The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 919 Fear of Thunder! 924 more

Chapter 919 Fear of Thunder! 924 more

Colorful clouds bloomed in the sky, which were left behind by Lei Mengsheng, Qin Jun, and Ye Kunlun when they bombarded the God and Demon Inheritance Tower.

Watching the attacks in front dissipate one after another, the three of them didn't have any joy on their faces.

Because the target they wanted to bombarded was not damaged by it.


The God Demon Inheritance Tower reappeared, suspended in mid-air, as if silently mocking the three of them.

When Ding Ning disappeared, he must have gotten into the God and Demon Inheritance Tower. The three of them could only target the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, but how could it be so easy to destroy the God and Demon Inheritance Tower.

No matter how the three of them bombarded, the God and Demon Inheritance Tower was always the first to dodge. Even Lei Mengsheng still couldn't accurately hit the God and Demon Inheritance Tower.

Qi Ling Daotong appeared on the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, and said to the three of them calmly: "With your slow speed, if you want to meet me, don't dream."

Qi Ling Daotong, who looked like a child, showed disdain to the three Mahayana experts. This scene is indeed relatively rare, because any other child who dared to do this would have been slapped away.

But Qi Lingdao Tong dared to be so arrogant because it had confidence.

As the weapon spirit of the ancient gods and demons inheritance tower, as long as the gods and demons inheritance tower is not destroyed, it will not die.

What's more, it is now full of power, and it is not afraid of consumption at all.

Qi Ling Daotong now has nothing to fear, in its view, it wants to take advantage of Ding Ning's sacrifice to the blood-refining god banner, and severely teach these three guys a lesson for Ding Ning.

"Among the three, you are the strongest?"

"Okay, I will weaken your strength for the master first."

Qi Ling Daotong made a decision in an instant, and immediately urged the God and Demon Inheritance Tower to bomb Lei Mengsheng.

Lei Mengsheng stretched out his hands, grabbed it straight forward, and stopped the descending group of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower from the sky, and then, with a flick of his arm, threw the God and Demon Inheritance Tower out.

"Ah, I'm so dizzy." Qi Lingdaotong yelled, but he didn't expect Lei Mengsheng's power to be so terrifying, even better than his master Ding Ning.

"No wonder your appearance can change the situation." Qi Lingdaotong felt Lei Mengsheng's difficulty, but this aroused his fighting spirit even more.

Sleeping for thousands of years, it was subdued by Ding Ning before because it had very little power left. Now that it has absorbed energy several times, it has almost recovered. Qi Ling Daotong has long wanted to fight with others, but without Ding Ning's order, it Can't make a move easily, now it's fine, the opponent is strong enough, Ding Ning didn't say a word, indicating that he can let it play freely.

"Come again!"

Qi Ling Daotong shouted loudly, and the God Demon Inheritance Tower quickly enlarged, and it became like a mountain in the blink of an eye, as if it was a magic weapon of a fairy, with diamond lights shining, rushing to Lei Mengsheng to suppress it directly.

Seeing that the God and Demon Inheritance Tower came again, and its size became so huge, many people became nervous. They wondered whether Lei Mengsheng could withstand such an attack, or whether he would be smashed into a pulp. The snake Qingwuhe and Li Wuji were all smashed badly.

Judging by the aura of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, it is much stronger than before, and its power must be even more terrifying.

Both Yelu Kunlun and Qin Jun looked very serious at this time, and they did not dare to underestimate the power of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower.

Lei Mengsheng was only silent for a moment, then suddenly he burst into laughter, and shouted: "An ancient magic weapon dares to run rampant in today's universe, do you think this is the universe of ancient times?"

Snort softly.

He only heard Lei Mengsheng spit out two words, and at the same time pinched the seal in his hand and shot it directly into the sky.


Lei Mengsheng pointed to the sky with one hand, and suddenly, a big thunder crashed down.

I saw a ray of pure silver lightning flashing across everyone's faces.

It came and went quickly, and there was still a faint burning smell in the void.

The God Demon Inheritance Tower did not appear in front of Lei Mengsheng, and was startled away by the thunder just now.

Qi Ling Daotong stood on the spire of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, looking at the sky above his head, there were no dark clouds, but he was able to send down thunder and lightning.

If it hadn't been able to dodge quickly, the lightning bolt really hit it.

What Qi Ling Daotong is most afraid of is thunder and lightning, because the weapons inherited by gods and demons belong to the previous universe, and are not rejected in ancient times, but in today's universe, the tower of the inheritance of gods and demons is actually rejected. will bombard it.

Therefore, Qi Ling Daotong is the most sensitive to Tianlei, and he is more afraid.

In the previous few shots, Qi Ling Daotong hid the aura of the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, just not wanting to attract the attention of Heavenly Dao.

I didn't expect that the person in front of me could trigger Tianlei.

Qi Lingdaotong felt that his weakness had been caught by someone, and he didn't want to fight Lei Mengsheng, because he was afraid of being bombarded by the sudden thunder.

"What? Don't you dare to attack me?" Lei Mengsheng said to Qi Lingdaotong lightly, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"This guy really knows what I'm afraid of." Qi Lingdao said with a serious expression on his small face.

"If you don't take the initiative to attack, then I'll do it." Lei Mengsheng swayed and disappeared in place, and in the next second, he came in front of the God Demon Inheritance Tower.


As soon as these two words came out, Qi Ling Daotong immediately controlled the God Demon Inheritance Tower to stay away from Lei Mengsheng.

"It turns out that it is afraid of thunder!"

Seeing this scene, many people realized why the inheritance of gods and demons did not take the initiative to attack, because they were afraid of thunder.

"Anyway, it's also a weapon from the age of ancient gods and demons. How can you be afraid of sky thunder?" Some people were puzzled.

"It's not difficult to explain, because today's era is no longer the ancient era, and the way of heaven has a natural rejection of things from other eras."

"So that's how it is." Everyone looked suddenly enlightened.

Boom boom boom...

Thunder came down one after another, and the tower of the gods and demons could only dodge continuously. Qi Ling Daotong was so angry that he was not afraid of any other methods, but he was afraid of the methods related to thunder.

"Fellow Daoist Lei, I'll help you too." Seeing that Qi Lingdao was afraid of thunder, Yelu Kunlun also began to activate the methods related to thunder, but the methods related to thunder belonged to Lei Mengsheng's Dao of Thunder Famen is the most powerful.

Qin Jun is a monk of the demonic way, similar to Qi Ling Daotong, and Tianlei also restrained him, so Qin Jun could only stand aside and couldn't intervene.

Qi Lingdaotong continued to avoid the bombardment of the sky thunder, and suddenly found that Qin Jun was leisurely wandering aside, and immediately approached, which caused Lei Mengsheng and Yelu Kunlun's Thunder Dao method to chase after him.

Qin Jun's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately realized that Qi Ling Daotong was trying to bring disaster to the east, so that he would also be attacked.

Before Qi Ling Daotong approached, Qin Jun turned and left.

So a picture was formed in the sky, Qin Jun was running at the front, Qi Ling Daotong was in the middle, Lei Mengsheng and Yelu Kunlun were chasing behind, constantly attracting thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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