The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 889 894 Qin Jun Appears! 1 more

Chapter 889 894 Qin Jun Appears! 1 more


Elder Xu's feet kept retreating, and after about ten steps, he stabilized his body.

As soon as the throat was sweet, a hot stream was about to flow out of the mouth, and finally it was suppressed by Elder Xu.

What a powerful force.

When Elder Xu looked at Ding Ning, he was very surprised by Ding Ning's power in his heart. He could feel that this power did not come from Ding Ning's dantian, but from his physical body.

The strength of the flesh can be so strong, how did he do it?
Looking at Ding Ning who has been maintaining the aura of the Aperture Realm, Elder Xu's attention to Ding Ning has rapidly increased. Although Ding Ning has been highly regarded before, he still underestimated Ding Ning's strength. Facing him, in the Aperture Realm, It can also hurt him.

This young man is really extraordinary.

As soon as the thought came to an end, Elder Xu continued to attack, he made the move to restore face for the Ghost Sect, how could he just stop there.

The two continued to fight fiercely, and everyone was dazzled. They only saw that the two were constantly changing the battlefield in the sky, from high to low, from far to far, and they were always changing.

Many people's necks were sore from watching. I don't know how long it had passed. They only heard a bang, and a figure fell from the sky and was knocked down.

Is it a winner?
Everyone was in high spirits, trying their best to see who the person who was knocked down was. Obviously, the one who got knocked down was the loser.

Is it Ding Ning?Or Elder Xu?
After the bang, everyone's eyes came together, and when they saw the face clearly, there was another exclamation and uproar.

"Elder Xu..."

Han Qianhuang opened his mouth suddenly, he knew immediately who the loser was, and at the same time Han Qianhuang rushed up immediately and helped Elder Xu up.

"Elder Xu, how are you?" Han Qianhuang asked.

Elder Xu shook his head, his face was not good-looking, he had no face to stay here any longer, and he was defeated under Ding Ning's out-of-body state, his face was really dull.

"Old Xu, I'll find it for you." There was another elder who didn't make a move, and he was full of fighting spirit at this time.

However, Elder Xu shook his head: "Forget about Lao Guo, even if you make a move, you may not be his opponent. This kid's real strength is definitely higher than that of the Taoist Realm. Let's go."

"But..." Elder Guo was unwilling and wanted to say more, but Elder Xu had already turned around and signaled Han Qianhuang to leave with him.

In the end, Elder Guo didn't make a move, and left with Elder Xu and Qianhuang Han. He didn't stay and continued to watch the battle. In fact, Elder Xu felt that it was too embarrassing. Han Qianhuang lost to Ding Ning. Yes, he also lost, he really has no face to stay here.

Ding Ning didn't say anything about the departure of the three of them. Although Elder Xu was a cultivator in the Dao Realm, for Ding Ning, he really didn't gain as much from Han Qianhuang.

At least, in Han Qianhuang, Ding Ning saw something refreshing. As for Elder Xu, they were all old-fashioned. The method has long since ended the fight.

Standing in front of everyone, Ding Ning smiled and waited for the next one.

Everyone present, you look at me, I look at him, no one stands up.

Even Han Qianhuang and even Elder Xu at the level of He Dao were defeated. Who can pass the assessment of Ding Ning?

It is simply impossible to come under the sect of the old fairy Xingxiu.

Everyone can see that the harshness of the apprenticeship assessment is simply outrageous.

People even began to think about whether it was as difficult as it is now when Xingxiu Laoxian took Ding Ning.

"Is there anyone else who wants to participate in the assessment?"

Seeing that no one had come forward for a long time, Ding Ning took the initiative to speak up, hoping that someone would continue to come out to fight him. Now he prefers to fight against low-level monks.

But after waiting for a long time, no one appeared.

This is embarrassing.

Could it be that I was acting too strong?Scared everyone else?
Ding Ning felt helpless.

"In my opinion, there is no one who can pass the assessment. He is too strong." Someone said in a low voice.

"Yeah, it's so powerful. It's no wonder someone can pass it. What kind of geniuses are needed to pass this level. I think let alone those geniuses from the cultivation world, let alone our blood world, they will all be defeated."

At this time, someone said leisurely: "Don't forget, those geniuses in the cultivation world have already been abused by him, and they have robbed people a lot before."


And that seems to be the case.

In this way, I am afraid that no one will be able to pass Ding Ning's level, unless a strong Mahayana realm makes a move.

But the strength has reached the Mahayana realm, do you still need to worship under the old fairy of Xingxiu?
At the level of the Mahayana realm, they are all the strongest of one side, so why do they need to worship under his sect? It is enough to start a sect by themselves.

No one else?

Ding Ning waited for a while, there was some commotion in the crowd, but no one stood up actively.

Ding Ning sighed, probably after today, no one will come to take part in his unwarranted assessment. He even defeated Han Qianhuang and Elder Xu, which is enough to scare off other people.

If he had known earlier, he would have let the opponent do a few tricks, otherwise he wouldn't be like this now.

Ding Ning felt a little regretful, but there was nothing he could do about it. Fortunately, after many fights these days, he felt that if he calmed down, he could start to enter the Mahayana realm. It should be no problem to enter the late stage of the Mahayana realm and enter the middle stage of the Mahayana realm.

At that time, his demon state will be in the middle stage of the Mahayana state, and then he can kill the last traitor Qin Jun. After killing Qin Jun, he can go to the realm of cultivation and kill Yelu Kunlun, Dong Yu, and the one who has never shown up. Lei Mengsheng beheaded.

Since there is no one else, let's call it a day.

With a flash of thought, Ding Ning was about to call it a day. Suddenly, a burst of breath came, which made Ding Ning cheer up.

Ding Ning looked forward, and a man appeared in his vision.

One walked slowly, riding on the billowing blood.

And with every step this man got closer, a large area of ​​the sky was covered by blood energy. Like a tide, he quickly invaded the front, soaking and occupying all the ground.

Seeing this figure approaching, Ding Ning's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Because he never thought that this person would personally come to the door and come to him.

He was going to find the other party after he entered the Mahayana realm, but the other party came early.

Does he know that he has killed the tyrant and evil king?So come to your door?
Ding Ning guessed, but at this time, other people present also recognized the person who came.

Can't help but exclamation came from the crowd.

"Yes... yes... Jun Qin..."

(End of this chapter)

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