The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 902 907 Kill the Azure Dragon! 2 more

Chapter 902 907 Kill the Azure Dragon! 2 more

The four holy beasts spit out splendor, the colors are colorful, and they look very bright.

But behind the bright colors, there is a terrifying murderous intent. The beautiful appearance is sometimes more terrifying than ugly.


Four beams of light, like Chi Lian, danced in the sky, making people dazzled.

Ding Ning was always vigilant in his heart, the last few thunder calamities, even if all the previous thunder calamities were combined, they were not as good as this one.

How could he be so careless.

"In my last life, my physical body was not strong enough to dare to collide with this Huaguang, but in this life..." Ding Ning knew that there was a terrible murderous intent behind Huaguang, so he didn't take it to heart. This attack is understood, and the second is that he is very confident in his physical body.

Ding Ning did not evade, but took the initiative to take a step forward, and was the first to meet the four rays of light.

He grabbed it with his big hand and went straight to Huaguang.

Seeing Ding Ning's actions, people who didn't know Ding Ning's identity all showed shock. That was the attack of the Four Holy Beasts. If you catch him with bare hands, you are looking for death.

But in the eyes of Qin Jun, Yelu Kunlun, Dong Yu and others, all of them frowned. They didn't think Ding Ning was looking for death. Since Ding Ning dared to resist the attack of the four holy beasts, he must be sure.


Ding Ning's big hand swept in front of Si Dao Hua Guang, and before Si Dao Hua Guang exploded, Ding Ning grabbed it and squeezed it.

It shattered silently.

Those who thought that Ding Ning was looking for death were all stunned for a moment.

Is this also ok?
Really caught it with bare hands.

Are you the devil?
Ding Ning defuses the attack of the four holy beasts with his bare hands, which makes Qin Jun and others feel a little bit depressed, which means that Ding Ning is not easy to deal with.

Especially Ding Ning and the God and Demon Inheritance Tower are even more difficult to kill.

Ding Ning didn't succeed in dispelling the first attack of the four holy beasts. He just dispelled an attack, which was nothing. What he wanted was to kill the four holy beasts.

He beheaded the three calamity beasts that appeared in the heavenly tribulation of the Dao realm before, and he got three beads, which can be integrated into weapons, which greatly improved his flame gun and true essence sword.

So what about beheading the four holy beasts?Can I also get a few beads?

Ding Ning felt that the possibility was very high. Suddenly, there was another reason for him to kill the four holy beasts.

Instead of letting the flame gun and the true essence sword go through the tempering of the heavenly tribulation, it is directly integrated into the beads, how straightforward it is.

In the eyes of everyone, Ding Ning's next move was once again stunned. He deflected the attacks of the four holy beasts, but his figure flashed and directly killed one of the holy beasts.

Ding Ning's first target to kill was Qinglong.

This green dragon is no different from a real dragon, even the scales are very real.

"If I kill you, I might get a dragon ball." Ding Ning murmured to himself, recalling an anime on Earth in his mind. Gathering all seven dragons can summon a dragon, "but today I want to slay a dragon."


Murderous intention erupted from Ding Ning's body, stabbing out like a series of sharp arrows. Qinglong felt Ding Ning's provocation. It represented the way of heaven and contained the will of the way of heaven. Naturally, he would try his best to kill a potential monk like Ding Ning.

Usually unable to make a move, and now in the period of catastrophe, Ding Ning must be blasted to death in the catastrophe.

Qinglong let out a dragon cry, and then spouted a jet of water from its mouth.

This water column is as heavy as a mountain, and has extremely strong corrosive power. Even if it is a magic weapon, once it gets on it, it can be corroded and damaged immediately. After resisting every magic weapon, there was only one Blood God Banner left on his body, which caused a great loss.

"To face you now, I don't need to use a magic weapon."

Ding Ning whispered, after that, he raised his arms, opened his palms, and fought with his flesh and blood again.

chi chi chi...

The water jet was blocked by Ding Ning's palm, no matter how fierce the water jet was, it couldn't move Ding Ning even a step.

Ding Ning stood there the whole time, never moving an inch.

"It is said that the four sacred beasts, the blue dragon, can spit out hate water. A drop of hate water weighs a hundred catties, and this thick jet of hate water is made up of an unknown number of drops of hate water. No, it’s more than hundreds of millions of catties.” A middle-aged monk who knew something about the Heavenly Tribulation of the Four Holy Beasts said how terrifying the water column was.

Everyone around who heard this explanation felt even more horrified, and looked at Ding Ning's figure with even more shock.

In this way, Ding Ning blocked the impact of hundreds of millions of catties with one hand?

What a divine power this is.

Maybe even a star can be lifted by Ding Ningtuo.

Ding Ning started to slowly walk towards the green dragon against the jet of hate water, his palms were always against the jet of water, and he stepped forward step by step.

What is he doing?
Everyone was puzzled about Ding Ning's intention to get close to Qinglong. Only a few Mahayana experts present, such as Qin Jun, Yelu Kunlun and others, had a guess in their hearts, thinking that Ding Ning might have the idea of ​​killing Qinglong, but they didn't know yet. Sure, because this kind of thing is also very incredible to them.

And what Ding Ning wants to do is this incredible thing.

His slow pace suddenly accelerated, and his figure left a string of phantoms in the air. He himself had already arrived in front of Qinglong. Immediately afterwards, people saw that Ding Ning forcefully stuffed back the jet of water spit out by Qinglong. .

Qinglong shook his head, his mouth was pinched by Ding Ning's palm, Qinglong's huge dragon body kept swaying, and in the next second, a tail swished towards him.


Ding Ning seemed to have expected it a long time ago. Facing Qinglong's tail, he stretched out his other hand and grabbed Qinglong's tail in his hand.

As a result, Qinglong's mouth and tail were all caught by Ding Ning.

Capture the dragon!

Ding Ning caught a dragon and held it in his hands. The green dragon's body was constantly writhing in Ding Ning's hands.

No matter how hard Qinglong struggled, he couldn't break free from Ding Ning's grasp.

At this time, the three holy beasts, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Suzaku, who were not making a move, no longer waited and watched, and all came to rescue Qinglong.

Ding Ning snorted.

"I only wanted to save it now, but it's a pity..." Ding Ning suddenly let go of Qinglong's mouth, and Qinglong was able to open his mouth and let out another dragon cry.

The dragon's roar was high-pitched and ear-piercing.

Many people heard it for the first time, thinking in their hearts that this is the cry of a dragon.

But before many people listened carefully, the sound of the dragon's chant stopped abruptly.


Some people pointed at the sky, and some distracted people looked at Qinglong's position again, only then did they see that Qinglong's head was getting bigger, and it had swelled to several feet in size.

Immediately, everyone heard a faint voice coming from the sky.

As a result, everyone saw the most unforgettable scene in their lives.

A young man knocked out a dragon with one punch.

(End of this chapter)

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