The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 904: Fang Shenquan! 909 more

Chapter 904 909 Ten Directions Divine Fist! 2 more

The white tiger shattered into pieces, leaving behind a bead as well.

Ding Ning got another one and put it in the storage ring.

The White Tiger Sacred Beast was beheaded by Ding Ning before it showed its true strength, because Ding Ning's speed was fast enough to not give the White Tiger Sacred Beast a chance to fight back.

"Now there are only two left." Ding Ning turned around slowly, looked at Xuanwu and Suzaku who were close at hand, and the smile on his face widened.

With two less, the rest are easier to deal with.

The Suzaku Holy Beast opened its mouth, hot magma sprang out from the mouth, Ding Ning jumped away immediately seeing the momentum, the power of this magma is much higher than the magma in the center of the earth, the temperature alone is not a level.

Even though Ding Ning knew that his physical body was strong, he didn't want to be sprayed by the magma.

Suzaku croaked, as if saddened by the fall of the green dragon and the white tiger, spouting magma constantly, while Ding Ning dodged left and right, changing his figure all the time.

Xuanwu was not idle, it used its hard tortoise shell to attack Ding Ning, just like a stone, it might hit Ding Ning at any time.

Ding Ning not only had to avoid Suzaku's attack, but also pay attention to Xuanwu's attack.

"Keep Xuanwu to kill last."

Suzaku's attack power can cause trouble for Ding Ning, and Xuanwu is the least good at attacking among the four holy beasts, so as long as you are careful, you won't get hurt if you don't get hit.

Suzaku's body was burning with flames, its wings flapped constantly, and its small eyes were piercing, staring at Ding Ning.

It seemed to guess that Ding Ning wanted to kill it next, so it was very wary of Ding Ning.

The magma erupted continuously.

Suddenly, the magma ejected from Suzaku's mouth formed a sheet, completely covering the top of Ding Ning's head.

This is not giving Ding Ning a chance to dodge.

Like a volcano pressing down, Ding Ning is very small under this magma, because it can also absorb the magma that was ejected before, so that all the magma that Ding Ning avoided is automatically absorbed, causing this magma to become more and more Big.


The magma was pressed down, and Ding Ning was instantly covered.



This piece of magma that fell from the sky landed steadily on the spot where Ding Ning was just now.

Suzaku let out a cheerful cry, as if she was happy for killing Ding Ning.

do you died?
Many monks on the ground guessed, because they couldn't tell for sure, anyway, if it was them, they would be completely reduced to ashes in the face of the attack of the Suzaku holy beast.

But Qin Jun, Yelu Kunlun and the others had no joy on their faces. Their eyes were fixed on the dark cloud that had been gathering for a long time, and they couldn't help but say in unison: "He is still alive."

still alive?

Whether they were the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect or the disciples of righteous monks, they all froze for a moment.

At this moment, someone came to his senses, pointed at the dark cloud and said: "The thunder calamity has not yet dissipated, which means that the catastrophe is still going on, and he is not dead."

Is this not dead?
Others noticed this reason, and the Suzaku Holy Beast naturally knew the fact that Ding Ning was not dead.

But since Ding Ning is not dead, what about his people?
There was no sign of Ding Ning in front of him at all.

Everyone on the ground also noticed it, and couldn't help but wonder where Ding Ning went. Since he didn't die, he should show up.

"Where are people?" Qin Jun frowned.

Could it be that it was hidden in the God Demon Trial Tower?
But if this is the case, the catastrophe will be even more violent. Dare to use a weapon in the universe to resist the catastrophe. This is to provoke the catastrophe, which is more serious than beheading the four holy beasts.

The reason why Ding Ning heard the news was not that he hid in the God Demon Inheritance Tower, but because he used the technique of hiding breath to hide himself.

To Ding Ning's surprise, Suzaku couldn't find him under the technique of hiding breath.

Otherwise, Suzaku would have attacked him long ago.

The technique of storing breath comes from the inheritance of Daoist Immortal. At that time, Ding Ning got three pieces of golden paper, which recorded three methods in total.

It is said that Taoist Immortal could not die for a long time, among which the technique of hiding breath played a vital role, helping Taoist Immortal escape several life and death crises, and even the Dao of Heaven can be blocked, which shows how powerful this hidden method is.

Since Suzaku can't find him, Ding Ning has a chance to kill Suzaku.

Relying on the technique of hiding breath, he quietly came to Suzaku's side, but Suzaku didn't notice it at all.


Ding Ning's voice suddenly sounded above Suzaku's head. Suzaku was startled and wanted to attack, but it was too late, and Ding Ning's attack was faster than it.

"Ten Directions Divine Fist."

Ten hands appeared behind Ding Ning, and each clenched fist gave off a black light. Immediately afterwards, ten fists came from different directions, like a thousand-handed Buddha.

Shifang Shenquan couldn't help blocking Suzaku's escape route, making him have to face this move.

In the next second, the Ten Directions Divine Fist landed on Suzaku's body, only to see that Suzaku was reduced to ashes before he could even let out a scream.

call out.

A bead appeared again, and Ding Ning put it away.

"Shifang Shenquan only uses the seven layers of power in the dantian, and it can make this Suzaku unable to resist. If I add the power of the physical body and explode together with the dantian, the power must be stronger." Ding Ning reminisces about Shifang just now The power of the divine fist.

This ten-direction magic fist is not his previous life's method, but the inheritance of the Immortal Taoist. It is the last one of the three golden papers to record the method. It is also called the strongest of the Immortal Taoist along with Immortal Body and Hidden Breath Technique. Three methods.

After he had practiced it before, he hadn't used it all the time. Facing the Vermillion Bird holy beast, it was the first time he took it out to test its power.

Ding Ning is still very satisfied with the effect. He is only in the Dao Realm now, and has not reached the Mahayana Realm. Using this method, he has such power. If he enters the Mahayana Realm, he will definitely be even stronger.

"The last Xuanwu is not a threat." After Ding Ning lost his mind for a moment, his attention immediately returned to the last holy beast.

Although Xuanwu's attack power is almost weak, its defense power is strong.

In the previous life, Ding Ning must have been worried about how to kill Xuanwu, but with the power of the Shifang Shenquan just now, he felt that if he wanted to kill Xuanwu, he would just use a few layers of strength.

"That's fine, then I'll see how many layers of strength you can resist me." Ding Ning continued to use the Ten Directions Divine Fist as his ultimate move, directly attacking Xuanwu.

Those who watched this scene on the ground were all amazed at Ding Ning's punching technique.

Because of this method, they have never seen it before.

"This guy, besides the inheritance of ancient gods and demons, does he have other chances?" Qin Jun frowned even more, because he found that Ding Ning was even more mysterious than his previous life, and there were many things that he didn't understand.

For example, how Ding Ning came to life.

For example, the boxing technique just now.

And this is only what Ding Ning showed, so what didn't show?
How many secrets are there in him?
Whether it is Qin Jun, Yelu Kunlun, Dong Yu, they all have a layer of worry in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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