The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 905 910 Face yourself! 1 more

Chapter 905 910 Face yourself! 1 more

The last Xuanwu holy beast died under Ding Ning's Shifang Shenquan. So far, all four four holy beasts were beheaded.

The seventh Heavenly Tribulation ended when Ding Ning destroyed it.

He actually succeeded in crossing the tribulation like this.

Many people are still shocked by this. The legendary catastrophe of the four holy beasts ended with all being beheaded. It is not the first time in history, but it is also extremely rare.

The four holy beasts were beheaded, and Ding Ning got the four beads, and he was anxious to integrate them into the weapon now.

The catastrophe is not completely over yet, there are still two catastrophes waiting for him.

"I will kill the seventh heavenly tribulation, and the next two heavenly tribulations will be even more terrifying." Ding Ning knew in his heart that the consequences of provoking the heavenly dao would inevitably lead to a strong counterattack from the heavenly dao.

However, as long as he carries it over, the heavens will not be able to do anything to him in the future.

Heavenly Tribulation in the Mahayana realm is like a fish jumping over a dragon gate. Once it crosses it, it will be on par with the Dao of Heaven.

Facing the Mahayana realm that is close at hand, Ding Ning has no intention of stopping, and is looking forward to the arrival of the eighth catastrophe.

The seventh catastrophe is the catastrophe of the four holy beasts, so what about the eighth?

Not only other people are curious about what the eighth catastrophe is, but even Ding Ning is also curious.

Generally speaking, the catastrophe of most monks is the same, unless the catastrophe of the amazingly talented and brilliant is different from others.

Just like several Mahayana realm powerhouses present, whether it was Qin Jun or Yelu Kunlun's Mahayana realm Heavenly Tribulation, they were all slightly surprised.

The most terrifying catastrophe that Ding Ning had seen in his previous life was the Heavenly Tribulation of the Four Holy Beasts. At that time, he survived the Heavenly Tribulation of the Four Holy Beasts, but he survived by force and was on the verge of death.

And this life, compared with the previous life, there is a big gap. Facing the catastrophe of the four holy beasts, let alone pass the level easily, but it didn't make me miserable.

Therefore, he also wanted to know how powerful the eighth catastrophe was.

The eighth catastrophe did not appear for a long time, only dark clouds could be seen rolling, brewing for a long time.

"This eighth catastrophe must be very terrifying. It has been brewing for so long and still hasn't shown up. It is definitely an extremely rare catastrophe."

"It's a pity that such a character has offended too many people. Both righteous and evil will not tolerate him. Even if he survives the catastrophe by chance, but he has to face so many of us, I am afraid he will not escape the fate of death."

Some people feel pity because of Ding Ning's talent. After all, such a catastrophe can be caused, but the future will inevitably be different. Even the Mahayana-level powerhouses present cannot compare.

But looking at the power of Heavenly Tribulation, you can compare it.

Whose catastrophe can be more terrifying than Ding Ning's.

Someone sighed: "Genius is rare after all, and it is easy to end early, but it is just a flash in the pan."

While everyone was feeling emotional, there was a new movement in the dark clouds in the sky.

What is the eighth catastrophe?
Finally, in front of everyone.

Four figures appeared in the sky, but these six figures were indistinct in everyone's eyes.

"Is it human?"

"It looks like it, but I don't know who the Heavenly Tribulation transformed into?"

Everyone is very curious, because in their opinion, the eighth catastrophe is definitely a catastrophe that is even rarer than the four holy beasts, but now there are a few figures. Could it be that they are more powerful than the four holy beasts?

Others couldn't see the faces of these four figures clearly, but Ding Ning could see them clearly. At the moment these four figures appeared, he was still in a daze.

Because he didn't expect the eighth catastrophe to be them.

If Qin Jun, Yelu Kunlun and others saw clearly the several figures standing opposite Ding Ning, they would definitely be surprised from ear to ear, because they were among the four figures.

That's right, these four people were the ones who beheaded Ding Ning in the previous life, the ones Ding Ning wanted to kill the most.

Now it is projected by Tiandao and directly presented.

"Everyone has inner demons. My inner demons are these people who killed me in the previous life. If the tyrant and evil lord are still alive, at this time, I must face six people."

Because the tyrant and evil lord were beheaded by Ding Ning, they had disappeared from Ding Ning's heart, but Qin Jun and the others were still alive, so they were all projected in front of him at this time.

"That's fine, I'll kill you first, and after I enter the Mahayana realm, I'll kill all of you one by one."

Facing the inner demons in front of him, Ding Ning wished he could pick up his knife and slash at them. There was nothing to say, and he would blow them all up.

The battle between Ding Ning and the four figures started. Ding Ning had never seen this extraordinary catastrophe in his previous life. Fortunately, all he had to do now was to kill it.

The people on the ground couldn't see the appearance of the four figures clearly, but they didn't dare to step forward easily, because one of them would become the target of the catastrophe's bombardment.

Especially people with higher strength are more afraid to inquire, otherwise, it is likely to attract a higher level of catastrophe, which will only aggravate death.

The same was true for Qin Jun, Yelu Kunlun, and Dong Yu, but they vaguely felt that those figures looked familiar, but they didn't associate them with themselves.

The eighth catastrophe lasted for a long time, and by the time Ding Ning killed the last figure, a whole stick of incense had passed.

Qin Jun and others projected by Tianjie are all in the early stage of the Mahayana realm. With Ding Ning's strength, it is not difficult to fight the opponents in the early stage of the Mahayana stage.

But how could the Heavenly Tribulation be so simple? After Ding Ning killed a person with all his strength, the opponent was blown up, but reappeared after a short while. The same was true for the others. They were all like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be killed. .

As a result, Ding Ning needed to continue killing.

Gradually like this, after Ding Ning killed Qin Jun and others hundreds of times, even the anger towards them in his heart decreased a lot. After the power of the eighth catastrophe was exhausted, the projections of these people did not appear again. Ding Ning knew that he had passed this test.

They are not invincible, as long as the power of the eighth heavenly tribulation is exhausted, even if he does not make a move, the projections and the others will disappear.

When everyone saw Ding Ning stop, they all knew that the Eighth Tribulation couldn't do anything to catch him.

As for who the figures of the eighth catastrophe were, no one guessed correctly.

Finally, the last catastrophe is about to usher in.

Some people murmured that they hoped that the last catastrophe would stop creating a person whose face they couldn't see clearly.

Qin Jun subconsciously looked at Yelu Kunlun and Dong Yu. He didn't speak, but his eyes had already communicated. If Ding Ning was still alive after the ninth catastrophe, they had to act immediately.

At the same time, Yelu Kunlun told She Qingwu and Li Wuji to be ready to attack.

Of course, in the end, it depends on whether Ding Ning can survive the ninth catastrophe.

There are many people who have reached this step, failed to make it past, and fell before the realm within reach.

"The Ninth Tribulation..."

Ding Ning groaned softly, and the next second, his pupils shrank.

He saw a person.

Another figure?
However, this time, there was only one figure.

he is……

Soon, everyone saw clearly that this person was Ding Ning himself.

Is the Ninth Tribulation himself?

(End of this chapter)

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