in front of him. Moreover, even if Ding Ning got rid of his attack, he should be able to feel it.

However, Ding Ning just disappeared out of thin air.

Not the slightest fluctuation, not a trace.

How did the tyrant know that Ding Ning didn't escape, but got into the tower of the inheritance of gods and demons.

At the moment when the tyrant threatened Ding Ning to tell the truth, Ding Ning began to plan to sneak into the God and Demon Inheritance Tower to avoid the tyrant's bombardment.

Moreover, the tyrant didn't know that Ding Ning was the recipient of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, so he certainly wouldn't think about it. Taking advantage of this skill, he could escape the attack range of the tyrant's Ten Thousand Buddha's Hand.

In fact, there is the God and Demon Inheritance Tower. Even if Ding Ning is blasted out of this universe, he will be fine. And when you walk, you don't know where you can blow it.

Even with this guarantee, Ding would rather not want to get out of this universe. If he jumps out of this universe without jumping out of the Tribulation Realm, the probability of death is as high as 90.00%, and it is basically impossible to survive.

At this time, Ding Ning, who was in the Tower of God and Demon Inheritance, took advantage of the tyrant's loss of consciousness, and quietly walked away from the crack in the universe.

The God Demon Inheritance Tower became as small as dust, invisible to the naked eye. Taking advantage of this advantage, Ding Ning came behind the tyrant.

At this time, the tyrant found that Ding Ning had disappeared, and after a moment of distraction, he continued to bombard him, even though Ding Ning was not in sight.

He didn't believe that Ding Ning really escaped from his eyes, he must have hidden in a magic weapon.

As long as he blasts down on this piece of air, even if Ding Ning hides in the magic weapon, he will definitely not escape the fate of being blasted into the crack of the universe by him.

Wan Buddha's hand hit countless palms, and it was getting faster and faster.

And just as the tyrant's bombardment was in full swing, his body froze suddenly.

I saw a drop of blood oozing from the tyrant's brow.

He stopped attacking, turned around slowly, and looked behind him. Sure enough, Ding Ning was standing behind him watching him.

"how did you do it?"

"Because I have it." The shrunken version of the Tower of God and Demon Inheritance appeared in Ding Ning's palm.

After the tyrant saw the gods and demons inheritance tower, his expression changed, "It turns out that you are the one who got the ancient gods and demons inheritance."

"Didn't expect that." Ding Ning laughed.

"Who are you?" The tyrant didn't want to die in peace, he just wanted to ask Ding Ning's identity.

"If you don't want to change your name, don't change your surname. My surname is Ding. You won't forget the name Ding Ning, right?"

When the tyrant was dying, Ding Ning finally revealed his identity.

The tyrant suddenly widened his eyes, full of disbelief.

"That's why I came to you to collect debts. Now, you can die in peace!" Ding Ning smiled slightly, and then punched the tyrant in the head.

(End of this chapter)

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