The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 920 925 Cause of Betrayal! 1 more

Chapter 920 925 Cause of Betrayal! 1 more

Qi Ling Daotong is also an existence that has lived countless years, and will never let go of an opportunity to deal with the enemy.

Qin Jun wants to watch the play on the sidelines and stay out of it, which is not allowed.

So Lei Mengsheng and Yelu Kunlun chased Qi Lingdaotong, and Qi Lingdaotong pursued Qin Jun closely, because Qin Jun, like him, was more afraid of Tianlei.

bang bang bang...

The thunder and lightning that was originally blasted towards Qi Lingdaotong fell on Qin Jun, Qin Jun's entire face turned black, Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng both looked ashamed, and they were also very helpless, It was Qi Ling Daotong who was too cunning.

"Haha... I laughed so hard." Qi Lingdaotong appeared in another void, clapping his arms continuously, and burst out laughing.

When Lei Mengsheng and Yelu Kunlun urged the thunder and lightning to blast at it, Qi Lingdaotong immediately pulled away within a ten-thousandth of a breath. In this way, Qin Jun, who had been chasing only in front, was naturally implicated.

"Qin Daoyou, you stand back for now, let's deal with him first, wait until that guy is forced to show up, and then you make a move." Lei Mengsheng said.

Qin Jun didn't speak, and ran to a further distance, and left the battlefield directly. It seemed that he didn't want to be implicated by Qi Lingdaotong again, and immediately hid far away.

Lei Mengsheng and Yelu Kunlun continued to bombard Ling Daotong with lightning.

Qi Ling Daotong directly reduced the God Demon Inheritance Tower until it was invisible to the naked eye. Now it depends on how the two of them deal with it.

In an instant, Qi Ling Daotong disappeared, and the God and Demon Inheritance Tower also disappeared, leaving only Lei Mengsheng and Yelu Kunlun in the sky.

Without the target, it will be difficult to handle. No matter how strong they are, they will not be able to find the shrunken God and Demon Inheritance Tower at a glance.

This scene is no stranger to Yelu Kunlun, because when they dealt with Ding Ning before, the God Demon Inheritance Tower also shrunk very small, which resulted in them escaping from their siege.

Now, it is repeating the old trick.

"We must not let him escape. If we don't kill him today, it will be even more difficult in the future." Yelu Kunlun said seriously.

Lei Mengsheng didn't know this, they couldn't afford to gamble, once Ding Ning had more time, it would only be a matter of time before Ding Ning completely recovered his previous strength.

But if they want to search, they don't know how they swish, whether they leave or hide near them after the God Demon Inheritance Tower shrinks.

Even here, if they want to find it, it will take a lot of effort. First, they can block the surrounding area with formations, but if the God and Demon Inheritance Tower leaves, it will be meaningless for them to do all this.

It's not right now, and it's not true if you don't search.

When the two were in trouble, suddenly a fluctuation appeared not far away.

It is the direction where Qin Jun is.

When the two looked over, their expressions flashed suddenly, and Ding Ning appeared unexpectedly, and caused a lot of damage to Qin Jun with one blow.


The two of them almost forgot about Ding Ning. Ding Ning was also hidden in the God Demon Inheritance Tower.

Qin Jun clutched his chest, and Ding Ning just punched him from behind, piercing his body.

The main reason is Ding Ning's appearance, there is no sign at all, it is a sneak attack.

"Very angry, aren't you?" Ding Ning looked at Qin Jun with a smile, and continued: "That's how you treated me back then. If I hadn't been attacked by you, how could I have been killed so easily by you."

Ding Ning's move was a tit for tat.

Qin Jun took a few steps back, but Ding Ning disappeared in place again, with another extremely domineering punch.

Qin Jun's body was blown up this time, but he didn't die, Yuanying jumped out of his body instantly.

He could feel that Ding Ning's strength had become stronger again. From the middle stage of the Mahayana realm, he was promoted again and entered the late stage of the Mahayana realm. This made Qin Jun's heart beat wildly, and Qin Jun's Nascent Soul turned around and fled.

