The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 884 889 The Resentful Jiang Taichao! 2 more

Chapter 884 889 The Resentful Jiang Taichao! 2 more

The evil king is dead.

Ding Ning's mood was as calm as when he killed the tyrant, neither sad nor happy.

Now among the three traitors, there is only one left, Qin Jun.

As for the corpse of the evil lord, Ding Ning didn't let Qi Lingdaotong take it to absorb and restore his strength, otherwise, he wouldn't have kept the tyrant's corpse.

Ding Ning wants Qin Jun to know that the evil king is dead.

He even personally sent the corpse of the evil king to the door of the Tianmo sect.

As for the death of the evil lord, word quickly spread that the Heavenly Demon Sect was originally ruled by three demon lords, but now there is only one Qin lord left.

Qin Jun has left the customs.

Immediately investigate the cause of death, look for all clues to kill the tyrant and evil king, and want to know who the murderer is.

Qin Jun has already smelled a hint of targeting their three demon kings. The tyrant and evil king died one after another, and it is very likely that he will be the next one.

The outside world is also speculating about the murderer who killed the evil king, and many people have linked it to the same person who killed the tyrant.

"Zizi, someone is targeting the Heavenly Demon Sect, specifically to kill the strong in the Mahayana realm. I don't know if this Qin Jun can escape this catastrophe?"

"If Qin Jun is also beheaded, the Heavenly Demon Sect will also be disbanded."

"Among the three demon lords, Qin Jun is the strongest. It will not be so easy to kill Qin Jun. I heard that Qin Jun retreated before entering the Tribulation Realm. The Mahayana level is also the strongest existence, so how can it be easily killed by others."

There are a lot of discussions in the blood world. The current situation of the Tianmozong is not good. Some other forces with similar strength to the Tianmozong are starting to make moves, wanting to attack the Tianmozong.

In the past, there were three Mahayana realms in the Tianmo Sect, and everyone was afraid of them, but now, there is only one Qin Jun left, and there are not so many people who are afraid of them.

Sure enough, within three days, someone took the initiative to find trouble with the Heavenly Demon Sect, and fought in front of the Heavenly Demon Sect's mountain gate.

Qin Jun appeared and fought this person.

This battle attracted tens of thousands of people to watch, and the result of the fight was that the provocative Mahayana-level loose cultivator was beheaded on the spot by Qin Jun.

Qin Jun shocked everyone with his overbearing strength.

Only then did people know that even if they are both in the Mahayana realm, the difference in strength will be very different.

Because this troublesome casual cultivator, in front of Qin Jun, was beheaded by Qin Jun's domineering speed without even making ten moves. The speed was astonishing.

As a result, many people who had the idea of ​​Tianmozong had to be suppressed.

It is indeed Qin Jun's strength that is too terrifying.

Qin Jun's domineering attack naturally has his own ideas. He wants to warn some people that even if Tianmozong loses two Mahayana powerhouses, no one can bully them. Just like before.

Ding Ning was also present in this fight. He was watching this fight from a distance. Qin Jun's strength surprised him, but also took it for granted.

Because at the beginning, among the three, Qin Jun was the most powerful, and Qin Jun was also a character with both wisdom and courage. It is not an exaggeration for such a person to be the overlord of one party.

Facts have proved that Qin Jun has indeed become the overlord of one party. After betraying Ding Ning, he became one of the masters of the Demon Sect.

Sure enough, among the three, Qin Jun was the hardest to kill.

Ding Ning felt that with his current strength, it would take some effort to kill Qin Jun.

On the tenth day after the death of the tyrant and evil lord, shocking news came out again from the blood world, and the creator of this news was still Lord Qin.

At that time, Qin Jun beheaded three of the four loose cultivators who attacked Xie Jun.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar.

Too fierce.

In less than ten days, three Mahayana experts were killed. This news shocked many people in the blood world.

In the hearts of many people, the awe of the Heavenly Demon Sect has returned to what it was before, or even worse, because Qin Jun alone is enough to support a large sect.

Not to mention that the power of the Heavenly Demon Sect has not weakened, on the contrary, it has increased a lot.

Mainly because of Qin Jun's move, it was too shocking.

Someone said, where did the remaining strong casual cultivator go? It's not hard to guess. It must have been hidden too well if he wasn't beheaded by Qin Jun. Otherwise, Qin Jun would have beheaded him too. kill.

According to many people's guesses, this strong man must hide for a while, otherwise, once he shows up, he will be in danger of being killed by Qin Jun.

Qin Jun's power and influence are incomparable at the moment.

The Heavenly Demon Sect has lost two Demon Lords and many elders. Although many people have been a little depressed recently, after Qin Jun's domineering shots, everyone has become confident again.

Because they still have Lord Qin, and with Lord Qin present, no one in the Heavenly Demon Sect would dare to move.

Anyone who still dared to take the idea of ​​​​the Heavenly Demon Sect gave up now, and everything seemed to be back to the way it was before.

As for Ding Ning, after knowing that Qin Jun is not easy to kill, he focused on continuing to accumulate foundations. As long as he enters the Mahayana realm from the realm of magic, the possibility of killing Qin Jun will be greatly improved.

It can be said that these days, apart from paying attention to the movement in the blood world, Ding Ning put most of his energy on cultivation.

And the Xingxiu Mountain where he is located has always been the focus of many people.

Especially after Ding Ning said that there was a strong Xingxiu old fairy on Xingxiu Peak that day, it became even more eye-catching and curious.

However, no one dared to step on it lightly based on the stele warning Ding Ning set up.

Of course, there were also some who were not afraid of death and wanted to sneak up, but were quickly beheaded by Ding Ning, thrown down the mountain, and hung on the stone tablet to warn others.

At this point, those who wanted to sneak up immediately gave up on the idea, because if one failed, they would have to be hung on the stone tablet as a warning to others.


Comprehension world.

Because of the help in his body, Jiang Taichao escaped alive from the pursuit of four Mahayana demon cultivators.

After that, the existence in the body fell into a deep sleep again, and needed to resume strength.

Jiang Taichao also suffered a lot of injuries. After all, there was not much power in his body at that time. It was inevitable that he would be a little bit stretched when facing four Mahayana demon cultivators. After recuperating for several days in a row, he just recovered.

After recovering, Jiang Taichao didn't go to see the suzerain, and stayed alone in the pavilion on the second floor.

This time he was cheated again, but fortunately, this time, Jiang Taichao knew who cheated him.

If there is no Ding Ning, those two ancient corpses will belong to him, if there is no Ding Ning, he will not be chased like a dog, like a lost dog, running around, the culprit of all this is Ding Ning.

If Jiang Taichao knew the enmity between him and Xiejun, if it was because of Ding Ning, he would definitely be even more resentful.

When Jiang Taichao was depressed, Yelu Family, Dong Family, Snake Mountain and other top ten forces searched for Ding Ning to no avail. Several major forces gathered together to discuss the issue of continuing to search for Ding Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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