The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 926 931 He must be very miserable! 1 more

Chapter 926 931 He must be miserable! 1 more

"I don't know what happened to that person? With so many of us injecting strength, he will have to peel off his skin even if he doesn't die."

The speaker, while speaking, kept inputting power, occasionally took out some spirit stones, absorbed them, and replenished his power.

"I heard from the Great Elder that the more power we inject, the stronger the power of this large formation will be. Now it is filled with mist that can corrupt everything. Even the strong in the Tribulation Realm cannot bear it."

"Zizi, this big formation turned out to be so powerful. I really want to see the miserable state of that guy at this time. Will it be corroded by the fog and only bones remain?"

The disciples of Snake Mountain were discussing in low voices, discussing whether Ding Ning was dead or alive.

The disciples of the Wuji Dao Sect at the other end were also curious about Ding Ning's situation in the formation, but unfortunately, even though they arranged the formation, they couldn't see the situation in the formation clearly.

Everyone didn't know whether Ding Ning was alive or dead, but if the Great Elder didn't speak, no one would stop.

Inside the big formation are the enemies who killed their most powerful people. They are now avenging the strong people of the sect. Right now, they only need to inject power to cause damage to the enemies. When everyone thinks of this, they can't help but speed up their energy injection.

3000 people focused on the energy of the formation, causing the corrosive fog in the formation to increase rapidly.

However, the corrosive mist did not corrode Ding Ning as they imagined. Instead, it was all sucked into Ding Ning's dantian, and then spit out black beads.

If they saw Ding Ning resolve the crisis of the corrosive fog like this, they would definitely widen their eyes.

Because in this way, they are just wasting their energy in vain, and they will not cause any harm to Ding Ning at all.

However, they didn't know anything about it, imagining that Ding Ning must suffer inhuman pain, and couldn't help speeding up the output of power.

The people around watching the battle are all much closer at this time, because there is a formation, there is no need to worry about being affected.

The children of the two top ten forces wanted to know about Ding Ning's situation, so why didn't the others want to.

On Taishangmen's giant spaceship, many people were discussing this matter, even the elders of Taishangmen couldn't help asking Master Xiang He, wanting to know what Master He thought.

"Nine consecutive magic formations are known as the ten strongest formations in the world. Naturally, there is a reason for this. At this time, so many people are infusing power at the same time. Presumably, turbid and rotten air will be generated in the formation!" Daoist He road.

"What is turbid and rotten gas? Is it fatal?" the elder asked, knowing very little about the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation.

"The turbid rotten gas is a kind of gas in the seventh heaven. It can corrupt everything. Once the creatures are wrapped in the turbid rotten gas, they will eventually be corroded and completely disappeared, not even bones left."

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be miserable for Old Demon Ding to watch his body being corroded?" someone continued.

"No, he has an ancient demon inheritance, and he can hide in it. In this way, wouldn't it be resolved by him?"

Master Crane smiled lightly: "It's not that simple, as long as you are in the big formation, it's useless to hide, because the turbid and rotten air fills the whole big formation, but hiding in the God Demon Inheritance Tower can indeed avoid the turbid and rotten air." Qi damage, but this is only temporary, as long as he can't break the formation, he will eventually be unable to bear it, not to mention, in the large formation, there is not only the turbid and rotten Qi, but also the power of heavenly thunder that is specially aimed at the gods and demons that inherited him."

"In this way, people who are trapped by the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation must be in danger."

Judgment like that of He Zhenren, Fengmenzong, Mujia, Jianzhong and other powerful people also expressed the same opinion. People's opinions are quite consistent. Ding Ning must be miserable at this time.

"Hey, people from the Dong family also joined in, pouring power into the formation." Immediately afterwards, someone discovered that the disciples of the Dong family had also joined the Snake Mountain and the Wuji Dao Sect.

They were the same as Snake Mountain and Wuji Daomen. The most powerful died in Ding Ning's hands. However, they did not dare to retaliate because of Ding Ning's arrogance. Now that Ding Ning is trapped in the formation, they are all bold.

People from the Yelu family also came, the family Yelu Zheng, and the heads of several branches, such as Yelu Banyue, etc., were among them. Before the ancestor Yelu Kunlun could speak, they all joined the battle under the order of Yelu Zheng.

Originally there were about 3000 people, but now that there are more people from the Dong family and Yelu family, the number has soared to 1.

1 people poured power into a large formation together, and one can imagine the quantitative changes caused.

The instrumental spirit in the large formation felt the most vividly. It saw the corrosive mist appearing like a flood, and it swept over in an instant.

If Ding Ning hadn't opened his mouth and inhaled wildly into his dantian, Qi Ling Daotong would have hid in the God Demon Inheritance Tower long ago.

"Fortunately, my master is powerful." Qi Lingdaotong patted his chest, frightened, and the corrosive mist increased so much that it was frightening.

How does it know that there are four top ten forces outside the big formation, urging the big formation, so many monks, concentrating their strength, knowing it without thinking, it must be terrifying.

Too many ants can sometimes kill an elephant.

The massive increase in the corrosive mist made Ding Ning's speed of absorbing and gazing at the black beads also increase.

There were more than 30 beads piled up in front of Ding Ning. Qi Ling Daotong stood aside, Ding Ning spit out one, and it counted.

Snake Mountain and Wuji Daomen saw the addition of the Dong family and the Yelu family, and they worked even harder. According to the elders, as long as they keep pouring their strength into the formation, they can't help but be able to take revenge, and at the same time, they can complete the feat of beheading the strong in the Mahayana realm , even if this kind of beheading is a fusion of everyone's power, it is still something to be proud of.

Let me ask, how many lowly monks have participated in the action of beheading the powerful Mahayana realm.

But now, they are doing it, and once successful, it will surely become a legendary story that future generations will talk about.

People from the four top ten powers all poured in their strength without asking for money, especially the Yelu family and the Dong family, who squeezed out all their power through excessive consumption.

Their hatred for Ding Ning surpassed everyone else.

Yelu Kunlun and Lei Mengsheng opened their eyes one after another, and they almost recovered.

The two of them are naturally very clear about the joining of the Yelu family and the Dong family.

"Brother Yelu, so many people hate that guy to death, why don't you come and let everyone appreciate his miserable state?" Lei Mengsheng said with a smile.

"Okay." Yelu Kunlun also wanted to witness how Ding Ning was slowly melted away by the turbid rot, especially now that so many people poured their strength, the turbid rot in the formation must have reached a scary level.

Thinking of this, Yelu Kunlun swiped at the Nine Heavens Demon Refining Formation with one hand, and at the same time sent a seal into it.


I saw a light curtain formed in the void, above it was the scene in the big formation, and everyone's attention was focused on it for a while.

What about Ding Ning?
Just when people wanted to know how Ding Ning was, suddenly the screen changed and Ding Ning appeared in people's sight.


The scene on the screen instantly stunned everyone.

What's the situation?

(End of this chapter)

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