The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 870 875 target under 1! 3 more

Chapter 870 875 The next target! 3 more

The moment Ding Ning said his name, the impact on the tyrant was huge.

Because he never thought that Ding Ning would live.

How can a person who should be dead be alive?

"You have fallen, and I saw you completely disappear." The tyrant murmured.

However, Ding Ning no longer answered the tyrant's questions, and his fists came with a bang.

The tyrant crashed to the ground, a headless corpse.

A top powerhouse in the blood world fell like this.

The tyrant is dead!

Ding Ning beheaded them with his own hands, and now there are only two left.

Looking into the distance, he felt a lot of breath coming here, and the distance was already very close, and he would arrive in a while.


Ding Ning didn't stay any longer. Once these people knew that he had killed the tyrant, he would be exposed in advance, and if he could keep it a mystery for now, he would keep it for a while.

Not long after Ding Ning left, several figures appeared in this messy battlefield at the same time.

They were all attracted by the rift between heaven and earth just now. After all, the movement was so loud that even if they were gathered a million miles away, they could still see it clearly.

There are many huge pits on the ground, as if they were caused by meteorites from the sky. Not far away, there are two large cracks in the ground, which are bottomless.

Even if no one said it, everyone could guess that all the landforms like this must be because of the battle just now.

"We're still one step late, the battle is over." Someone sighed, they were already in a hurry, but they still couldn't catch up.

"Yeah, it's a pity to miss a strong matchup."

Just when the two people were sighing, another person suddenly shouted: "Come and see, there is a corpse here."


Several people inquired, and all ran to the corpse.

Still a headless corpse.

Is it one of the people who just shot?
Looking at the headless corpse, everyone present thought of it that way.

But then, several people began to wonder about the identity of this person, who is he?
After that, a person stepped forward and turned the headless body over, and people saw a strange symbol embroidered on the person's clothes.

This is……

"Tianmo sect!"

Several people looked at each other, and they all recognized the power behind the symbol. It turned out that the owner of the headless corpse was a member of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Now that the sect is confirmed, who is he from the Tianmo sect?
Judging from the movement of the fight just now, it must be at least the level of an elder in the Tianmo Sect.

Is he one of the eighteen elders of Tianmo Sect?
The eighteen elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect have long been known in the blood world. All the eighteen elders are well-known and powerful, and their strengths are all at the Dao level.

But there are as many as eighteen elders, so who is this?
Several people did not connect the headless corpse with the three demon lords of the Heavenly Demon Sect, because in the eyes of everyone, it is difficult for a powerful man of the demon lord level to be killed.

Several people guessed the identity of the headless corpse. At this time, people who arrived afterward gathered here one after another.

More people are involved in speculation.

But on the headless body, except for the rich man of the Heavenly Demon Sect embroidered on the clothes, there is no other item to prove its identity. At this moment, someone suddenly said: "Do you know that not long ago, the tyrant killed a hell demon?" Wolf, and when the tyrant was about to leave, someone suddenly attacked the tyrant, and then the tyrant chased that person away, you think, could he be..." The man didn't continue, because if it was really a tyrant, That was absolutely shocking news.

The tyrant is a strong man in the Mahayana realm, who can kill him in such a short period of time.

"You mean to say that the owner of this headless corpse is a tyrant?" Someone immediately retorted: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. A strong man like a tyrant cannot be beheaded in such a short period of time."

"I think it's possible. The scene of the rift in the world before, I believe you all saw it clearly. If it wasn't for the fight between the Mahayana-level powerhouses like the Demon Lord, the Dao-level powerhouses could make such a big commotion. ?"

After this person's analysis, many people think it is reasonable, and many people already tend to believe that the deceased is a tyrant.

"Whether it is a tyrant or not, I think Tianmozong will give an answer soon."

Yes, as for whether he is a tyrant or not, let's see the reaction of the Demon Sect soon after.

Everyone was waiting for the results given by the Heavenly Demon Sect, but the Heavenly Demon Sect did not do what they wanted. Regarding the headless corpse, they kept silent about their identity.
Many demon cultivators in the blood world fell into speculation again.

I don't want to explain, does that mean that the result may really be a tyrant, because he didn't want to announce the fall of the Mahayana realm like a tyrant, so did the Demon Sect choose to remain silent?

Many people think that it is very likely that there is such a factor in it.

Moreover, the Heavenly Demon Sect has been very strange recently. Except for the headless corpses, no one from the Heavenly Demon Sect appeared. The entire Heavenly Demon Sect seemed to be closed down.

In the end what happened?
Tian Mozong's reaction was too strange.

Just when people were puzzled, news came that several elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect had appeared on the edge of the blood world.

Within an hour of this news, another news spread in the blood world, and once it spread, it attracted everyone.

At the edge of the blood world, the cave of the ancient strongman appeared.

This is definitely heavy news, the cave of the ancient powerhouse, and it appeared near the blood world, which has never happened before.

All the demon cultivators who heard the news rushed over immediately.

As for whether the headless corpse is a tyrant, it has been left behind.

Compared with the identity of the headless corpse, the matter of the ancient strong man's cave is of course more important, which means that it is possible to get the inheritance of the ancient strong man.

The previous inheritance of gods and demons was quietly taken away, and their identity was not even known, which made many people feel pity. They all envied the person who obtained the inheritance of gods and demons. .

Now that there is such an opportunity again, although it is not as good as the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, it is still a chance.

It's fine if you don't get it, once you get it, you may turn around and go from ordinary to extraordinary.

The demon cultivators in the blood world were boiling, and besides many casual cultivators, many demon cultivators also left one after another.

Ding Ning stood on Xingxiu Mountain, his eyes fell on those figures flying away one by one.

So many people were attracted by the sudden appearance of the ancient strong man's cave, so he will also go there.

Until another news appeared, Ding Ning made a decision.

The evil king is there.

(End of this chapter)

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