The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 911 916 Dong Yu, dead! 2 more

Chapter 911 916 Dong Yu, dead! 2 more

Ding Ning is like a mountain eagle. Originally following the attack of Qin Jun and others, he came to Dong Yu's side. Dong Yu was thinking that he would seriously injure Ding Ning, but he didn't expect that Ding Ning would suddenly explode.

Murderous intent locked Dong Yu at once, and Ding Ning directly used the strongest attack method without any nonsense.

The ten-direction magical fist, kills the sky with one punch!
Ding Ning activated the Shifang Shenquan method, this time it was no longer a fist, but only one punch.

Simple, unpretentious punch.

This is the second stage of the Shifang Shenquan. Ding Ning was in the Hedao realm before, and he could only hit the first stage of the Shifang Shenquan, which filled the entire space with fists. Although this kind of attack looks gorgeous, it is still In fact, the power is not the strongest.

As for the second level of the Ten Directions Divine Fist, all attacks are focused on one point, that is, sublimated on the first level, so that the power is unified and the strongest blow is formed.

Killing the sky with one punch, it can be said that he dared to kill even the sky, and there was a sense of treason in it, which showed the dominance of the second level of power.

Dong Yu looked at Ding Ning's light punch at him, and he couldn't even feel the force of the punch, so he couldn't help feeling suspicious. With such an attack, he also wanted to hurt him?

He immediately returned his fist, meeting Ding Ning's silent punch.

And at the moment when the two collided, the expression on Dong Yu's face instantly became exciting.

As a strong man in the Mahayana realm, since he stepped into this realm, he has rarely been beaten to the point of bone pain, but today, he deeply felt this feeling.

The arm that Dong Yu punched that day was like foam, and it was easily blown apart by Ding Ning's fist. It was not interrupted, but the whole hand was directly smashed into pieces.

This is not over yet, Ding Ning took advantage of the situation and narrowed the distance with Dong Yu again. Dong Yu was horrified. He lost an arm after meeting each other. It is possible to be beheaded on the spot.

How could he be so strong.

The horror in Dong Yu's heart is beyond words, and he can't talk to others now, because Ding Ning's ultimate move has not stopped.

"In the last life, you surrounded and killed me with others, now you should pay back." Ding Ning's voice suddenly sounded.

Dong Yu said inwardly that he was not good, he wanted to ask Yelu Kunlun and others for help.

Ding Ning knew that time was running out, Qin Jun and others would stop him with just one breath, and he had to finish Dong Yu within one breath.

Killing a strong man in the Mahayana realm within one breath is simply impossible in the eyes of others. Anyway, Dong Yu is also a strong man in the late stage of the Mahayana realm, not a weak one. Can be killed so easily.

But in Ding Ning's heart, nothing is impossible.

Just because others can't do it doesn't mean he can't do it either.

Now, he was going to take Dong Yu's life in front of everyone.


A punch that killed the sky, followed by another punch, Dong Yu could only resist with his other arm, but the other arm was also blown off by this resistance, and Dong Yu lost his hands in an instant.

Ding Ning's power is too strong, he dared to face the Mahayana realm when he was in the Dao realm, now that he has entered the Mahayana realm, his power has changed again, and there is a faint tendency to break the power of the Mahayana realm.

"From the moment I entered the Mahayana realm, your death is on the initiative, and they can't save you."

Ding Ning's voice entered Dong Yu's mind. Seeing his situation getting worse and worse, Dong Yu suddenly thought that there might be a way to resist Ding Ning for a moment. As long as he resisted for one breath, Ding Ning would not be able to kill him. Yelv Kunlun and others will come to help him deal with Ding Ning.

call out.

With a thought, a magic weapon flew out of Dong Yu's mouth.

This is a big clock with various rune patterns on it. As soon as the big clock comes out, it will emit golden light. It seems that it has been sacrificed by Dong Yu.

"The old ancestor is showing off his power!"

"This is the ancestor's Qian Kun clock."

The members of the Dong family were watching the battlefield all the time. When they saw their ancestor's arms were easily blown off by Ding Ning, everyone tensed up, thinking that Ding Ning was too terrifying, even the ancestor Dong Yu could not match him, After the Qiankun Bell appeared, the members of the Dong family knew that as long as the big bell could resist for a while, their ancestors would be saved.

Yelu Kunlun and others have already left.

Just one breath is enough.

Ding Ning glanced at the Qiankun Clock, and just snorted. Before the Qiankun Clock fell, he swiped his arm directly, and the Qiankun Clock only heard a thud, and was blown away.

"Return." Dong Yu summoned the Qiankun Clock to return immediately and continue to attack.

Ding Ning turned around and stopped looking at the Qiankun Clock, because he was sure that Dong Yu was already dead before the Qiankun Bell hit him.


Kill the sky with one punch and come out again.

Dong Yu's eyelids twitched when he saw it. It was this boxing technique again. He wanted to yell at him, but Ding Ning's fist was too fast. He didn't give him a chance to speak. big hole.

Blood burst.

Blood fell on Ding Ning's face, Ding Ning wiped his face with a smile, and said lightly, "It's not enough!"

With that said, another punch.

Then, it was a continuous fist bombardment.

In front of Ding Ning, the body of Dong Yu, a strong man in the Mahayana realm, was almost sieved.

When Ding Ning was about to land on Dong Yu's head, he couldn't wait any longer, and directly merged his soul into the Nascent Soul and got out of his body.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Ding Ning's voice made Dong Yu's Nascent Soul feel chills all over. Immediately afterwards, Dong Yu saw chains grow out of the void, and immediately locked him up.

This is……

Demon Devouring Chains!

Dong Yu's Nascent Soul couldn't break free, Ding Ning smiled coldly and said softly, "Blood God Banner."

In an instant, the blood god banner appeared.

When Dong Yu saw the Blood God Banner, he immediately thought of something, and shouted no.

Ding Ning ignored it and said directly: "Ji Lian!"

Saying that, the Blood God Banner directly enveloped Dong Yu's Nascent Soul and began to digest it.

Just when the Blood God Banner absorbed Dong Yu's Nascent Soul power, the Qiankun Bell had just arrived in front of Ding Ning, and it stopped just like that.

Without Dong Yu's instructions, it lost any motivation.

As for Qin Jun, Yelu Kunlun, and others, they also came late.

Looking at the blood god's banner floating there, and Dong Yu, leaving only a puddle of flesh and blood mud, the soul and the soul, Nascent Soul, were all taken by Ding Ning to make weapons.

A strong Mahayana fell like this.

And before and after Ding Ning beheaded Dong Yu, it was less than one breath.


Dong Yu died in front of everyone.

The members of the Dong family, seeing this scene, the head of the family fainted on the spot.

The fall of the ancestor Dong Yu will inevitably lead to the decline of the Dong family.

As for the others, they were all immersed in the shock of Dong Yu's beheading.

(End of this chapter)

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