The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 912 917 Be careful, he is coming! 3 more

Chapter 912 917 Be careful, he is coming! 3 more

Five people surrounded and killed one person, but the other party killed one person first.

It can only be said that Ding Ning is too powerful, not at all like a monk who has just entered the Mahayana realm, and his precise grasp of combat is probably inferior to many strong ones.

Is he really a young monk?

Many people couldn't help but wonder, it was really Ding Ningqiang who was a bit unbelievable.

How could it be possible to be so strong at the age of less than [-], and the descendants of immortals are no more than that.

"It's too scary. In front of him in the Mahayana realm, he easily beheaded..." The scene of Ding Ning beheading Dong Yu was watched by everyone, whether it was a righteous monk or a demon cultivator, they were all shocked by Ding Ning's strength .

The other monks who have just crossed the catastrophe are all weak, but when they come to Ding Ning, they are not only alive and well, but also surprisingly strong.

"It's a good thing that I, Luo Tianzong, didn't join in. Otherwise, I would have ended up in the same end." A sect master of one of the top [-] sects said, after witnessing the scene just now, he felt a little scared.

In fact, many people present felt this way. They thought that Ding Ning would die in the face of the five Mahayana experts, and there would be no suspense. What they saw must be the scene of Ding Ning being besieged and killed. After the attack, it was not like this at all. Ding Ning didn't say anything, but killed one first.

This result really caught everyone off guard.

"Damn it!" Snake Qingwu cursed, unexpectedly they were only slow for a moment, Dong Yu was beheaded by Ding Ning, and died on the spot.

Yelu Kunlun and Qin Jun looked at each other. They were the only ones left to participate in the siege, and there must be no more losses, otherwise, they might be overthrown by Ding Ning.

Five people against one, it's fine if they didn't gain the upper hand, and they were counter-killed, which is a great shame.

What consumes Ding Ning's power and slowly encircles and kills them is a wrong decision. They should bombard Ding Ning like a storm without interruption, otherwise how could Ding Ning catch the opportunity.

After realizing the wrong decision, Yelu Kunlun immediately changed the way of fighting, and sent sound transmission to She Qingwu and Li Wuji, telling them not to hold back, otherwise, they might follow in Dong Yu's footsteps.

"This guy took Dong Daoyou's Nascent Soul Refining Artifact, because of this alone, he will die. If he doesn't die, he will be my enemy in the cultivation world in the future." Snake Qingwu said seriously.

Li Wuji recognized this point, Ding Ning is not an orthodox monk, he is a demon cultivator, even if Ding Ning didn't rob their sect's disciples, Ding Ning should be killed just because he is a demon monk.

Ding Ning must not be allowed to survive, otherwise there will be another great enemy in the cultivation world.

Ding Ning's degree of danger is more than ten Qin Jun.

This is only Ding Ning's strength just after crossing the catastrophe. If Ding Ning was given decades or hundreds of years of precipitation, wouldn't it be possible for Ding Ning to enter the realm of crossing the catastrophe?

Such people must not be left behind.

She Qingwu and Li Wuji were still kept in the dark, and continued to besiege Ding Ning with Qin Jun and Yelu Kunlun.

Without a Mahayana expert, Ding Ning's pressure was reduced by one point.

Ding Ning kept wandering around under the bombardment of the four people. Sometimes he dodged, and sometimes he faced the attack of the four people. His figure was erratic and he kept changing directions.

Suddenly, Ding Ning discovered that the four of them separated, and the other two played different spells. This is...


Ding Ning could tell at a glance that the other party was setting up a magic circle, was he planning to trap him inside and then bombard him?
"We can't let them set up a complete formation." Ding Ning frowned. He knew the strength of the righteous monk's formation. The array must not be completely arranged.

So Ding Ning began to think of ways to run to cause damage, but Yelu Kunlun and Qin Jun immediately blocked him.

The burden of arranging the formation fell on She Qingwu and Li Wuji.

"Don't think about it, the formation is completed, and you are doomed to die." Qin Jun said.

"Back then we were able to kill you once, and now we can kill you a second time." Yelu Kunlun continued.

Both communicate in a voice audible to both.

"At the beginning, I didn't know there was a traitor by my side, but now, how could I let you kill me again." Ding Ning replied coldly.

Yelu Kunlun stood not far away, and said: "Although our number has decreased, you have not completely recovered to your previous height, and we still have a good chance of winning. Besides, in order to kill you, I have carefully prepared an ancient formation Law."

"What's the matter? In the end, who can laugh until they don't know." Ding Ning didn't want to say too much. Yelu Kunlun was just a good-looking hypocrite, colluding with Qin Jun is enough to show his character, especially when he wanted to say something more several times. Many messages and She Qingwu and Li Wuji were interrupted by Yelu Kunlun, because Yelu Kunlun didn't want the two to quit, so their chances of killing Ding Ning would be greatly reduced.

Ding Ning didn't want to explain too much about the involvement of irrelevant people, and just thought that She Qingwu and Li Wuji were looking for death on their own.

It just so happens that the Blood God Banner needs the Nascent Soul Soul of a strong man. If all four of them were used to sacrifice the Blood God Banner, they might be able to push the Blood God Banner to a height of six or even seven sides in one fell swoop.

Yelu Kunlun and Qin Jun continued to use various methods to block Ding Ning and prevent him from wreaking havoc.And under the arrangements of She Qingwu and Li Wuji, two Mahayana realm powerhouses, the formation will be completed soon.

The use of the formation was a method prepared by Yelu Kunlun in advance, and it was specially used to deal with Ding Ning, because Yelu Kunlun wanted to make sure nothing would go wrong.

Dong Yu's death made Yelu Kunlun realize that Ding Ning should not be underestimated. Therefore, he directly used the formation to trap Ding Ning first. In this way, Ding Ning would not be able to escape with the aid of the Demonic Inheritance Tower.

The tower of gods and demons is the most troublesome for Yelu Kunlun.

As long as Ding Ning can be stopped now, once the formation is completed, Ding Ning will definitely not be able to escape. If Ding Ning is killed then, the God Demon Inheritance Tower will fall into their hands.

The last time, Ding Ning escaped with the help of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower. Such a thing will never be allowed to happen a second time.

She Qingwu and Li Wuji are still hurrying to arrange the formation, not knowing that they are now someone else's pawn.

Seeing that he couldn't break through Qin Jun and Yelu Kunlun for a while, Ding Ning was not in a hurry, and suddenly smiled at them.

In an instant, he disappeared before the two of them.

Seeing this scene, Yelu Kunlun immediately realized that it was not good, and Ding Ning hid again in the God and Demon Inheritance Tower.


Feeling a gust of wind blowing past his brows, Yelu Kunlun's eyes suddenly burst into light, and he shouted: "It's broken!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards She Qingwu and Li Wuji, at the same time reminding them loudly: "Be careful! He is coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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