The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 901 9064 Holy Beast Tribulation! 1 more

Chapter 901 906 The Heavenly Tribulation of the Four Holy Beasts! 1 more

A large number of orthodox monks from the realm of comprehension suddenly appeared in front of them. To the people of the Heavenly Demon Sect, they were surprised, and at the same time felt a strong fear.

Surprised because the news of Ding Ning here, how could it spread to the cultivation world so quickly, causing so many masters to be dispatched in succession in the cultivation world, plus their sect disciples, at least tens of thousands of people. It's a lot of pressure.

Furthermore, in the opposing relationship between righteousness and demons, even if the enemies of both sides are Ding Ning, it is not guaranteed that the two sides will fight, and the number of people and powerhouses of the Heavenly Demon Sect is not as good as these righteous sects. Relatively speaking, they will be even stronger. Danger.

"Don't be afraid." Qin Jun said, calming everyone's minds. Yelu Kunlun and others were recruited by him, but everyone in the Tianmo Sect didn't know, so they were all jealous, but Qin Jun knew it well, because no matter he Orthodox monks later, they have only one purpose, and that is Ding Ning.

Yelu Kunlun and Dong Yu are also here.

Ding Ning saw these two people at a glance, as well as She Qingwu and Li Wuji, Ding Ning's eyes fell on Qin Jun again, and said lightly: "You must have notified them."

Qin Jun didn't speak, but everyone in the Tianmo Sect behind him looked at Qin Jun with puzzled expressions.

is this real?
"Boy, we have been looking for you for a long time. We came here today. There is no conflict between righteous and evil, so you don't have to worry about the people of Tianmo Sect. On the contrary, we have a common enemy, and that is this guy in front of you." Yelu Kunlun said .

Finding out that Ding Ning is here is definitely the best news for him. He was shocked when he heard Qin Jun’s message that Ding Ning had made a breakthrough at the boundary of the universe, because it meant that Ding Ning might become As they got stronger, their hope of killing people and seizing the treasure became even slimmer, so Yelu Kunlun joined forces with Dong Yu and others to rush over quickly.


Hearing this, everyone in the Demonic Sect breathed a sigh of relief. It would be best for these righteous monks not to fight them, otherwise, it would really be a tough battle.

In terms of the number of Tianmo sect, there are few strong ones, which is really frightening.

"Ding Xingxiu, it's not difficult to know you're here. We searched almost the entire universe to find you. Now that you've gone through the tribulation, even if you hide here, you can't escape our eyes. Just stop If you want to instigate us to kill each other, the target of all of us today is you." It is impossible for Yelu Kunlun to admit in public that it was Qin Jun who sent him the message, otherwise, his reputation in the cultivation world will definitely be affected in the future.

As long as he refuses to admit it, no one can do anything against him, because even Qin Jun himself will not admit it.

The fact that they teamed up to kill Ding Ning back then is only known to a few people who were present at the time, and even more so now.

Some things can only be kept secret and cannot be made public.

Otherwise, if the good and the devil collude, then no matter who it is, they will not be able to stay in their original positions.

The arrival of Yelu Kunlun and others is a foregone conclusion. Although Ding Ning feels that it is tricky, he has no choice but to go through the great tribulation of Mahayana first. As for whether he can kill Qin Jun, it depends on the situation .

Qin Jun secretly told Yelu Kunlun the news about him. Although it was surprising, it was also reasonable. After all, this guy had teamed up with Yelu Kunlun and others to deal with him before, and now it was just a repeat of the past.

He didn't believe that the news that he was going through the catastrophe here was discovered by the monks of the righteous way, and there must be Qin Jun's secret transmission in it.

No longer paying attention to these minutiae, Ding Ning's attention returned to the Heavenly Tribulation.

The seventh catastrophe is here.

Four figures walked out of the dark clouds, and everyone was shocked when these four figures came out.

These are four huge bodies. Although they were transformed by Heavenly Tribulation, they are no different from the real ones. Even if they gather far away, they can still feel the ancient breath from these four huge bodies.

These are the four holy beasts.

They are Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu.

The Heavenly Tribulation of the Four Holy Beasts.

Someone yelled out in surprise.

"It's really the Heavenly Tribulation of the Four Sacred Beasts. This kind of catastrophe has only been survived by the founder of our Heavenly Demon Sect for nearly ten thousand years!" Elder Fumo watched the appearance of the Four Sacred Beasts and remembered Ding Ning's previous life.

"When Sect Master Ding entered the Mahayana realm, the last catastrophe was the catastrophe of the four holy beasts. I never thought that I would see this catastrophe in my lifetime." Elder Qin Mo's tone was full of emotion.

On the other hand, the faces of Qin Jun, Yelu Kunlun, Dong Yu and others are all very ugly, because this is the seventh catastrophe, and the power of the catastrophe is comparable to that of the last catastrophe in Ding Ning's previous life. How powerful the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation should be.

At the same time, a few people couldn't help feeling a little bit of jealousy in their hearts. When they crossed the Mahayana Heavenly Tribulation, none of the four holy beasts appeared. Incomparable.

If they were really saved by Ding Ning, would they really be able to kill Ding Ning?
Seeing the scene of the seventh catastrophe, Qin Jun and others suddenly felt a sense of uncertainty in their hearts, because they really couldn't believe what the last catastrophe was, and what that catastrophe could bring to Ding Ning.

No fewer than five people who survived the Mahayana Heavenly Tribulation were all aware of the importance of the last Heavenly Tribulation. Although it is terrifying, the energy it brings is also terrifying. Once used properly, the strength is by no means just a breakthrough People can compare.

Ding Ning also did not expect that the seventh catastrophe would be the catastrophe of the four holy beasts. This catastrophe almost killed him in the previous life.

Whether it is the green dragon or the white tiger, they are extremely powerful existences. There is no such existence alive in the cultivation world, and it can only be seen in the catastrophe.

"In the last life, I was tortured into a dog by the four of you, and I managed to survive in the end. In this life, it's my turn to return."

Ding Ning's thinking is different from ordinary people. Others are terrified by the horror of the four holy beasts, but he is thinking of revenge for the pain he suffered in the previous life.

That's right, to seek revenge from Heavenly Tribulation.

Like Ding Ning, the entire blood world and cultivation world can't find a second one.

The four holy beasts each occupied one side, spit out a white bead, and shot all of them at Ding Ning.

A gleam flashed in Ding Ning's eyes, hmph, is it still this move?

He is no stranger to this move, he has the experience of fighting against the Four Holy Beasts, and in this life, he knows how to deal with it.

And this is also what Qin Jun, Yelu Kunlun and others are most worried about, because it means that Ding Ning can also survive the seventh catastrophe, because he has survived in his last life, so there is no reason for this life to be here.

However, the facts were far beyond the expectations of Qin Jun and others.

Ding Ning didn't think about going through the tribulation honestly, what he wanted to do was to seek revenge from the four holy beasts.

Others survived the catastrophe and endured the bombardment of the catastrophe, but Ding Ning changed his previous posture and took the initiative to attack the catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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