The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 897 902 Heavenly Tribulation is Coming! 1 more

Chapter 897 902 Heavenly Tribulation is Coming! 1 more

"Why isn't the master waking up?"

Qi Lingdaotong rubbed his hands and paced back and forth, his face was full of anxiety.

He has already noticed that there is a powerful aura that is rapidly approaching, and the distance from here is not enough to be dozens of miles away.

Qi Lingdaotong wanted to wake Ding Ning up, but he didn't dare, because if he didn't do it well, Ding Ning's previous efforts in comprehension would be wasted.

"What should I do?" Qi Ling Daotong finally stopped, thinking, if Ding Ning hadn't awakened when this powerful aura approached, it would be better to let it resist for a while.

It is the weapon spirit of the God Demon Inheritance Tower, and with its current strength, it can still withstand it for a while.

So decided.

Qin Jun led a group of people from the Heavenly Demon Sect to follow the direction where Deacon Liu disappeared.

After many people searched together, they found the bodies of Deacon Liu and others fifty miles away from the boundary of the universe.

After his subordinates reported it, Qin Jun went to check it out. The corpses were smashed beyond human form, but the marks on the clothes were clearly visible, and they must be Deacon Liu and others.

"Being killed by a heavy object, it seems that that guy used the God and Demon Inheritance Tower to bombard him." Qin Jun said to himself.He fought against the God and Demon Inheritance Tower. Although the God and Demon Inheritance Tower at that time was not what it was, it was disguised as black bricks, but the power was still fresh in his memory.

Even the Chaos Ax was smashed so that it was no longer sharp. How could Deacon Liu and others hold it up?

"Look, that guy is probably still nearby." Qin Jun ordered immediately.

Although it is impossible to be 100% sure that Deacon Liu's death was caused by Ding Ning, Ding Ning is definitely the most suspected because this place is remote enough, they searched so many places, but they couldn't find Ding Ning, which proves that Ding Ning probably hid here early in the morning.

As for why Ding Ning didn't destroy Deacon Liu's body, it is possible that he has very little time and is in an important period of breakthrough.

Thinking of this, Qin Jun has greater confidence that this matter is related to Ding Ning.

"Look for everything in a radius of a hundred miles." Qin Jun said again. At the same time, he looked at the distant boundary of the universe. The boundary there is very dangerous. Will Ding Ning hide there.

He decided to go there himself and search carefully.

So, Qin Jun came like this.

When he appeared in front of Ding Ning with a group of people, none of them expected that Ding Ning was really here and sitting in front of them.

The picture of Ding Ning practicing meditation caught everyone's eyes.

found it.

It turned out that he was hiding here.

The elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect and many disciples were all a little excited. After searching for so many days, they finally found it.

The God and Demon Inheritance Tower floated above Ding Ning's head, emitting a faint light, covering Ding Ning. When Qin Jun and others came in front of him, the God and Demon Inheritance Tower changed its position and lay directly in front of Ding Ning. The intention of protecting Ding Ning was very strong. obvious.

"You are really here." Qin Jun stared at Ding Ning and said lightly. Seeing that Ding Ning was still in the state of cultivation, Qin Jun had a sneer on his face: "If you want to continue to practice under my nose, even if you inherit the ancient god Inheritance doesn't work either."

Now that he found Ding Ning, he would never give Ding Ning time to practice and break through, and he would directly attack and interrupt him.

Qi Ling Daotong was in the tower of the inheritance of gods and demons, and he was already ready to go to war.

"Hmph, I want to disturb the master's cultivation, let's see how I can suppress you." Qi Lingdaotong didn't show any fear of Qin Jun. Back then, it had fought countless strong men like Qin Jun. The monk, at the beginning, he didn't look down on him at all.

"Wait a minute..."

Just when Qi Ling Daotong was about to make a move, Ding Ning's voice suddenly sounded, stopping it.

"Master, you are awake..." Qi Lingdaotong said happily.

Ding Ning didn't say much, just said: "Stand back, he can't hurt me."

"But master, you are not yet in the Mahayana realm!" Qi Lingdaotong said hastily.

Only Ding Ning smiled slightly: "It will be there soon."

Speaking of Ding Ning, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, he suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time, a white glow shot out from his mouth.

call out.

Before Qin Jun came to Ding Ning, he saw a white light, and immediately turned his attacking head to this white light.


The white light was spinning at high speed, confronting Qin Jun's fist.

Only then did Qin Jun see clearly what the white light was, it turned out to be a true essence sword.

Is it really him?
This is not the first time Qin Jun has seen the True Essence Sword, because Ding Laomo once used the True Essence Sword as a weapon, which can take people's lives in the air.

Seeing that Ding Ning was also using the True Essence Sword now, the words of Yelu Kunlun and Dong Yu made him even more convinced that the young man in front of him was really Old Demon Ding who had been killed by them.

The moment Qin Jun lost his mind, a large number of ice crystals began to grow on the Zhenyuan sword facing him, and these ice crystals climbed up his arm at an extremely fast speed.

This kind of change was unexpected by Qin Jun, because Ding Laomo's True Essence Sword did not have such a change.

Qin Jun didn't know that the True Essence Sword in front of him absorbed the cold water beads of the three disaster beasts and could form ice crystals, which was just an attribute function.

Qin Jun felt that his whole arm was about to lose consciousness. He didn't expect the ice crystal to be so terrifying. He didn't dare to push it too hard, so he immediately pumped his fist back, and then his whole arm shook, shaking the ice crystal down, and he was far away from that kind of coldness. feel.

With a swish of the True Yuan Sword, it flew back into Ding Ning's mouth and disappeared. Ding Ning stood up slowly.

"I didn't expect you to find me so soon." Ding Ning said lightly.

Qin Jun stared at Ding Ning's face, looked at Ding Ning again, and said after a while, "Are you really him?"

"What do you think?" Ding Ning knew what Qin Jun's question meant, so he didn't answer directly, but was somewhat ambiguous, and let Qin Jun guess.

From various details, Qin Jun could be sure that Ding Ning should be Old Demon Ding, but he still couldn't believe it.

After all, Old Mo Ding fell in front of him at that time, and he couldn't die anymore, so how did he come back to life?
"Whether you are him or not, you will die today." Qin Jun said coldly.

"Oh? Really?" Ding Ning responded lightly, and said indifferently: "Two people once said the same thing to me, but unfortunately, in the end, they failed to kill me, and I killed them instead. "

Qin Jun narrowed his eyes, knowing in his heart who the two people Ding Ning was talking about, they must be the tyrant and the evil king.

"I'm different from them. I'm stronger than them. So, if I say I can kill you, I will definitely be able to kill you." Qin Jun said firmly.

"Hehe, it really taught people to wait and see. Since you want to kill me, then come." Ding Ning hooked his finger at Qin Jun.

Qin Jun's complexion changed, and at this moment, suddenly the two people's heads began to change.

Billowing dark clouds quickly formed, pushing down the sky and the earth.

This is……

Heavenly Tribulation!

He wants to break through!

Qin Jun thought inwardly that it was bad, but at this moment, he had no time to stop it, and casually disturbing other people's crossing the catastrophe would cause the catastrophe to kill them.

"Damn it, am I still late?" Qin Jun took a deep look at Ding Ning, and instead of moving forward, his body began to back up.

(End of this chapter)

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