The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 885 890 Fake Test! 1 more

Chapter 885 890 Fake Test! 1 more

"We almost searched the world of comprehension, but we couldn't find that guy's shadow. What do you think?" Yelu Kunlun was the first to speak.

This is a gathering of top ten powerful forces, top experts, all present are the strongest, and the others are not qualified to appear here at all.

"I, Snake Mountain, have been in charge of searching for Nanzhan Buzhou. Unfortunately, I haven't even seen his shadow. I can be sure that he is no longer Nanzhan Buzhou."

"Nishigabezhou did not find any trace of this person's appearance." Dong Yu said.

Wuji Daomen is in charge of the Northern Lubu Continent, but also got nothing.

"I understand everyone's situation. I want to hear your opinions. I think there is the greatest possibility of where he should hide." Yelu Kunlun said again.

"I think it is unlikely that he is in the realm of comprehension."

"I agree. We can say that we have searched the entire cultivation world. If he is still in the cultivation world, it is impossible not to leave a trace, unless he has been staying in the God and Demon Inheritance Tower. But if that is the case, no matter who he is No matter where we are, it is impossible for us to find him." Li Wuji expressed his opinion.

"I also agree that it is unlikely that he is in the realm of comprehension. He is a demon cultivator. If he wants to hide, he must hide in the territory of the demon cultivator." Snake Qingwu, the most powerful person in Snake Mountain, expressed his guess.

Swish swish.

As soon as She Qingwu finished speaking, the expressions of the other people present all flashed. Why did they ignore this simplest question? They searched in the wrong direction from the beginning.

"I may be able to determine where he is hiding." Yelu Kunlun also ignored this detail. It was obviously the simplest reason, and it was a waste of time to spend so much time in vain.

Yelu Kunlun didn't mention the location, but everyone present already knew where it was.

blood world!
Ding Ning must have hid in the blood world.

In this case, it will take a lot of effort for them to catch Ding Ning.

Although they are strong men in the Mahayana realm, standing at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, and at the same time among the most powerful beings in the blood realm, they cannot just go to the blood realm to find someone because of this.

Once they really do this, they will definitely be regarded as a provocation by the people in the blood world, or they will start a war against the blood world.

At that time, there will be a war between the comprehension world and the blood world.

Although righteousness and evil are incompatible, no one wants to see this scene.

If the two ways of righteousness and demons go to war, it will cause a lot of death, and neither the cultivation world nor the blood world can afford it.

Rather than creating a situation where both sides suffer, it's better to maintain the current state, and you can make small troubles, even if the two sides chase each other, it doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't cause large-scale massacres.

It was difficult to find and capture Ding Ning from the blood world, and several strong men began to discuss how to do this.


blood world.

In front of the Xingxiu mountain peak, there was unprecedented excitement, which had lasted for several days.

Ever since the news came from Ding Ning that the Xingxiu old fairy wanted to recruit more disciples, many demon cultivators came every day, wanting to have a try.

Of course, Old Immortal Xingxiu does not exist, he was a character made up by Ding Ning later, but readers might as well use this name to do things under this name.

For example, he can use this to attract many demon cultivators to come and fight him.

With the reason of accepting apprentices for the old fairy Xingxiu to test, he can fight against many demon cultivators, from low to high, so as to continuously increase his background.

Can fighting against low-level monks increase one's background?
According to the thinking of the previous life, Ding Ning didn't think it was useful, and even felt that it would lower his level.

However, after Ding Ning combed through the realms from high to low several times, he suddenly discovered that sometimes the insights from low realms may not be useless to high realms.

When the strength is low, you look at things in the same way, and when the strength is high, you look at things in a different way. There is a difference between the two.

He is now like a person standing on the top of a mountain. Although he can see a long distance and have a panoramic view of the scenery in front of him, he can clearly see every flower, grass, and tree at the foot of the mountain. , then it is difficult.

And he didn't have the energy to pay attention to the details of the flowers and plants.

It was precisely after realizing this truth that Ding Ning came up with an idea to attract monks of different levels to fight him, and he could also use this to learn what he needed from the other party. His current state is enough, what he lacks is only See all angles of things.

Both the strong and the weak have something to learn from.

"Zizi, this Ding Xingxiu is too powerful. It is really difficult to pass his level and become the apprentice of the old fairy Xingxiu."

In the blood world, someone sighed.

"Of course he is powerful. Back then, he beat many strong men in the trial ground of the inheritance of gods and demons. Those righteous monks who insisted on beating had no temper. How could such a person be weak? He can teach such a strong apprentice, who Old Immortal Xingxiu must be very powerful, if he can become his apprentice, it is not impossible to become as strong as Ding Xingxiu." Another person answered.

"It's been four days, and no one has passed the test. I don't know when the first qualified person will appear."

"Look, just one person who is acting as a teacher is so good, and there will be more people who want to try."

Another four days passed, and the matter of Xingxiu's acceptance of disciples spread further and wider.

Even some people who already have sects couldn't help but join in the fun.

And these days, Ding Ning has fought against nearly a thousand people, and among these people, whether it is the Gathering Spirit Realm, the Gold Core Realm, or the Nascent Soul Realm, they all have everything that one expects to find.

Ding Ning lowered his level by two levels according to the opponent's level, that is to say, one level lower than the opponent. Even so, none of the people who came to participate in the assessment passed, and all of them were eliminated by Ding Ning.

After the 110th one person failed, Ding Ning sighed. In the entire blood world, wouldn't there be a single person who could pass the test he wanted?
Not to mention defeating him, just injuring him.

Hearing these words, all the people present felt hot, because it was really embarrassing for them to not be able to hurt Ding Ning even after Ding Ning's strength was reduced to a level lower than theirs.

However, this sentence aroused more people who wanted to pass Ding Ning's level.

Some people don't want to worship under the old fairy Xingxiu, they just want to hurt Ding Ning.

On the second day, before Ding Ning appeared, tens of thousands of people gathered at the foot of the mountain, waiting for Ding Ning to appear, wanting to compete with Ding Ning.

"Ding Xingxiu is here!"

"Is the assessment going to start again?"

"I hope someone can hurt him, even the slightest."

"Yes, his arrogance must be suppressed. Which fellow daoist can do this, please be active."

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Ding Ning's figure slowly walked down from Xingxiu Mountain, and finally stood in front of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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