The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 873 878 Hurry up! 1 more

Chapter 873 878 Hurry up! 1 more

At the moment Jiang Taichao fled here, there were still many demon cultivators coming from all directions.

Elder Fu Mo and Elder Qin Mo of the Heavenly Demon Sect arrived here.

"Sir Evil Lord."

Several elders all came behind Xie Jun and greeted Xie Jun.

"Why are you guys?" Xie frowned, he obviously sent someone to go back to greet Tyrant and Qin Jun, but it was some of the eighteen elders who came.

"My lord, I have already explained the situation with the tyrant, but the tyrant just asked the elders to come, and I can't persuade the tyrant." The subordinate who was sent back to the sect by the evil king hurriedly explained.

"Lord Xie Jun is like this." Seeing the slight anger on Xie Jun's face, Elder Fu Mo immediately interjected, and said, "You don't blame Lord Tyrant for this matter, you don't know, Mr. Xie Jun, that someone has sneaked into our Heavenly Demon Sect , killing five elders, as well as many deacons and core disciples, the tyrant is also very angry, so he planned to kill that person first, and then come to help you, Mr. Xiejun."

"Someone ran into my Heavenly Demon Sect to kill people?" Xie Jun really didn't expect such a thing to happen. This has never happened before. Who is it that dares to report to the sky?

It's a pity that now is not the time to talk about these things. Right now is the time to compete for ancient corpses, so don't think too much about it.

Of course, the tyrant did not come immediately, and the evil lord could guess some reasons in his heart. He knew that the tyrant must be afraid that after helping him to capture the ancient corpse, his strength would skyrocket, even surpassing the tyrant. For this reason, the tyrant It happened to take revenge on the murderer as an excuse, so he didn't have to come here immediately, avoiding the opportunity of not wanting to help him improve.

If this is not the case, the weight of the two is clearly visible, but that is what the tyrant does.

This guy……

Xiejun was very angry in his heart. If the tyrant came here, the situation would definitely be different. With him and the tyrant, together with Fu Mo and other elders, he might not be able to get all three ancient corpses. But now, he is the only one in the Mahayana realm. With one evil king and several elders working together, they can compete with a Mahayana demon cultivator, and the advantage is not great.

But even so, his evil king could not give up.

There were originally four ancient corpses, but one was taken away by Jiang Taichao in public, and it must not be lost anymore. The remaining three ancient corpses must be obtained.

The evil king can judge that these ancient corpses are definitely figures from tens of thousands of years ago, and their realm is extremely high. , It shows that there is still a trace of great power in the flesh body, maintaining the state of the flesh body, as long as he sacrifices it, he can sacrifice the power in the flesh body, making it very likely that the blood god banner will give birth to an eighth side, becoming A magic weapon of the artifact level.

In order to worship the blood god's banner, he put all his attention on it, and has been working hard towards the eight blood god's banner.

But right now, the opportunity to turn the blood god's banner into a divine weapon is in front of him, and even if he pays all the price, he will get it.

The evil lord doesn't care about it, and if it continues to delay, more and more strong people will come here. Even if one person faces everyone's attack, he will be stronger than the evil lord.

At the moment when the evil king started to snatch it, the remaining six people all subconsciously blocked it, because preventing others from getting it, the greater the chance of getting it themselves.

"Stop him."

"We must not let him get it. Once he gets it, he may refine the Eight-faced Blood God Banner, and the Heavenly Demon Sect will become even stronger."

Someone explained the reason why the evil king was desperate to seize the ancient corpse, and as soon as the words were revealed, the expressions of the other people changed. They didn't want the evil king to become stronger, because that meant that they would not be the evil king. opponents, and may be trampled underfoot by the evil king.

In the current blood world, no one has broken through the realm of crossing the catastrophe, and the Mahayana realm is the highest.

And once the evil king gets the ancient corpse, although he may not break through in the realm, the blood god banner in his hand may become a divine weapon, and then it will become an eight-faced divine weapon-level blood god banner, and its power will increase greatly, which can help the evil king in the same realm. Defeat all opponents.

This is a situation that no one wants to see.

Even if anyone else gets it, the evil king cannot get it.

All the Mahayana demon cultivators present tried their best to prevent the evil king from snatching, and the six of them joined forces to block the evil king.

"Don't anyone try to stop me." Xie Jun's words were cold, even if there were mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, he would have to break through today.

"Evil Monarch, we won't let you get it."

"We have six people, and you alone can't take it away from us."

"If the two demon lords of your Heavenly Demon Sect were here, the six of us would naturally give in, but now, with you alone, you have no chance."


Xiejun snorted, murderous aura surged in his body, and his tone was cold: "Those who stop me, die!"

As soon as the words fell, the evil lord rushed towards him like a cannonball, and the six people were all in the same direction, all evolving their own methods, and then fired at the same time.

The six people seem to be doing their own work, but in fact, their attacks all cooperate very well, they blend together very well, and then transform into a huge energy, covering the evil king.

They didn't believe that the evil lord would force the six of them to join forces.

After all, if one fails, even the Mahayana realm may fall on the spot.

However, a few people still underestimated the evil king's determination to get the ancient corpse. Facing the energy supply like a star, he still didn't back down and rushed over.

Immediately, huge fireworks bloomed in the starry sky, illuminating most of the starry sky. People who were rushing here in the distance couldn't help but stop, shocked by the huge power of this attack.

"Is he crazy?"

"court death."

The six people were all stunned when they saw the evil lord colliding with their combined blow without hesitation. As Mahayana-level powerhouses, they knew the horror of the combined attacks of the six people just now.

Even if they are the parties, they dare not touch their edge.

It can only be said that the evil monarch is too crazy to snatch the ancient corpse regardless of the danger of life and death.

The fireworks dissipated, the sky and the earth returned to clarity, and the figure of the evil king reappeared. He was not dead, but he was in a mess, and his clothes were damaged a lot.

But Xie Jun thought that even if he was in such a mess, it was worth it, because he was already very close to one of the three ancient corpses.

The six demon cultivators only reacted at this moment, and they secretly said badly in their hearts, and they were going to make a gesture to join forces to bombard the evil king again.

And the evil king's body flashed, and he suddenly came to a giant ancient corpse, and put it into the storage ring in an instant.

Seeing this scene, all six of them frowned.

Oh no.

Another ancient corpse was taken away.

"Quick, hurry up, he wants two other ancient corpses." One of the six people woke up first, and guessed what Xie Jun was thinking when he saw Xie Jun's follow-up actions.

Still want to seize.

Several Mahayana demon cultivators naturally refused to let it go. If the evil king took it all away, they would be ashamed, and they might face revenge from the evil king in the future.

Must stop him.

All six demon cultivators were in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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