The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 886 891 Ding Xingxiu! 2 more

Chapter 886 891 Ding Xingxiu! 2 more

Heavenly Demon Sect.

Qin Jun sat in the main hall, tapping his fingers on the dragon chair under him.

Da, da, da, da.

In the huge hall, the knocking sound slowly echoed.

Not long ago, he received a message from two people who should not have been in contact with each other.

It can be said that since the betrayal, the two parties have never been in touch again.

But this time, the other party took the initiative to contact him, just to catch a person.

This matter is not a big deal to Qin Jun, it is nothing more than the fact that those two guys are not easy to enter the blood world, and I hope he can help.

But Qin Jun didn't take this matter lightly, and made those two guys not hesitate to ask for help. The person they wanted to catch was absolutely extraordinary.

Who is this person?It deserves the attention of those two.

However, those two people didn't reveal too much, they only said that this person was a guy they wished to be beaten to ashes, and they wanted to capture them alive.

This aroused Qin Jun's curiosity, so he sent someone to search for information about this person immediately.

People have already been sent out, and the intelligence system of Tianmozong is still very developed. Qin Jun, who was sitting in the hall waiting for news, soon waited for the people who came to report.

"I have seen Mr. Qin Jun."

"Speak out all the news you have found."

So this person described the news about Ding Ning in one go, including Ding Ning's robbing of various orthodox sects several times in the God Demon Trial Field, and Ding Ning's beheading of the children of the Yelu family and the Dong family.

"I see." After listening to the description about Ding Ning, Qin Jun felt that Ding Ning was indeed a very interesting demon cultivator, and it had been a long time since such an interesting person appeared in the blood world.

It's really scary.

But one thing is very strange, why in the blood world, I have never heard of such a person before.

"Is there any other news about this person?" Qin Jun asked again.

"My lord, I have already found out the name of this person. In fact, he is very active now."

"Active?" Qin Jun was taken aback, why didn't he know about this.

"That's how it is. This man's name is Ding Xingsu. He is currently in Xingxiu Mountain. He is accepting apprentices on behalf of his master, the old fairy Xingxiu. Anyone who wants to worship under the old fairy Xingxiu must go through his hurdle." , need to fight him.”

Ding Xingxiu?
Qin Jun read these three words once. For some reason, he felt a little uncomfortable when he heard the surname Ding. He couldn't help thinking of a person in his mind. Even though he knew that person was dead and couldn't die anymore, he still subconsciously think.

Suddenly, Qin Jun asked again, "You said that this Ding Xingxiu still has a master?"

"Yes, it is called the old fairy Xingxiu, so many people went to experience the test, just wanting to be defeated by the old fairy Xingxiu. It is said that the strength of the old fairy Xingxiu is very terrifying." The person who reported said everything.

"Okay, go down." Qin Jun waved his hand, and he was the only one left in the hall.

He has never heard of the name Xingxiu Old Immortal. Could it be that he is a hidden master?
Qin Jun felt that the possibility was very high, otherwise a genius like Ding Xingsu would not have appeared out of thin air.

There are some low-key people in the blood world who like to hide from the world. Qin Jun still knows this, so even though he is now at the peak of the late Mahayana realm, he doesn't think that he is No. 1 in the blood world.

"No matter what, the person who can be named by those two guys, this Ding Xingxiu is a genius, I want to see this junior with my own eyes." Qin Jun's interest in Ding Ning was born in his heart, and Dang even left the hall and went to Xingxiu Mountain.

At the foot of Xingxiu Mountain, it was as lively as ever. Ding Ning was fighting a demon cultivator at the Nascent Soul Realm, and what he was using at this time was the power at the Golden Core Realm.

Normally, when two people of different realms, one high and one low, fight against each other, the one who wins should be the one with the higher realm. Even if the one with the lower realm wins, it is very rare.

However, Ding Ning managed to defeat the strong with the weak every time, that's all. The person who fights against Ding Ning is a level higher, and he can't hurt Ding Ning. This is quite miraculous.

That's right, it's magical.

Right now, in the hearts of many demon cultivators present, Ding Ning is definitely a magical existence.


Ding Ning pushed with one palm, and the young man on the opposite side flew out.

"Hey, another one was eliminated."

There was a sigh from the crowd. Unexpectedly, a genius at the Nascent Soul Realm, who had attracted so much attention, was still eliminated by Ding Ning.

"His physical body is too strong. Even if he is one level lower than his opponent, no one can hurt him." Someone made an accurate judgment that no one can hurt Ding Ning.

In fact, everyone present can see this, but Ding Ning has indeed dropped to the realm. In all the fights, Ding Ning did not use the power beyond the realm.

At this time, someone put forward another opinion: "In fact, it's not that his physical body is too strong, but that the person fighting him has never touched his body at all. Whenever the opponent uses any fists or feet to attack, he can use both fists to attack him." Resist, never let people hit themselves."

"You mean no one can touch him?"

"That's right, as long as you can't touch it, you can't talk about damage. Rather than saying that he is physically stronger, I think it should be because of his stronger fighting skills. He wins by relying on his fighting skills, and he can even break through with his skills." The difference in realm." The man's analysis was penetrating, causing the people around him to nod frequently, thinking it made sense.

"Then how do you defeat him and pass the test?" Someone asked, raising the most relevant question of all.

The person who had just explained gave a wry smile, and said, "If you want to pass the assessment, it's difficult to say, and easy to say."

"Brother, don't be fooled. How can you pass? If it is reliable, I will try it next." A young man is eager to try, just waiting for the young man to give a method.

"If you want to pass, you only need to have a little bit." The man said seriously.

What exactly do you need to have?The eyes of the people around are all gathered, waiting for the following.

"As long as the combat skills are better than him, then it will naturally pass." The man said slowly.


Isn't this just talking nonsense? The people around scattered, thinking there was some way.

"You... hey..." The man shook his head.

Although people didn't pay attention to him anymore, people still listened to what this man said just now, but it was very difficult to say that his fighting skills surpassed Ding Ning's.

Who can do it.

I'm afraid that no one can pass the examination, so let's join the old fairy Xingxiu.

If everyone knew that Ding Ning had no intention of allowing people to pass through, they would probably all curse at him. He is a big liar.

While many people were watching the next person continue to step forward to accept Ding Ning's test, Qin Jun's figure slowly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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