The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 890 895 Exploration! 2 more

Chapter 890 895 Exploration! 2 more

Qin Jun is here!

Who is Qin Jun, in the blood world, absolutely no one knows, no one does not know the existence.

Even if you didn't know Qin Jun before, you will have heard of Qin Jun recently.

A fierce man who killed three Mahayana realm existences one after another, the blood world has long been stunned, how could he not know Qin Jun's name.

Of course, everyone who has heard of Qin Jun does not mean that everyone has seen Qin Jun, so after Qin Jun approached completely, only the senior monks cried out in surprise.

Qin Jun...

Those who have never seen the true face of Qin Jun Lushan, at this moment, all opened their eyes wide, watching this powerful man who is in the limelight.

Although Qin Jun's name was also circulated in the blood world before, but with Qin Jun's continuous retreat and rarely made a move, it is very rare to see the younger generation. It is very difficult to meet Qin Jun, let alone other people.

If it wasn't for the tyrant and evil king being beheaded, I'm afraid Qin Jun would still not show his face easily.

The appearance of Qin Jun can be said to have set off a wave of climax on the spot. No one thought that a strong Mahayana would come to join in the fun, and he was not an ordinary Mahayana strong. This was Qin Jun, a rare Mahayana The existence of the opponent, and how strong the current strength is, may become even more of a mystery.

With the appearance of Qin Jun, people began to wonder why Qin Jun appeared. Does he also want to fight Ding Ning?

If so, it's something to watch.

But this idea, most people just flashed through their minds, thinking that this kind of situation is very small, how could Qin Jun, a strong man standing at the peak of the late Mahayana realm, fight with a back.

But Qin Jun didn't make a move, so what's his reason for coming?
Everyone is guessing.

Qin Jun walked to a position 30 meters opposite Ding Ning and stopped. The two looked at each other without speaking.

They seemed to be looking at each other.

Ding Ning looked at the faint smile on Qin Jun's face, he felt that Qin Jun might have come a long time ago, but he just didn't show up before, that is to say, Qin Jun should have witnessed his attack just now.

This guy has been watching him secretly for a long time.

Ding Ning felt that Qin Jun's arrival was probably not kind.

However, he didn't feel the killing intent from Qin Jun, so does it mean that the other party doesn't know that he killed the evil and tyrant, or that the other party just didn't show it and has been enduring the killing intent?
He was waiting for Qin Jun to speak, and once Qin Jun spoke, he would know his purpose.

"It's been a long time since a young talent like you has appeared in my blood world. At such a young age, you are a person who stands at the peak of the Dao realm. It's really amazing."

To Ding Ning's surprise, Qin Jun's attitude was surprisingly good, even praising him right from the start.

What does it mean?
Ding Ning didn't know what Qin Jun meant, and the people around him were all shocked by Qin Jun's words revealing Ding Ning's true strength.

Ding Ning's realm was one step short of Mahayana.

With this level of strength, among the young people, let alone the blood world, even if they searched the cultivation world, they would not be able to find another person.

What Han Qianhuang or Jiang Taichao, which one can compare with it.

The people around were all shocked by Qin Jun's words.

As for Ding Ning, he didn't speak, he was waiting for Qin Jun to reveal more information to him, because he didn't know the real purpose of Qin Jun's appearance.

If he could face Qin Jun later, he would still be willing to face Qin Jun later.

Just listen to Qin Jun continue to say: "I heard that the old fairy Xingxiu is in this Xingsu mountain, can you report to me, the little fellow Taoist, that I, Qin Jun, among the demons, wants to meet me."

Qin Jun wants to see the old fairy Xingxiu?

The people around understood the purpose of Qin Jun's appearance, and Ding Ning finally understood why Qin Jun was so polite. It turned out that he was afraid of the old fairy XingXiu.

Looking at the gentle Qin Jun, Ding Ning guessed that Qin Jun was probably afraid of the old fairy Xingxiu, so he didn't dare to do anything to him, so now he wants to meet the old fairy Xingxiu, to determine the strength of the old fairy Xingxiu, and then consider whether to target him. he.

This is Ding Ning's intuition, and this intuition has never been wrong.

Let Qin Jun go to see the old fairy Xingxiu?
Of course not.

Old Immortal Xingxiu was just a strong person he made up casually, and it was just to fool others at that time, but he didn't expect that he would help him at this moment just by saying it casually, making Qin Jun afraid of a virtual person.

Ding Ning didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy.

But in any case, this is a good thing for him, at least when he doesn't want to confront Qin Jun, the name of Xingxiu Old Immortal can deter Qin Jun to some extent.

"Teacher is in seclusion, I'm afraid I won't be able to see Your Excellency." Ding Ning said neither humble nor overbearing, and began to act.

Now that the character of Old Immortal Xingxiu has been made up, of course he has to make it up. If he tells the fact that there is no such person as Old Immortal Xingxiu, it will be tantamount to denouncing himself in front of everyone in the blood world. Admitting that he lied to everyone, it's no wonder that everyone who knows the truth doesn't work hard with him.

Qin Jun frowned. With Ding Ning's evasion, wouldn't he be unable to achieve his goal, unable to determine the strength of the old fairy Xingxiu.

This is not what he wants.

Qin Jun showed up on his own initiative, the main purpose was to detect the strength of the old fairy Xingxiu. Before he searched secretly, he didn't find any aura of the old fairy Xingxiu. He thought that maybe the strength of the old fairy Xingxiu was too high for him to detect, so he It's okay to change the routine and ask for a meeting.

It's just that Ding Ning didn't expect to directly use retreat as an excuse, so that he couldn't see the old fairy Xingxiu.

Qin Jun was silent for a moment, and after a while, he raised his head and smiled at Ding Ning.

There was some conspiracy in this smile.

Just when Ding Ning had a premonition, Qin Jun said again: "Since the old fairy Xingxiu is retreating, I think it should be no problem to invite you to come to my demon."

Ding Ning was taken aback, is this a forced invitation?
"I wonder if fellow daoist can give Qin this face?" Qin Jun said with a smile.

A strong man in the Mahayana realm sends an invitation to a monk in the Dao realm. If the Dao realm refuses, it will be a loss of face.

For those who don't give face, how will they be treated in the blood world, hehe...

That's the sign of a beating.

Ding Ning knew that Qin Jun might make a move, but he couldn't follow Qin Jun into the Heavenly Demon Sect. Once he entered the Heavenly Demon Sect, he would be captured by the opponent, but he would definitely be restricted by the opponent.

If it weren't for Qin Jun's fear of the old fairy Xingxiu, he might have made a move directly.

"Sorry, I have to complete the task of accepting apprentices assigned to me by the teacher first. As for going to the Demon Sect, if I have the opportunity in the future, I will take the initiative to visit." Ding Ning said.

"It seems that the little fellow daoist is not giving Qin this face." Qin Jun's tone turned cold, "In this case, I can only ask for it. If the old Taoist star Xingxiu blames me, I will personally apologize to him , as for you little fellow daoist, follow me."

As he spoke, Qin Jun stretched out a hand in the air and grabbed Ding Ning.

With this grasp, the sky and earth are covered, and with this grasp, the starry sky trembles.

(End of this chapter)

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