The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 921 926 He is Old Devil Ding! 2 more

Chapter 921 926 He is Old Devil Ding! 2 more

This news was extremely shocking to other people, and it was even more unimaginable to everyone in the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The person they shouted and killed before turned out to be the first suzerain, and no one could adapt to such a change of identity in such a short period of time.

"Is this true?" Elder Fu Mo and other elders were still full of shock. They wanted to hear Qin Jun's own explanation.

Was the death of the first suzerain really caused by the betrayal of Qin Jun, the tyrant, and the evil king?
The matter is of great importance, and every elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect wants to ask Qin Jun carefully.

But Qin Jun might not be able to answer them directly, because Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng killed Ding Ning, and their attack was not only aimed at Ding Ning, but also at Qin Jun.

Murder and kill.

It is undoubtedly the best choice. As long as Ding Ning and Qin Jun are dead, their identities and status in the cultivation world will not change much.

In a flash, Ding Ning appeared in another place, Qin Jun's Nascent Soul was already in his hands, it can be said that he has completely controlled Qin Jun's power of life and death.

"It seems that they not only want me to die, but also want you to die together." Ding Ning said to Qin Jun. He could clearly feel that Lei Mengsheng and Lei Mengsheng didn't hold anything back just now. The comrades-in-arms did not show mercy either, and just followed suit to kill the two of them.

Qin Jun didn't say a word. To Lei Mengsheng and him, once he fell into Ding Ning's hands, he would have no use value, and it was not surprising that he was given up.

As for the other reasons, it is not difficult for Qin Jun to guess. The other party wanted to keep his innocence, so how could he allow him to reveal that the two of them had joined forces to deal with Ding Ning.

Lei Mengsheng and Yelu Kunlun failed in the first blow, so they continued to attack Ding Ning for the second time.

After evading several times, Ding Ning looked at Qin Jun's Nascent Soul and couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that one day he would protect the life and death of Qin Jun, a traitor.

Of course, he didn't really want to protect Qin Jun, but Qin Jun's Nascent Soul had other uses, how could he allow Qin Jun to be killed by the other party? If he wanted to kill him, Ding Ning had to do it himself.

"Since everyone wants you to die, you should die."

Ding Ning didn't want to take Qin Jun's Nascent Soul to hide. Shua, he flipped his palm, and the blood god's banner appeared again. At this time, the blood god's banner had increased from the fifth side to the sixth side, reaching six bloody sides. The level of the gods.

Qin Jun is no stranger to the blood god's banner. When they betrayed Ding Ning and attacked Ding Ning, they collided with the blood god's banner. The height of the god's banner, unexpectedly, Ding Ning made another blood god's banner, and judging by the posture, it is not far from the seven blood god's banner.

"Do you think that if you sacrifice the banner of the blood refining god, will there be another blood god?" Ding Ning asked.

"Winner and loser, you..." Qin Jun was talking, Ding Ning didn't wait for him to finish, "You better shut up." He threw Qin Jun's Nascent Soul to the blood god's banner and began to sacrifice.

The Blood God Banner continuously absorbed the power of Qin Jun Yuanying.

At this time, Lei Mengsheng and Yelu Kunlun came to Ding Ning, saw that Ding Ning used Qin Jun's Nascent Soul to refine weapons, and immediately destroyed them, not wanting to make the blood god banner stronger.

Once the blood god banner regenerates a blood god, Ding Ning's strength will be stronger again, completely reaching the height of the previous weapon.

Ding Ning and the two fought together to prevent them from interrupting the sacrifice of the blood god's banner.

The sacrifice continued, and this scene was watched by everyone. This time, whether Ding Ning sacrificed the blood refining god banner in front of everyone, or used a strong Mahayana like Qin Jun as the material for the sacrifice.

A strong Mahayana, right in front of everyone's eyes, lost his vitality a little bit, and went to death. For everyone, the impact was not small.

Just like that, people watched Qin Jun's Nascent Soul shriveled, and then turned into a puff of smoke, dissipating in the world.

Qin Jun fell.

This scene makes people feel unreal, especially for the demon cultivators of the blood world. A powerful person who can stir up the situation in the blood world should not be taken to refine weapons, but It is right to die in battle.

"I, Snake Impermanence, represent the entire Snake Mountain. I implore Daoist He to take action and kill this demon, otherwise this person will definitely bring disaster to our cultivation world."

The great elder of Snake Mountain ran to Taishangmen's giant spaceship and asked for action to eradicate Ding Ning, using Ding Ning's threat to the cultivation world as an excuse.

At the same time, in front of another giant spaceship, several elders of Wuji Daomen are also asking the most powerful people to take action. They hope that the Mu family will join the battle and kill Ding Ning.

Afterwards, the elders of these two top ten forces went to Fengmenzong, Wuxiangmen, and Jianzhong, and also asked the strongest of them to take action.

The ten powerful forces who were asked to come to the door naturally knew that the Snake Mountain and Wuji Taoist sect wanted to protect the safety of the cultivation world, and the most important thing was to avenge their strongest.

Snake Qingwu and Li Wuji both fell into Ding Ning's hands, and it is very likely that Ding Ning also took them to refine weapons. Find a way to ask other strong people to take action.

Today's Snake Mountain and Wuji Daomen belong to the same disease, and after the request was fruitless, people from the two forces got together and seemed to be plotting something.

"As long as that person doesn't show weakness, no one will take it easily." Someone expressed his opinion on this.

"Yeah, a person who thought he was dead suddenly came back alive. Although he doesn't know why his realm has dropped and he needs to practice again, but he is that old devil Ding after all. Once he makes a move, it means provoking the other party. I'm not sure. Who dares you to intervene."

The Mahayana realm powerhouses present, no matter they were from the cultivation world or the blood world, still chose to wait and see what happened. At this time, the Blood God Banner had almost absorbed Qin Jun's Yuanying's power.

Qin Jun's Nascent Soul was completely shriveled, leaving only a layer of skin thickness, showing the color of dead gray, obviously drained of all strength.

Ding Ning felt that the blood god's banner was strengthened again, his figure changed suddenly, and he came a hundred meters away from Lei Mengsheng and Yelu Kunlun, and said softly to the blood god's banner: "Come."

With a whoosh, the Blood God Banner flew in front of Ding Ning.

The blood god banner is still six-sided, with six blood gods on it, lifelike, although there is no seventh blood god, it is also within Ding Ning's expectation.

When I was on the five-faced blood god banner before, the sixth face was born by absorbing the Nascent Soul of Snake Qingwu and Li Wuji. It is impossible to absorb Qin Jun's Nascent Soul on the basis of the sixth face For another qualitative change to occur, at least it must be a Nascent Soul that needs four strong Mahayana realms.

Ding Ning held the Blood God Banner in his hand, his mind was immersed for a moment, and he looked forward again.

"If the Nascent Souls of the two of them are also used to sacrifice the Blood Refining God Banner, the seventh side will probably be done." Ding Ning whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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