The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 906 911 Battle of Shuangning! 2 more

Chapter 906 911 Battle of Shuangning! 2 more

Ding Ning had never heard of himself appearing in the Heavenly Tribulation.

For a moment, Ding Ning looked at himself who had transformed into a catastrophe in front of him, and was slightly dazed, almost thinking that his righteous deity had appeared.

"There is still such a catastrophe..." Among the crowd who followed this scene, many people exclaimed.

Everyone has also never seen that the catastrophe will turn into its own appearance.

"Are you fighting yourself?"

"This is not crossing the catastrophe, obviously it is crossing myself, but I am quite curious, whether he can beat him who was formed by the catastrophe."

It is easy to tell the winner in a fight with others, but it is a bit difficult to beat yourself in a fight with yourself.

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to think of how to defeat myself, because I know myself too well. The Ninth Tribulation seems simple, but it is actually the hardest."

While the people present were discussing, many figures came from several other directions, and these people stopped several hundred meters away from Yelu Kunlun and the others.

"Huh? Someone is crossing the tribulation!"

"It's a black-hearted robber. The Yelu family, the Dong family and other ten powerful forces really came for him. It seems that we are not too late. The catastrophe is not over yet, and they haven't fought yet."

The person who spoke came from the world of comprehension. They came following the movement of the Yelu family, the Dong family and other four powerful forces. People like him are not in the minority. There are still many people who are on the way and have not arrived yet. .

Righteous monks from the cultivation world appeared, and demon cultivators from the blood world also came one after another.

The Heavenly Demon Sect has been in the limelight recently, so it has attracted more attention, not to mention that Qin Jun led many elders, leaving the blood world with such a big movement, it is impossible for no news to leak out. Immediately chased after him.

Ding Ning didn't care about other people's comments, even if more orthodox monks and demon cultivators came, it didn't matter to him.

All his thoughts are now devoted to getting through the ninth catastrophe in front of him.

Facing this person who was exactly like him, Ding Ning quickly regained his composure, "It's interesting to fight against myself."

There was a strange smile on his face. If it was someone else, facing this catastrophe, he might feel weird. After all, no one had the experience of fighting against him.

But if others don't, it doesn't mean that he is gone. He really doesn't lack the experience of fighting with him, because he is a fellow practitioner of righteousness and evil, and he has two real deities.

At that time, when Zhengmo and Zhengmo were separated, he tried to fight against himself.

The same idea, two bodies, it's quite interesting to fight.

It's like fighting each other left and right. Of course, he was just playing for fun at the time, but now he must be fighting for real.

He just didn't know how much strength he had turned into from Heaven's Tribulation.

Ding Ning smiled, and Tian Jie Ding Ning on the opposite side also smiled.

Do you want to learn from me?
Ding Ning didn't take it seriously, he moved his feet and took the initiative to attack.

"Crack the sky!"

With a swipe of his arm, cracks began to appear around Tianjie Dingning, even the void was split.

"Crack the sky!"

Suddenly, Heavenly Tribulation Ding Ning played the same move, causing cracks to appear around Ding Ning.

He will too?
Ding Ning immediately changed his move, blasted out, and Tian Jie Ding Ning launched the same attack again. The two attacks collided, canceled each other, and disappeared invisibly.

Ding Ning came to Tian Jie Ding Ning and started a close combat. He wanted to test whether Tian Jie Ding Ning also had a body as powerful as him.

One after another punches out, Tian Jie Ding Ning does the same action, making Ding Ning's idea of ​​knowing Tian Jie Ding Ning's physical strength come to nothing, because Tian Jie Ding Ning can perfectly defend against his attack.

After several experiments failed, Ding Ning stepped back temporarily, and frowned for the first time.

It's exactly the same as his own attack, even the power is the same, so it's hard to deal with.

He has just changed seven or eight sets of methods, none of which are repeated, but Tianjie Ding Ning will also do it, which is exactly the same as the method he created.

When an opponent, what you know, he will do, what you do, what he will do, then it must be very difficult to defeat the opponent.

"I don't believe you can completely copy me." Ding Ning murmured to himself, and charged up again.

The two fought fiercely, their fists clashing continuously, and the surrounding dark clouds were scattered.


The two figures were fighting from east to west, and from south to north, and they were in constant collision. Even so, neither side could do anything to defeat the other.


Once again they collided and separated, and the two separated from each other, looking at each other from afar.

Ding Ning touched his waist, where the clothes were torn, and a corner was torn off by Tian Jie Ding Ning, and there was still blood in one place, and his body was damaged.

You must know that Ding Ning's physical strength is definitely far beyond that of ordinary monks in the Dao realm, reaching the level of Mahayana realm, but he was still injured.

It can be seen how powerful Tianjie Dingning's attack power is.

On the other hand, Tian Jie Ding Ning didn't have any damage on his body, and his clothes were intact.

However, Ding Ning knew that this was the result of Heavenly Tribulation Ding Ning's repairing with his strength, because he had just clearly seen that he hit Tianjie Dingning's body, and a piece of Heavenly Tribulation Dingning's body was blown up, but the repair was very fast.

Although his physical body was injured, Ding Ning felt a little relieved. Fortunately, the opponent did not have the body of a Vajra God, otherwise, his attack just now should not be able to hurt Ding Ning.

In this way, he still has the advantage, because he has fought against Tianjie Ding Ning for so long, and he has not used the Vajra God Demon Body.

And the opponent does not have the Vajra God Demon Body, this is his chance of winning.

In fact, Ding Ning doesn't have to think about beheading Ding Ning, after all, killing himself is not a good experience.

He only needs to resist the opponent's attack. After the power of the ninth catastrophe is exhausted, the ninth catastrophe will be over.

But Ding Ning didn't want to do this. Facing the self transformed from Heavenly Tribulation, Ding Ning just wanted to crush the opponent.

Dare to impersonate him, he wants to kill the other party, which is an act of cracking down on counterfeiting and shoddy.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ding Ning wants to test himself through this identical self.

The Ninth Heavenly Tribulation is like a mirror, showing him all. Although there are some things that cannot be completely copied, at least the Ninth Level is the same as Ding Ning.

Ding Ning thinks that this will test him even more, if he doesn't compete with Tianjie himself, he will be too sorry for the ninth Heavenly Tribulation.

Doesn't it mean that only by defeating yourself can you conquer everything.

He Ding Ning could just try to overcome his feelings today.

Anyway, he possesses the body of a vajra god and demon, which is quite conducive to being invincible, and it doesn't matter how he struggles next.

Ding Ning, who has no worries about the future, doesn't mind fighting with Tian Jie Ding Ning.

"I got four beads from killing the four holy beasts. If I kill you, what can I get?" Ding Ning said to Tian Jie Ding Ning with a smile.

Before the words fell, he killed the past again.

(End of this chapter)

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