"Where to go!" Ding Ning, who had recovered to the strength of the late stage of the Mahayana realm, became more confident. Facing the former traitor, he did not have any kindness, so he directly used the demon-eating chain to wrap around Qin Jun's Nascent Soul. No matter how the Nascent Soul bombards it, it cannot get rid of it.

With his current strength, using the Demon Devouring Chain, he can fully display the power of nine levels.

There is no escape.

Qin Jun found that he was even more powerless facing Ding Ning in the Nascent Soul state.

He no longer struggles.

"The three of you betrayed me back then, so you were the mastermind." Ding Ning was not in a hurry to sacrifice Qin Jun to the blood-refining god banner, because he had a question that he kept hidden in his heart, that is why the three of them betrayed him in the first place, and he wanted to do it. Be aware of this.

"How did you guess it was me?" Qin Jun replied.

"Among the three, you are the most scheming, and there will be no other person except you." Ding Ning said.

"Since you know that I am scheming, why don't you know that I will betray you?"

"Give me a reason." He didn't ask the tyrant or the evil king about this sentence, because he knew that the betrayal of the two must have something to do with Qin Jun, and he wanted to get the answer from Qin Jun.

"Reason? Hehe" Qin Jun's Nascent Soul showed a sneer on his face, and then the smile disappeared suddenly, his pupils dilated, his facial features became distorted, and he said word by word: "Because you are my enemy!"

Ding Ning frowned, because he didn't know why he was Qin Jun's enemy.

"You killed my only brother, so I want to avenge him, it's that simple."

"You must be thinking, who is my elder brother?" After saying this, Qin Jun paused.

"I have killed many people." Ding Ning still admitted this.But if he said that he killed Qin Jun's elder brother, he really didn't have the impression.

"You may not remember him, because he is just a small person, but I clearly remember the scene when you killed my brother. At that time, I swore that I would kill you, no matter how high the price was."

"So, you are waiting by my side just to wait for the opportunity to take revenge?" Ding Ning said, it turned out that this was the reason Qin Jun betrayed him.

"That's right, but I know that my strength alone is not enough, so I tried my best to persuade the tyrant and evil king."

"It's not difficult to persuade the tyrant to betray you, because he is simple-minded, and he has the shortest time with you, and he has been acting with me, so it didn't take much effort to make him betray you. What really surprised me was the evil king, because He has long had the idea of ​​betraying you and setting up another mountain, you can't imagine that none of the three generals under your command is loyal to you." Qin Jun said, laughing even louder.

The conversation between the two of them could not avoid other people. At the moment, it was heard by many spectators.

At the beginning, many people were a little dazed and didn't understand why Qin Jun had betrayed Ding Ning, but as the two of them talked more and more, the doubts in everyone's hearts gradually opened up, and each of them stared wide-eyed. eyes.

Because they discovered a shocking news, that is Ding Ning's identity, it is not as simple as Ding Xingxiu, he turned out to be the first suzerain of Tianmo Sect, Ding Laomo!
Old Demon Ding is not dead, he is still alive!

This news shocked everyone.

The deeds of Ding Laomo are not only spread in the blood world, but also in the cultivation world. However, after Qin Jun said that Ding Laomo died in a catastrophe, people in the cultivation world are very happy, while people in the blood world are infinite. emotion.

But who would have thought that Old Devil Ding survived and returned as Ding Xingxiu to take revenge.

Everyone gradually understood the current situation. No wonder the tyrants and evil kings of the Heavenly Demon Sect died one after another. It was because they betrayed Ding Ning. Ding Ning came back to take revenge and beheaded him.

What about Lei Mengsheng and Yelu Kunlun, are they related to Qin Jun's betrayal of Ding Ning?

Qin Jun didn't say it, and many people thought of it.

As for why Qin Jun is not afraid of others knowing this, because he knows that he is about to die, and it is impossible to escape from Ding Ning's hands, and he doesn't care if others know the truth.

But Lei Mengsheng and Yelu Kunlun didn't want Qin Jun to talk anymore.

Some things should not be exposed.

The two looked at each other, and immediately turned into two beams of light and killed them.

(End of this chapter)

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