The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 872 877 Snatch an ancient corpse! 1 more

Chapter 872 877 Snatch an ancient corpse! 2 more

More and more people gathered.

There are as many as seven Mahayana realm powerhouses alone.

Except for Jiang Taichao and Xiejun, the remaining five Mahayana realm powerhouses are all casual cultivators, and they are their own masters.

The seven fought in a group, snatching each other, preventing each other from getting the corpses of the four strong men.

Once anyone gets close to the corpse of the strong man, they will be attacked by groups.

For a while, no one dared to take the initiative to lean over, and the situation became stalemate.

Jiang Taichao frowned, because it was not good for him.

First, his strength has been consumed a lot, and it will be difficult to recover all of it in a short while. Second, Jiang Taichao's body is not in the Mahayana realm, and if he continues to delay, it will be very unfavorable to him.

In particular, his identity, he is an orthodox monk, and here is not the realm of comprehension, but the area of ​​​​the blood realm. The longer the time, the more demon cultivators will gather here. Once these demon cultivators are all against him, Even if he is powerful, he is quite dangerous.

Jiang Taichao was already a little panicked before he could think about this question in his body, especially seeing that there are six Mahayana realms coming here, and his hope of snatching four strong corpses from them is very slim.

"What should we do?" Jiang Taichao didn't know what to do at this time. The corpse of the strong man was right in front of him. It could be said that the opportunity was within reach. It would be a pity to leave like this.

"We can't get all four corpses, so we should try to get one." The existence in the body said.

According to the thoughts existing in the body, since the strength has been used, it would be a pity if he couldn't get something.

If he could get one of the four ancient corpses, he could use it to help Jiang Taichao achieve a faster improvement.

The existence in the body doesn't want to stay in Jiang Taichao's body all the time, only when Jiang Taichao becomes stronger can he help him more.

The existence in the body has already made up its mind, waiting for an opportunity to capture one of the ancient corpses.


Many monks arrived here again, but they didn't dare to get too close, because the scene where the seven Mahayana realm powerhouses fought was too terrifying.

It has been a long time, and there has never been so many Mahayana-level powerhouses fighting.

"That's the evil emperor of the Heavenly Demon Sect!"

"There is also the Blood Demon Lord."

"But the old devil is here too."

"The Batwing Demon Lord."

People recognized these powerful demon cultivators. It can be said that these people are all famous. Even if some are just casual cultivators and alone, they are no less dangerous than a demon cultivator sect in the slightest.

Even if the evil king is in it, it becomes less dazzling.

As people watched the seven Mahayana experts, they discovered that one of them was a righteous monk.

This is very miraculous.

In the world of demon cultivators, an orthodox monk appeared. This was like a ray of light appearing in the dark, and it was difficult for people not to notice.

Who is this orthodox cultivator who dares to participate in the competition of many powerful Mahayana demon cultivators.

Many people are very curious about Jiang Taichao.

"I've seen this man before."

"He is Jiang Taichao."

"Jiang Taichao? This name sounds familiar."

"Idiot, Jiang Taichao is the number one genius in the cultivation world, is this person really that number one genius?"

Even if Jiang Taichao exists in his body and controls Jiang Taichao's body, Jiang Taichao's appearance has not changed, and it is not too much to be recognized by the demon cultivators present.

After recognizing Jiang Taichao's identity, everyone was even more shocked.

Is the first day in the cultivation world so scary?At a young age, he already has the strength to rival the strong in the Mahayana realm.

This is too insane.

The demon cultivators in the blood realm were all stunned, because they had never seen such a young and powerful Mahayana realm man.

You must know that Jiang Taichao is only in his early twenties, and he has reached a height that others can't reach in a lifetime, or even in several lifetimes.

Looking at the young geniuses in the blood world, at most they will be in the late Nascent Soul Realm, let alone have the strength of the Mahayana Realm, even if they reach the Dao Realm, there may not be one.

Is the gap that big?
No one was surprised by this, but when everyone was surprised, Jiang Taichao suddenly rushed to the nearest corpse.

"Don't even think about it!" Xie Jun was the first to stop him, not wanting the ancient corpse in Jiang Taichao's hands.

The other six Mahayana realm powerhouses also shot at the same time to stop them.

The original balance among the seven was broken after Jiang Taichao started snatching a corpse.

Boom boom boom...

A ray of light flashed, this was the evil king's attack, once he made a move, it was like using the sun as an attack method, illuminating half of the sky.

Jiang Taichao himself was unable to cope with the evil king's attack, but at this time, the existence in Jiang Taichao's body made a move. His fingers turned into the void, and a mysterious rune was formed in an instant. Running to the corpse, he ignored all the evil king's attacks.

The light comes and goes quickly.

Xie Jun's expression flashed, and under his attack, Jiang Taichao passed through unscathed.

At this time, the attacks of the other six Mahayana demon cultivators also arrived one after another.

Surrounded by the mysterious runes he drew, Jiang Taichao escaped from the remaining six attacks without hindrance.

not good!

Just when few people thought that Jiang Taichao could approach one of the four corpses without any injuries under the attack of six people, they all realized that something was wrong.

Jiang Taichao was too close to the corpse.

With a flash of light, one of the ancient corpses was put away by Jiang Taichao.

Looking away not far away, the existence in his body wanted to take another ancient corpse into his bag, but unfortunately, he gave up this idea when he saw the other six people surrounded him.

"Put down the ancient corpse." Xie Jun said coldly.

"If you don't let go, you will never leave here alive." Batwing Demon Venerable said.

Several demon cultivators spoke one after another and approached slowly.

This is within the scope of the blood world. If Jiang Taichao, an orthodox monk, takes away his opportunity to be a demon cultivator, it will be a disgrace to the entire blood world.

In fact, just before Jiang Taichao's sudden attack, the other six people planned to get rid of Jiang Taichao first, and then decide who should get the four ancient corpses. They just didn't expect Jiang Taichao's move to be so timely, and they didn't give the six people a chance to join forces.

Now that Jiang Taichao has seized an ancient corpse, it is impossible for the six of them to let him go, and Jiang Taichao must be kept anyway.

"How can you take out what you have?" Jiang Taichao said indifferently, with a cold tone, carrying the majesty of a superior.

"Then you are courting death."

"The six of us are here, do you think you can get away?"

Several people got closer to Jiang Taichao, and it can be said that all his escape routes were blocked.

However, Jiang Taichao had an indifferent expression on his face, as if he didn't care at all.

"I want to leave, you can't stop me." Jiang Taichao suddenly smiled at the six people, and then, with a little foot, he rushed towards one of the six people.

The six Mahayana-level powerhouses surrounded them, and it stands to reason that they are absolutely as strong as Tietong. However, after Jiang Taichao rushed over, he forcefully tore a hole, and all the evil kings and blood disciples standing in front of him were knocked out.


In the next second, Jiang Taichao disappeared before his eyes like a sharp arrow.

He's really gone!

The remaining six demon cultivators all had livid faces and bad expressions, but they didn't chase after them, because there were still three ancient corpses here. Once they chased them, it would mean giving up the remaining three ancient corpses of ownership.

In desperation, several people could only let Jiang Taichao leave alive.

Because no one wants to be far away.

(End of this chapter)

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