The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 871 The start of the 876 melee! 1 more

Chapter 871 The start of the 876 melee! 1 more

two hours ago.

A star group is filled with a scorching aura.

There is no other reason. From the depths of the earth, there is magma constantly surging upwards, which makes this small star body covered with magma. From a distance, the star now turns into a fiery red of balls.

Like a little sun.

Before, this star looked very ordinary, but now it is very eye-catching in this group of stars.

The reason why such a change occurred was that the formation in the center of the earth was broken, causing this living star to die before it fully grew up.

On the hot magma-covered ground, there were a few motionless figures, either sitting or lying upside down in the magma, no matter how high the temperature of the magma below them was, it could not cause any harm to these figures. No harm done.

These few motionless figures without the slightest breath of life were the corpses of the strong men in the cave, and they all ran to the ground together with the magma gushing out.

At this time, the two instigators who caused the destruction of the star core and the upwelling of magma were standing opposite each other, staring at each other.

These two people are none other than Jiang Taichao and Xiejun.

When Jiang Taichao found out that the first person to discover the strong man's cave was the evil king, the existence in his body immediately woke up. The two could be described as a new enmity plus an old enmity, without any prelude, they shot directly.

If it wasn't for the evil king, how could the existence in the body be so severely damaged.

Whether it is the existence in the body or Jiang Taichao is very angry at the evil king. Under the control of the physical body by the existence in the body, Jiang Taichao and the evil king broke out in a big battle.

In this battle, the sky was dim and the ground was dark, and the formations that would trap them were all loosened.

The two stopped fighting for the time being and stopped attacking each other, because there was no point in continuing to fight because they were trapped here, so the two teamed up to break the formation. So far, the big formation was broken and the two escaped.

With the breaking of the formation, the center of the earth changed drastically, the cave of the strong man began to collapse, and the star core also went to death. The ejected magma, like the blood of the human body, all gushed out of the ground, and there was no magma around the star core. The consolidation is like a person who has lost too much blood, and the star core will wither immediately.

After getting rid of the formation, the posture of the two of them naturally wanted to continue the previous battle.

Furthermore, among them were the corpses of four strong men, which would not be melted and indestructible when encountering magma, and they could be called invincible golden bodies. Although only the corpses of these strong men are left now, they must not be handed over to them.

Because it is very likely that the corpses of these four strong men have the inheritance of their masters, as well as methods, weapons, and so on.

Neither of them went close to the four corpses, because they knew that once anyone tried to get close, the other party would immediately block them.

It is very difficult to obtain the corpses of these four strong men without knocking down the opponent.

"Be sure to kill him. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be a step behind others. The person who inherits the ancient gods and demons is me, not others. It's because he broke our good deeds." Jiang Taichao expressed to the existence in the body his opinion.

Jiang Taichao has deep resentment towards Xiejun, if Xiejun hadn't attacked him for no reason before, how could he be slower than others.

Without that battle, the existence in his body would not be asleep, and he would not need to spend more time to find the place where the gods and demons passed on.

The chief culprit of everything is this evil king.

The more Jiang Taichao thought about it, the more angry he was, he wished to swallow the evil king alive. The inheritance of ancient gods and demons had fallen into the hands of others, which had always been a scar in his heart.

And the evil king in front of him was one of the murderers who caused his scars.

He didn't know that the reason why the evil king shot him was because he mistakenly believed that he killed his subordinates, and the blood killing curse was also on Jiang Taichao, so it was impossible for him to pretend that he didn't see it.

More precisely, the friction between the two was caused by Ding Ning.

Jiang Taichao also took the blame for Ding Ning.

Until now, Jiang Taichao still bears the scapegoat, because Xiejun is very angry. In his opinion, Xiejun killed several of his subordinates and injured him, so how could he not take revenge.

Now, the two are facing the competition for the corpses of these four strong men, and the two are even worse.


Jiang Taichao and Xiejun rushed to each other again, and another big battle started.

With the collision of the two, the star body under their feet disintegrated at an accelerated rate, and the star body that was already dying began to shatter at an accelerated speed.

The ground is constantly falling at a speed visible to the naked eye, automatically falling from the star, separated, and turned into dust in the universe.

The two people in the fierce battle turned a blind eye to each other, even if the sky collapses and the earth shatters, the winner must be decided first. At this time, they are no longer trapped in the formation in the center of the earth, and they don't have any worries now. As long as they knock each other down, The corpses of the four strong men belonged to him.

For Jiang Taichao, the four corpses are an opportunity to strengthen himself.

In the same way, for Xie Jun, it is also what he needs most at present. His blood god banner now lacks the soul and flesh and blood of the strong.

If he could obtain the corpses of these four strong men, he would most likely be able to sacrifice the eighth side of the Blood God Banner, which was something that even that person could not do. He believes that right now is the opportunity to refine the eighth blood god banner.

The corpses of these four strong men must be obtained.

The two of them each had their own reasons, and when they moved their hands, it was natural that one blow would be strong.

Although Jiang Taichao is controlled by the existence in his body, he is not a true Mahayana realm after all, and the strength of the existence in his body is limited, so he cannot fight for too long.

Fortunately, Xie Jun's condition is not very good. Before, Xie Jun was injured, but after being trapped in the formation, he continued to consume his strength in an attempt to break the formation. During this period, he consumed a lot.

The two can be said to be equal, each has its own disadvantages and advantages.

The land under their feet shortened from a hundred miles to more than ten miles, and the two of them fought fiercely, and the four corpses had already started to fall from the ground and fell into the space.

The two chased after each other while fighting.

They all wanted to collect the four corpses, but the other party always happened to stop them, so that the corpses of the four strong men were always in the middle of the two, being pulled back and forth.

For a while, no one was able to take away the four corpses. At this time, other Mahayana-level powerhouses suddenly appeared, and directly shot to snatch the corpses of the four powerhouses.

The existences in the Xiejun and Jiang Taichao's bodies were all furious, and prevented the other party from cutting off the beard. They would not let the other party get it, let alone the latecomers.

For a while, the two started to join forces to attack the third person from the hostile state, but this scene did not last long, and the appearance of another Mahayana demon cultivator broke the current situation again.

All of a sudden, it became a competition between four people.

As the number of people increased, the competition for the four corpses would naturally become more intense. The four of them knew that there would be more and more demon cultivators joining in to snatch the corpses of the strong.

It's going to be a huge dogfight.

(End of this chapter)

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