The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 896 901 Discovery of Clues! 2 more

Chapter 896 901 Discovery of Clues! 2 more

Where did Ding Ning hide?

Qin Jun ordered all the members of the Tianmo Sect to go out to look for Ding Ning, but there was still no sign of him.

The main reason is that the entire universe is too big, even if the blood world and the cultivation world are looking for a person at the same time, it will not be able to find it in a short time.

Comprehension world.

"Hey, have you guys heard that the guy who robbed us in the God Demon Trial Field before can't get along in the blood world anymore, and everyone is looking for him."

"Hehe, dude, you know quite a lot, but I know a little more than you. He has a name. His name is Ding Xingxiu. Before that, he created a master named Xingxiu Laoxian, who was later killed by Tianmozong. The most powerful man, Qin Jun, broke through, because he has deceived many people, so everyone wants to find him."

"It turns out that his name is Ding Xingxiu, Zizi, I knew he would not be safe, and I never thought that such a big thing would happen."

"Now Yelu's family, Dong's family, Snake Mountain, and Wuji Taoist sect have sent a large number of people to look for him, and they have also issued a reward. Many people have joined the big team to find him."

"This guy robbed me at the time, no, I'm going to find him too, if I can find him, I can't help but avenge him and make a fortune."

All over the comprehension world, people are discussing this matter. It is true that what Ding Ning did in the God and Demon Trial Field was too ruthless, and now there is a feeling that everyone is shouting and beating.

The only ones who lack interest in this are the monks from the three places of Nanzhanbuzhou, Xihebuzhou and Beilubuzhou. Because they have no conflicts with Ding Ning, they can't talk about hatred, so they didn't join in.

Starfields are scanned by people everywhere. In the starry sky, it is easy to see the figure of Xunmi. This kind of search and search is almost like a carpet.

Yelu Kunlun, Dong Yu and others all waited for the news about Ding Ning to come.

From time to time, someone came to report.

The Donghe star field has never been discovered.

Flying Starfield has never been found.

The Jiuzhan Star Field has never been discovered.


I only heard the names of the star fields reported here and there. These are all the star fields that they sent people to search for, and there is no news of Ding Ning.

Following the reports of these news, Yelu Kunlun and the others worried whether Ding Ning had hidden in the God and Demon Inheritance Tower again. If so, it would be difficult for them to find it even if they searched the entire universe.

That's no different from washing the sand with big waves, and it's impossible to find out exactly which one you want.

When everyone was looking for Ding Ning's traces, Ding Ning, who was deep in the boundary of the universe, was constantly improving his own accumulation, making his background even deeper.

If it is said that Ding Ning's accumulation before entering the Mahayana realm in his last life was a height of ten battles, then his accumulation now is a height of hundreds of feet, and the accumulation is more than ten times that of his previous life.

Because in this life, Ding Ning had endless opportunities, first he was a fellow practitioner of righteousness and evil, and he had black and white profound arts.

Afterwards, he entered the Shura battlefield and obtained the inheritance of the Immortal Daoist. After that, he was the first to win the inheritance of the ancient gods and demons among the two ways of righteousness and demons, which made him the master of the inheritance tower of gods and demons.

Coupled with the many experiences of the previous life, his Ding Ning foundation is naturally extremely profound, and now this foundation is finally about to blossom and bear fruit, breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

Ding Ning sat on the ground, motionless.Day and night flashed one after another, but he never opened his eyes.

Once Ding Ning opened his eyes, that was the moment when he began to cross the tribulation and entered the realm of the Mahayana of the Demon Dao.

call out.

A ray of light flashed, and it was the God Demon Inheritance Tower controlled by Qi Ling Daotong re-suspended above Ding Ning's head, protecting Ding Ning's safety.

Just now, Qi Ling Daotong discovered that someone had actually found this place. How can this work? Ding Ning’s current position cannot be revealed. Once it is revealed, if someone strong comes, Ding Ning’s cultivation will be interrupted, and it will even affect Ding Ning’s march. Mahayana realm.

So Qi Lingdaotong was forced to take action and smashed all the teams led by the Leaving Aperture Realm into meatloaf, and did not give them a chance to speak. Qi Lingdaotong was afraid that the other party would pass the news back silently, so as to avoid When this happens, the only way to make a move is to kill.

"I don't know how long it will take for the master to wake up and start breaking through. If it takes a long time, the forces behind the people I killed may find this place." Qi Lingdaotong said worriedly.

It's a pity that the God and Demon Legacy didn't open the fifth floor, otherwise, it could directly arrest the opponent without killing them, and it would not arouse the suspicion of the forces behind it.

Now I can only hope that Ding Ning will wake up soon and enter the Mahayana realm early.

Time ticked away, but Ding Ning was still not about to wake up. It was two days after Qi Lingdaotong killed those people.

Qi Lingdaotong had another layer of worry in his heart.

He hoped that something unexpected happened to Ding Ning, otherwise, he would fall into a deep sleep again, and he didn't know how long it would take to be born again.

blood world.

Heavenly Demon Sect.

Elder Fu Mo came back from the outside and reported the search results to Jun Qin. He found that the other elders had also returned, but seeing Qin Jun's face, he obviously didn't find any of them.

Qin Jun had a bad feeling that Ding Ning was hiding so hard to find, he should be preparing to break through the Mahayana realm.

When he looked at Ding Ning before, he found that Ding Ning's Demon Dao Realm had reached the bottleneck of the peak of the Dao Dao Realm.

Nowadays, every extra point of delay will increase the chance of Ding Ning entering the Mahayana realm, which is not a good thing for Qin Jun.

Because the stronger Ding Ning's own strength is, the stronger the power of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower will be, and the harder it is for Ding Ning to be beheaded.

However, he, Qin Jun, was anxious, but he did not see the slightest news about Ding Ning.

After the elders, the deacons of the Tianmo sect kept returning and quickly described all the search situations.

The deacons are mainly held by those who have left the body. They were sent by Qin Jun to many areas to search for them. Now, they have basically returned.

"Is there anyone else who hasn't come back?" Qin Jun asked.

"Report to my lord, Deacon Liu has not returned." Someone responded.

"Contact Deacon Liu immediately."

"it is good."

Qin Jun sat in the hall with a blank face, silent, and all the people below were silent. The entire hall was unusually silent, and the atmosphere was a bit dignified.

At this moment, the person who had run to contact Deacon Liu hurried back with a panicked expression.

"Reporting to my lord, my subordinates have not been able to contact Deacon Liu, including the people led by Deacon Liu, and none of them have been able to contact them. I believe that something unexpected happened to them..."

Qin Jun straightened up suddenly, sat up straight, and asked, "Where is the area that Deacon Liu and others are looking for?"

"My lord, it's 1000 million miles away from the blood world."

"Is it so far?" Qin Jun frowned.

And just after he finished muttering this sentence, he suddenly wanted to realize something, and immediately said to everyone: "Go, follow me to the place where Deacon Liu disappeared."

The disappearance of Deacon Liu and others could be because they met Ding Ning and were beheaded by Ding Ning.

With a glimmer of hope, Qin Jun went immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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